
How to integrate google's Step2 with acegi security in the Grails Framework?

How to integrate google's Step2 with acegi security ...

Why doesn't Google OpenID provider work with PHP-OpenId on my server?

Hey, I'm using PHP-OpenId 2.1.3 which I've unzipped on my server here (this is the consumer example that comes with PHP-OpenId). When I enter the Google OpenId url ( and submit I get a blank screen. When I try the exact same example code on the PHP-OpenId website here with the same URL it works fin...

How to implement openID using openid4java in GSP

How to build openID ReturnURL in gsp?? Define a ReturnURL This is the endpoint where your webapp will receive and process the authentication responses from the OpenID Provider. String _returnURL = ""; Reference: ...

Problem with Google Hybrid Protocol (OpenID + OAuth) Demo

I'm trying to use the googlesample for the hybrid protocol(OpenID+OAuth), but for some reason it is not working for me You are not authenticated I tried to use the google account button, nothing happens!! I tried entering my google openID and again nothing happens!! Could this be a problem with the browser?? not likely! Can you pl...

How does OpenID delegation work on the Relying Party? Have the specs changed recently?

Consider this scenario. I have my own website, that I use as my identifier, but I use a third-party OpenID provider (in my case yahoo), as described here, to login on Relying Party (RP) websites such stackoverflow and sourceforge. It seemed to be a wise move: I am not locked in with an OpenID provider, since if/when yahoo will not of...

OpenID authentication from an installed application

Hello, I'm currently planning a new web project. Clients are going to connect using a regular web browser and, in case of regular java-enabled cell phones, j2me client. I would really like to make use of the OpenID authentication. In case of regular web browser things are pretty straightforward. However, I am really not sure about insta...


I'm trying to implement OpenID on my site. I've got Google, Yahoo! and ClaimID working so far, but AOL tells me "Invalid devId or Site not registered.". So how do I register my site and/or get a devID and pass it along? I'm using JanRain/PHP OpenID. AOL's dev blog is just a mess. ...

Is using Kerberos to authenticate to web sites and web services a good idea?

Through acquisition we have a number of products that require authentication and authorisation. The products include web sites and client side applications, the client side applications use some web services. We are a .Net shop and servers will be running Server 2008, clients will be running XP SP?? and later. Users of the products are ...

Using OpenID with WCF and no browser, is it possible?

From most of the reading I've done on OpenID, it seems a browser may be required. I'm writing a WCF app and wanted to use OpenID as the authentication method, but my app is not a web app. Is it possible to use WCF and OpenID together without requiring a web browser? ...

How to get Uri.EscapeDataString to comply with RFC 3986

The Uri class defaults to RFC 2396. For OpenID and OAuth, I need Uri escaping consistent with RFC 3986. From the System.Uri class documentation: By default, any reserved characters in the URI are escaped in accordance with RFC 2396. This behavior changes if International Resource Identifiers or International Domain Name parsing i...

rpxnow vs dotnetopenid, What do you think ?

I read a couple of posts about this but i was really more confused about what shall i use or what would be better, or even am i missing some other solutions ? Please advice, Thanks ...

ZendFramework and open ID login, Is the ZF up to date?

I am trying to integrate an openID login in a ZF project (using the MVC). I get failures. When I traced the code I see the failures originate from: OpenId/Consumer.php (line ~740). Those lines try to analyze the open id protocol version from the first request done to the open id provider. The regexp in the ZF expect to receive HTML with ...

Is there a list of major OpenID providers URIs that ZF knows how to work with?

Is there a list of major OpenID providers URIs that ZF knows how to work with? ...

Implementing multi-database, multi-provider authentication system...

We have started building an mvc application. Application will consist with one main database with users, projects, common tables etc... and many databases (all with the same structure) with a data relevant to a particular project. Use can have some global roles (stored in a main database) and some project specific roles (stored i...

Trends in Externalizing Identity from Applications

Stackoverlow decided to use OpenID probably due to its simplicity while others believe that Information Cards (e.g. cardspace) is a better strategy in that it is backed by major industry vendors and is known to be more secure. Are there libraries that a developer can drop into a Java web application that will easily support both? ...

How to make two web sites appear as one - What features are important?

I am about to write a tender. The solution might be a PHP based CMS. Later I might want to integrate an ASP.NET framework and make it look like one site. What features would make this relatively easy. Would OpenId and similar make a difference? In the PHP world Joomla is supposed to be more integrative than Druapal. What are the imp...

What is OpenID "Automatic Login"?

What is OpenID "Automatic Login"? I've never heard this term in a technical sense until today. It has suddenly appeared in Facebook's marketing blog in reference to their new deal with Google. To be clear, they assert that virtually no other OpenID providers besides Google implement OpenID "Automatic Login", thus no other OpenIDs are c...

Using OpenID to prove Stackoverflow membership

Here's the deal: -Flair pretty much demands a Facebook app -I'm working on learning the Facebook platform Therefore, I've written a dinky little Facebook app to embed your Flair into a box on the side of your profile. If you're interested and on Facebook; beware that this is very much a work in progress, prone to change and has a whole...

Is there a list of which OpenID Providers use which schema Attributes?

Hi Folks, I'm using OpenId in my website. Love it. Currently, I'm testing my code with my own openId account, which i have with MyOpenId. Whenever I tried to retrieve any data handed to me from MyOpenId, it was empty/null. After further analysis, Google led me to this post which suggests that, even though there is an official schema, ...

Can I use OpenID delegation with a standard Google account?

I'm currently using ClaimID and have the following data on my website to allow delegation: <link rel="openid.server" href="" /> <link rel="openid.delegate" href="" /> Are there equivalent URLs for Google? If not, has there been any mention of support in future? Befor...