
Multi-headed display system

What tools, APIs, libraries are out there that I could use to create a system capable of rendering hi-res 3D scenes in real time in a display made of 4, 8, 9, 16, etc screens/projectors? For a setup with 8 projectors I should go for clustered solutions or should I stay with a single node featuring 4 dual headed video cards? Does someone ...

What's the easiest way to pick a facet in OpenGL?

I want to find out which facet is under the mouse cursor in an OpenGL application. Using the selection buffer seems quite inaccurate to me. Are there other solutions? ...

Offscreen rendering to a texture in a win32 service

I'm trying to write a C++ windows service that can render to a texture. I've got the code working as a regular console app, but when run as a service wglGetProcAddress() returns NULL. Can anyone tell me if this is possible, and if so, what do I need to do to make OpenGL work inside a service process? Edit: I still haven't got this ...

Get depth buffer from QGLPixelBuffer

I'm using OpenGL in a QT application. At some point I'm rendering to a QGLPixelBuffer. I need to get the depth buffer of the image, what I'd normally accomplish with glReadPixels(..., GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, ...); I tried making the QGLPixelBuffer current and then using glReadPixels() but all I get is a white image. Here's my code bufferCa...

What is the best way to debug OpenGL?

I find that a lot of the time, OpenGL will show you it failed by not drawing anything. I'm trying to find ways to debug OpenGL programs, by inspecting the transformation matrix stack and so on. What is the best way to debug OpenGL? If the code looks and feels like the vertices are in the right place, how can you be sure they are? ...

finding center of 2D triangle

(Yes, unfortunately, this is a homework question) I've been given a struct for a 2D triangle with x and y coordinates, a rotation variable, and so on. From the point created by those x and y coordinates, I am supposed to draw a triangle around the point and rotate it appropriately using the rotation variable. I'm familiar with drawing...

Console menu updating OpenGL window

I am making an application that does some custom image processing. The program will be driven by a simple menu in the console. The user will input the filename of an image, and that image will be displayed using openGL in a window. When the user selects some processing to be done to the image, the processing is done, and the openGL windo...

glVertexAttrib*: which attribute indices are predefined?

the glVertexAttrib family of functions allows to add generic attributes to each vertex. You can set a index that the data will be associated with. However, you can't choose the index arbitrarily, since I discovered that using indices lower than 4 will break standard (Normal/TexCoord) attributes, plus 0 is the vertex position. How can I f...

Why does wgluseFontBitmaps consume too much memory on some computers?

I'm creating a game in OpenGL which loads the entire Arial Unicode MS font when it loads. The program uses on avg. 10 megs of memory on my computer (op sys is WinXP SP2) and runs without problems, but when I move the program to my laptop (with Vista) the wglUseFontBitmaps hangs and allocates memory fluently and never returns. This proble...

Porting OpenGL project from Visual Studio to Xcode

I'm in the process of converting/migrating a Visual Studio OpenGL project to an Xcode (iPhone) OpenGL project. Do you have any experience or suggestions? ...

C# OpenGL

Hi everyone... Is there free OpenGL support libraries for C#? If so, which one do I use and where do I find sample projects ? EDIT #1 Does C# provide classes for OpenGL ? Thanks ...

Why won't my OpenGL draw anything?

I'm working on porting my open source particle engine test from SDL to SDL + OpenGL. I've managed to get it compiling, and running, but the screen stays black no matter what I do. main.cpp: #include "glengine.h" int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { //Creat...

Texturing Spheres with Cubemaps (not reflection maps)

I want to texture a sphere with a cube map. So far my research has thrown up many many results on Google involving making OpenGL auto generate texture coordinates, but I want to generate my own coordinates. Given an array of coordinates comprising the vertexes of an imperfect sphere (height mapped but essentially a sphere) centered on 0...

How do I draw text with GLUT / OpenGL in C++?

How do I draw a text string onto the screen using GLUT / OpenGL drawing functions? ...

How do I get the current mouse position in C++ / OpenGL?

I know that I can use a Mouse callback function for when a user clicks the mouse, but what if I want to know the current x/y position without the user clicking? Will I have to use a different callback that gets called on any mouse movement and keep track of the x/y myself or is there a function I can call within GLUT/OpenGL to get it? ...

Free OpenGL-accelerated GNUPlot-like tool for Mac OS X?

I am using GNUplot to plot large volumes of data that I want to visualize in 3D - e.g., using the pm3d option. This is very slow rendering in software - is there free software that will do this using OpenGL or something? ...

glTail Boot Errors

For all those who don't know what I am talking about, it's glTail from Fudgie. On my Mac at home, I have never been able to get glTail to work. I have gotten it to work on my work Mac. This is just a last resort, as the past 2 days have been nothing but seems like wasted time. I have the same libraries installed: Ruby 1.8.6, Gem 1.3.1,...

Limit of OpenGL displayList size

Does anyone know if putting too many OpenGL calls into a displaylist can cause it to fail? If so, does anyone have an estimate for how many calls might do this? Is it related to video memory? I'm calling OpenGL from JOGL, but I don't think that's significant. ...

Is GLUT dead?

After reading a discussion on Ubuntu Forums concerning GLUT vs. FreeGLUT. Is GLUT dead for graphics programming? Is SDL all the rage now for OpenGL programming? ...

Cross platform 2D Vector + Raster API + hardware accelerated - does this exist?

Requirements: Retained graphics mode API For 2D objects only (though 3D transforms of these 2D objects is of interest) Cross-platform Vector graphics drawing Raster compositing + support for opacity masks - hardware accelerated of course... Animation API Package size - can it run in an embedded environment? This is not for a game, bu...