
Serializing JENA OntModel Changes

I need to keep a couple of [Jena] Models (OntModels, specifically) synchronized across a socket, and I'd like to do this one change at a time (for various reasons -- one being that each Statement added or removed from the OntModels is also adapting a JESS rule base.). I am able to listen to the add/remove events on the OntModels and the...

Synchronizing Jena OntModels with bnodes

This question relates to rcreswick's question on Serializing Jena OntModel Changes. I have Jena models on two (or more) machines that need to remain synchronized over sockets. The main issue that I need to address is that the models may contain anonymous nodes (bnodes), which can originate in any of the models. Question: Am I on the r...

How to Query Individuals using OWL DL Query in Protege 4?

Hello, How do I qery individulas in my ontology, here is a description of what I would like to do (similar to SQL queries): I have three classes (components, features, and polarity). The polarity value can be positive_polarity or negative_polarity, both are subclasses of polarity. a_component hasFeature a_Feature a_Feautre hasPolarit...

Anyone could tell me please what kind of RDF ontologies related to tourism exists at the moment?

I'm setting up a tourism website and wish to use semantic web in it. I'm also interested in using RDF ontologies. So, I was wondering if anyone could tell me, if exists anything for this, that says "This Hotel is located in Foo" or "This Restaurant has a 3 points rating in the Foo community" or "This itinerary it's for three days and it...

Classes / instances in Ontology

Hi, I'm trying to comprehend ontology basics. Here's an example: car (class) 2009 VW CC (sub-class or instance?) My neighbor's 2009 VW CC (instance) My issue is understanding what is "2009 VW CC" (as a car model). If you're making product model a sub-class in the ontology - all of a sudden your ontology becomes bloated with thousand...

Ontology - Conflict of same individuals property and datatype property

I am having a problem with "same individuals property" in protege, when i run a reasoner (pellet 1.5 or fact++) Lets take ontology example thing has class sons A and B, A has sons C and D. B, C and D have individuals of the same class. Cant i say a individual C is "same individual" as individual B, and then add also individual D is...

In Semantic Web, are OWL EL, RL, QL all instances of DL? What is the difference? More inside.

I'm using the pellet reasoner on a number of ontologies and have run the info method on a list of IRIs (in this case URLs). The two metrics that interest me are the DL Expressivity and OWL Profile. The OWL Profiles I'm getting range from "OWL 2," "OWL 2 DL," "OWL 2 EL," "OWL 2 QL," "OWL 2 RL." When is says "OWL 2," does that mean the o...

Can a semantic web Ontology have the same expressivity but a different profile?

I'm analyzing some ontologies with the pellet reasoner, but I'm getting some strange results. When I perform the "pellet info" method on an ontology, and compare the OWL Profile to the DL Expressivity, I sometimes get ontologies that have different expressivities bu the same profile. That seems at least plausible, but then I am also find...

Ontological databases for professions and skills

where can I find a semantic ontology database of professions and skills? I need a database that would properly depict relations such as marketing->online marketing->search engine marketing ...

how we can create a quesry based on SPARQL to see the value of some data type property?

I create this query: PREFIX VB: <http://VBnet#&gt; SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x VB:HasName ?y } HasName is one datatype property. When I run this query in Protege, system show me just the subject without any value for datatype property. mwans ?y is empty. Also when I run in jena system show me just:(String) How can I see the val...

how can i add some trrriple to my ontology by jena?

I have instance1 of class1 and instance2 of class2. Also i have defined HasName(object property)in my ontology .Now, how can i add the tiple (instance1 HasName instance2) to my ontology by jena? ...

Modify the predefined ontology by using jena.

Hi every one. I created my ontology by Protege. my ontology has some classes and instances. Now i'm going to add other classes and instances by jena that's why i write the below code to create a new class and one instance in this class. the name of new class is "person" and the name of new instance is "base". when i run this code in jav...