
How do we modify OpenCV and generate new DLLs

Hello! The OpenCV library is great. Most functions have the required functionality, however, I would like to modify some of the functions and recompile so that it fits my specific needs. how would we recompile the dlls and other files? is there a built-in script or do we need to write all the scripts ourselves? ...

Problem using distance transform with new OpenCV C++ interface / How to ensure that Mat is a binary mask?

Hello everyone I'm porting my code to use the new OpenCV C++ interface. I like the possibility to strictly type everything, so derive all my images and matrices from the template class: Mat_<type> var; Now I have problems using the distanceTransform function. My code does something like this: Mat_<float> imgGray; Mat_<unsigned char>...

Has any one detcted any other object then face etc

I have done face detection using some demo files and some harr cascades that found in emgu CV sample files but what should i do to train my program to detect other things like phones or bucket or any other object. So far i have googled and found that i have to do some haartraning for that i need some 800 negative samples and 2000 positi...

Detecting an unplugged capture device (OpenCV)

I'm attempting to detect if my capture camera gets unplugged. My assumption was that a call to cvQueryFrame would return NULL, however it continues to return the last valid frame. Does anyone know of how to detect camera plug/unplug events with OpenCV? This seems so rudimentary...what am I missing? ...

programming education tree

I was wondering, is there a some kind of infographic or tutorial out there that describes the various branching of programming education? Let me provide an example: I'd like to create a camera tracking program using, say, Intel IPP and Xcode. This is a pretty advanced project for a beginner, so I'd like to know what I have to know how t...

In OpenCV 2.1: How to assign a matrix to a submatrix of another matrix?

Assume I have a matrix A = cv::Mat(3,3,CV_32F) and a matrix B = cv::Mat(2,2,CV_32F). Let's say A has all zeros and B has all ones. I want to assign the values of B to the upper left corner of A. How can I do this? I tried the following: A(cv::Rect_<int>(0,0,2,2)) = B But this doesn't seem to work. However assigning a scalar value to...

does cvrelease delete the allocated memory?

Hello. This might be the wrong way of doing things, but I pass an array from LabView into my C++ function as a simple array of char. I then create an OpenCV image and point the pointer to my data that was passed. At the end of the function I use cvReleaseImage to delete all the OpenCV images, would that remove the data off my original p...

cxcore210d.dll missing

hi all, I'm trying to use OpenCV in Visual C++ express edition 2008. I've installed OpenCV 2.1 and added necessary include and lib directories/files to my project dependencies. A system PATH is also present for "C:\OpenCV2.1\bin". When i compile and run the example program to open an image, I get a runtime error saying cxcore210d.dll i...

Writing 1 channel images to videos with OpenCV

Hi, I want to write some 1 channel gray images as videos. Here is the code I use: cv::VideoWriter video("file.avi",CV_FOURCC('X','V','I','D'),25,cv::Size(image.cols,image.rows),0); //.... video<<image; I get the following error: highgui/cvcap_ffmpeg.cpp:1065: virtual bool CvVideoWriter_FFMPEG::writeFrame(const IplImage*): Assertion `...

OpenCV 2.1 with Qt Creator on Windows

I have OpenCV 2.1 and Qt (Creator) installed on Windows. Using the OpenCV C API I can link, build and run apps in Qt using OpenCV. However, the when using the OpenCV C++ API, I am getting linking problems. This is probably due to C++ ABI problems, since I'm using the pre-built binaries (built with MSVC-2008) for Windows and Qt Creator us...

mouse handler in opencv for large images, wrong x,y coordinates?

Hello, i am using images that are 2048 x 500 and when I use cvShowImage, I only see half the image. This is not a big deal because the interesting part is on the top half of the image. Now, when I use the mouseHandler to get the x,y coordinates of my clicks, I noticed that the coordinate for y (the dimension that doesnt fit in the scree...

Eye Detection Using Opencv

I am working on object detection (eyes) using OpenCV. Following is the code as it is not able to identify an eye object (exactly or near by). Can anyone help me solve this problem? if(imageView.image) { cvSetErrMode(CV_ErrModeParent); IplImage *image = [self CreateIplImageFromUIImage:imageView.image]; // Scaling down IplImage ...

Trying to capture display output for real-time analysis with OpenCV; I need help with interfacing with the OS for input

Hi, I want to apply operations from the OpenCV computer vision library, in real time, to video captured from my computer display. The idea in this particular case is to detect interesting features during gameplay in a popular game and provide the user with an enhanced experience; but I could think of several other scenarios where one wo...

OpenCV 'cvQueryFrame' non-blocking on OS X?

Hello, when I perform a cvQueryFrame on Windows, the API blocks until an image is delivered. On Mac OS X, I am at 100% CPU utilization, while only querying for an image and displaying it in a window. I am at the latest SVN version. Can anyone confirm my experience? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a work-around? My loop code looks ...