
Plaxo and Facebook's logo on Google's OpenID confirmation page

Cheers, after seeing Stack Overflow's excellent implementation of OpenID, and after seeing what great job Google did with OpenID, I implemented it on a web app I'm working on. During my research I ran into Plaxo as another great RP. Recently, Facebook added some rudimentary OpenID support. It's apparently used for completely different ...

Moving from custom authentication to Open ID.

Anyone have any recommendations on moving from a solely custom DB based authentication to Open ID? Like pitfalls and gotchas. I'd really like to provide both for those who don't like/not into OpenID. This is an ASP.Net MVC application for the record. ...

Implementing OpenID: identifying users

Company I work for wants to publish an internal website to the outside world, but also wants to identify the visitors in some easy way. Some functionality will be visible for all visitors but most must be visible for authenticated visitors. (And some functionality is restricted to admin-visitors.) While management is considering to imple...

Retrieve the formated URL from open_id form

I just added OpenID to my website using the PHP janrain libraries, and I got everything working but I have a question about how to do something. After receiving the openid_url from the user, I pass it to the openid lib, which then processes the url and gets it ready to send to the OP. How can I retrieve that URL? Why I ask is because ...

hi where is my openid

hi i have already user name on stackoverflow website... previously i was logging in using my email and pass... but now it asks me open id? can you tell me how to login to my account ...

Is google generating new openid claimed identifier for localhost?

Hi all, I am running an issue with google openid identifier. I am using dotnetopenauth library (successor of dotnetopenid) in simple mvc project. During tests on localhost I noticed that from time to time google generates new claimed identifier. Why is that? Is it just with localhost? Everything looks okay with different provide...

Can my website *safely* allow logins via Facebook Connect, Google Friend Connect, OpenID, *and* etc?

Is it possible for a website to allow users to log in via multiple different methods, like Facebook Connect, OpenID, etc? Not referring to simultaneous logins of the same user, but wondering if it's possible to have multiple "SSO" options. Is there a side-effect of a user with credentials at, say, OpenID and Facebook logging in as bot...

Create a new user with new openid login authlogic

hey everyone, I've implemented authlogic in a rails site, and I'm trying to get openid to work correctly. So far, you can login just fine as long as you have an existing account, but not so much if you don't. I'd like to be able to automagically create a new account if the identity_url is not already in the database. The problem is th...

OpenID in django without local site accounts

I'm working on a django site, which I want the authentication part to work exactly like how Stack Overflow works. A new user comes to the site, they click on "create new account", choose their OpenID provider, get validated, then an account is created for them with "openiduser4356" or something as the username. The user can then go into ...

How to login without leaving RP by showing the OP login window in iframe ?

How to login without leaving RP by showing the OP login window in iframe ? I am using Openid Provider for the login in my Website. how to implement the login window inside the iframe. ...

Has anyone got django_clickpass working

Am having a number of problems implementing the code from the Washington Post site and they are not providing suppport. Looks like an excellent tool so am persisting but would welcome any tips from those who have gone before. Current error is: Exception Value: (1048, "...

OpenID Integration

Does anyone know of an ASP.NET guide to implementing OpenID and what information can be returned by the OpenID provider? I understand you can get the email address but if someone logs in with their Google OpenID can you get access to their addresses? ...

OpenID equivalence

Has there been discussion around how to resolve equivalent openids? Meaning, I personally have 8 openid providers and the number is sure to grow. Have you discussed a way to make them equivalent during authentication? I put together a solution based on the rel="me" link graph. Agree or disagree?

Simplest way to protect whole folder (with authentication) using MVC and OpenID

I'm really new to and mvc, so I'm a bit lost. I'm managed to log in with OpenID in my application using this Tutorial. But I'm not sure if just setting Session["Admin"] = true is the right path to follow, so far my code is something like this: switch (openid.Response.Status) { case AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated: if ...

how to setCookie in gwt client ?

in my servlet, i have this line CookieManager.getRequestCookieValue(request, "app-openid-identifier"); CookieManager.getRequestCookieValue(request, "app-openid-uniqueid"); in my gwt client composite file, how to i set cookie for "app-openid-identifier" and do "get" to call the servlet? ...

Can't log in to Meta-SO

Hey guys, I'm trying to log into Meta-SO with my open-id that i use with SO, but it doesn't seem to be taking. I get redirected back to Meta-SO and it doesn't log me in. Is anyone else having this problem or am I just crazy? I'm using as my provider, coming from a redirect off of my website. I fully expect this question...

php openid: Why does the library accept some usernames and others cause errors?

Hi, been playing with and tried the following: The first works, the second doesn't. I don't really understand why that is? Cheers flim ...

Why isn't OpenID working for my blog?

I've got it sending an "X-XRDS-Location" header pointing to my Yadis document, and I've also included link entries in the head portion of the HTML. For some reason, however, I still can't use "" to log in anywhere. Thanks for any help! ...

Issues using openid-selector/ dotnet openid

I'm using openid-selector based UI to authenticate user using dotnet openid API. I'm having a small issue, when i select google and cancel and close browser and then open link and select yahoo it redirects me google but not yahoo. i checked that when i click button at bottom on browser status bar it shows correct parameter being sent to...

Cannot get attributes from DotNetOpenId response

I'm trying to figure out how to get the users information after validating via open id. It doesn't matter if I supply a ClaimsRequest or FetchRequest whenever I call response.GetExtension<ClaimsResponse> //Or response.GetExtension<FetchResponse> //Or response.GetUntrustedExtension<ClaimsResponse> // OR response.GetUntrustedExtens...