
What is DOT3 lighting?

An answer to my question suggests that DOT3 lighting can help with OpenGL ES rendering, but I'm having trouble finding a decent definition of what DOT3 lighting is. Edit 1 iPhone related information is greatly appreciated. ...

OpenGL ES Light Question

Hello, I am new to OpenGL ES and are developing in Objective-C for iPhone. What I am trying to understand is how light is positioned in my frustum. This is how I do it: I create a square and put it as "floor" in my frustum. I am putting the light, right above, in the middle of the floor and point the direction of the light right dow...

street light and shadow in opengl ?

To make a scene street illuminated, i tried, point source light, used glMaterial and used ambient light...... I get a scene fully illuminated, not exactly the way like street light, can anyone share resources or explain how exactly i can achieve this?? I went through many light resources in net, could not properly understand.... ...