
Is there an RDF ontology for blogs?

I'm setting up a blog, and I'm fascinated by RDF and the idea of the sematic web. I'd like to use RDFa to embed sematic data into my blog. There are several well know semantic web ontologies like FOAF for decribing people, ical for events, geo for places. Is there an ontology for blogs? Something to say "This site is a blog. Foo is a bl...

Depiction vs. Depicts

I'm working with FOAF and RDFa, and struggling to figure out whether I should be using foaf:depiction or foaf:depicts and the correct way to use them. Here's what I've already established: <div class="profile" typeof="foaf:Person"> <p>Employee Name: <span property="foaf:name">Fred Flintstone</span></p> <p><img src="http://www.example.co...

What is a good Javascript RDFa parser implementation?

I am looking to implement a client side RDFa based formatting for a web application. This would be similar to Mark Birbeck's ubiquity-rdfa project. Mark's project looks fantastic but it has at least two drawbacks: It is slow. Adding RDFa formatting to a simple page causes a noticeable delay in page loading. It is complex. The ubiqu...

RDFa vs. microformats

What do you think is best? RDFa or microformats? In the future what do you think: Will prevail both (using tools like GRRDL to make them "talk") or only one (like what happen with HD-DVD and Blu-ray)? ...

Understanding what SPARQL is

This is a terribly beginner series of questions, but after reading through a good 30 SPARQL tutorials I can't seem to wrap my head around what SPARQL is or how to begin using it. Is it executed on the client side? Is microsoft somehow going to be able to mess this up? Can you use a common relational database (SQL)? Are there particul...

RDFa for videos rendered in javascript

I am trying to add RDFa tags to videos so they can be indexed by Google and Yahoo. However the object and embed code for the videos are inserted by javascript, so they aren't actually in html. Can I put a duplicate object in a noscript tag? Is there another solution? http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&amp;answe...

Anyone could tell me please what kind of RDF ontologies related to tourism exists at the moment?

I'm setting up a tourism website and wish to use semantic web in it. I'm also interested in using RDF ontologies. So, I was wondering if anyone could tell me, if exists anything for this, that says "This Hotel is located in Foo" or "This Restaurant has a 3 points rating in the Foo community" or "This itinerary it's for three days and it...

DTD with RFDa and XHTML 1.0 Transitional support

Is there a W3C document type available with both XHTML 1.0 transitional support and RDFa support? I am aware of the XHTML+RDFa 1.0 (http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-1.dtd) DTD but that is XHTML 1.1 which is not compatible with my current website. It seems that there is also a HTML4+RDFa 1.0 (http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/html4-rdf...

RDFa / Microformat - Recipe markup standards

I wonder if anyone can help? After Google announced that it will take note of RDFa / Microformats for online recipes, I've been looking into this for a couple of recipe based sites I run. However we simply don't have all the required data to fulfill any of the standards. Does this matter? Will search engine crawlers still make the most...

Which rdfa parser for java that supports currently used rdfa attributes?

I am building an app in Java using Jena for semantic information scraping. I am looking for a RDFa parser that would allow me to correctly extract all the RDFa statements. Specifically, one that extracts info about namespaces used and presuming that RDFa tags are correct in the page produces correct triples, ones that distinguish between...

where's should i put RDFa Events mark-up?

I've decided to include data markup for my events site to make it easier for search engines to use my data. I've decided to go for RDFa over microformats and microdata, however I'm unsure how to best use it... my site: 1 page with a list of events with the essential details for each, each event is clickable taking you to a page with th...

Reading Ontology with Jena, feeding it with RDF triples, and producing correct RDF string output.

Hi, I have an ontology, which I read in with Jena to help me scrape some RDFa triples from a website. I don't currently store these triples in a Jena model, but that is fairly straight forward to do, its on my to do next list. The area I am struggling with, though, is to get Jena to output correct RDF for the ontology I have. The ontol...

RDFa content implementation for products

I'm knee deep in the nightmare that is RDFa implementation for product information and am curious if anyone out there can provide some insight. Google flat out say's not to hide information just for the sake of providing data to machines unless it is information that is specific to machines. I could not find any information on the subje...

Invalid markup with XFBML and RDFa

EDIT: I switched back to XHTML 1.0 Transitional. It renders fine, but isn't valid. Help is still appreciated. Hello. I am trying to integrate the Facebook plugins into my website, PlugB. To make them validate at W3 validator, I added a XHTML + RDFa doctype. But I am getting errors with Iframes and FBML. How can I fix this? http://val...

Visualization with JavaScript of data from a JSON source?

I would like to use a library like the Google Visualization API to draw charts, but taking the data as JSON from an external source. The context is to use some SPARQL service to extract the data from a XHTML+RDFa source, as described here. But that latter page has to use a trick, but points out that it would be great that these visualiza...