I have a problem with javaCV:
CvMemStorage storage = CvMemStorage.create();
CvSeq lines = cvHoughLines2( houghInputImage, storage.getPointer(),
cv.CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC, rho, Math.PI/theta, threshold, param1, param2 );
// ...
This code doesn't release the memory. Used memory groving until my laptop die...
We have to create an application which can take a photograph and can recognize the face and can distort it in a certain way. Below is an example:
Any ideas ?
is it possible using OpenCV library only ?
import opencv.cv as cv
import opencv.highgui as hg
import sys
roi_x0 = 0
roi_y0 = 0
roi_x1 = 0
roi_y1 = 0
startDraw = 0
image = cv.IplImage
window_name = "Press c to capture"
draw = "Mark"
crop = "ROI"
result = "Result"
def on_mouse(event,x,y,flag,param):
global startDraw,im,roi_x0,roi_x1,roi_y0,roi_y1
if(event == hg.CV_EVENT_LBU...
I have a compile problem I can't figure out for OpenCV2.1 in c++.
Here is a simple test code I am trying to compile:
#include <iostream>
#include "cv.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello World" << endl; // prints !!!Hello World!!!
cv::Mat mtx;
return 0;
I a compile error with an undefined referenc...
I have installed Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition, Version 9.0.30729.1 SP.
The command line compiler that comes with it is at Version 15.00.30729.01 for 80x86.
I have installed OpenCV 20.0a.
I want to compile the following program:
#include <cv.h>
#include <cxcore.h>
#include <highgui.h>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
I have three gyroscope values, pitch, roll and yaw. I would like to add Kalman filter to get more accurate values. I found the opencv library, which implements a Kalman filter, but I can't understand it how is it really work.
Could you give me any help which can help me? I didn't find any related topics on the internet.
I tried to ...
I need to access a word document with an image and then process that image for patterns. Is there a way to read a word document and store it as IplImage in opencv?
I am having trouble with cvPyrMeansShiftFiltering() function in OpenCV. Any call to it results in an "Assertion failed" message.
The following code fails on the line that calls cvPryMeanShiftFiltering:
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include "cxcore.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string imageFile =...
I'm trying to save a video to a file using OpenCV.
But when I want to use more advanced codecs like DIVX or something I get the following error as soon as i call operator <<. For example the following snippet will bring up the error:
cv::VideoWriter testwriter("C:\\test.avi", CV_FOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), 25, cv::Size(500,500...
I'm trying to build an OpenCV-based project using CMake, running on Linux. So far my CMakeLists.txt files looks something like
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (my-executable ${OpenCV_LIBS})
but this results in dynamically linked libraries. How do I link with static libraries?
Update: The default build for Ope...
I'm not sure if this is the right place for asking these kind of question but I have no better place in mind.
After LOTS of coding in OpenCV, I'm trying to migrate to new C++ interface of openCV which has been introduced in OpenCV 2.0. but I keep getting strange errors.
For example:
trying to use pre-built dlls and libs, I got e...
I am playing a video using OpenCV, my problem is since I am using a loop until the video ends, and I use cvWaitKey to check if 'q' was hit. I have registered a callback function to handle mouse events such that when the window showing the video is clicked program exits. I had to do all of this because closing the window by clicking the c...
I compiled and installed OpenCV (last version from the SVN) on Mac Os X (this is maybe the source of the problem).
The sample works, but the face detection algorithm seems slow to me. The detection time for a face is around 400ms (I just used the example included). The FPS is then quite low.
On youtube and all, I see super-smooth ...
I tried giving cvCreateCameraCapture an URL of the camera viewing on internet.
However, I can't get any video playing.
I am writing in C language.
I am applying common image transforms to my live webcam capture. I want to display the original webcam in one window and the image with the transforms applied to in another window. However, I am getting same image (filtered) on both windows, I am wondering if I am limited by the OpenCV API or if I am missing something? My code snippet lo...
i am developing an application using opencv that manages a set of jpg images (user specifies the folder) and generates a video chronoconically based on EXIF date.
my application must fullfilth the condition:
1) allow any fps value passed by user as parameter (any value between 1 and 100).
at the moment i choosed the CV_FOURCC('...
I'd like to make an app that takes a video input (e.g. using your webcam), and dynamically render something fun on top of it based on its content. For example, I'll detect user's face in the video and change the color of his/her lips. Probably I can ask user to specify the contour of his/her lip using some closed curve with a few control...
Hi all,
I have a problem with cropping image using OpenCV library on iPhone. I have an image with selected area and I'd like to crop image with this area. But the new image isn't map to rectangle and the new image has also blue color of text.
I use that code to crop image:
IplImage *src = [OpenCV CreateIplImageFromUIImage:image];
I have a method that does some processing on an IplImage and the method works as it should if the image is 640x480 pixels. But if it is 480x640 pixels, it does't not... because the image needs to be rotated to become 640x480 again, but then I need to rotate it back to 480x640 or translate ther coordinates taken from cvHaarDetectOb...
Hi All. I have a problem here and need your help. I've been trying to capture keyboard strokes from a created window using cvWaitKey() function. The function works fine if I called the cvWaitKey from the same thread that created the window, but when I create the window from a thread and call cvWaitKey() from another thread it doesn't ret...