
How to get OpenID authentication on SharePoint Services?

Is this even possible? I want to build a small community site but do not want to use Live ID. ...

Request email address from OpenID provider

Hi, I'm implementing OpenID and I would like to retrieve the user's email address and other information about the user, I'm doing this: var fetch = new FetchRequest(); fetch.AddAttribute(new AttributeRequest(WellKnownAttributes.Contact.Email)); request.AddExtension(fetch); But the provider doesn't return anything. I'm using DotNetOpen...

How can I change the ReturnUrl for OpenID?

When an user clicks a link in my site that requires authentication, the browser is redirected to the login page. The login page includes a returnUrl querystring parameter. The problem is that if the user authenticates using OpenID, the providers redirects the user back to the login page and doesn't include the returnUrl parameter, which ...

OpenID for a website - recommendation

I am running few websites for my clients (not connected at all), all of them with separate registration of users. I am thinking about implementing OpenID sign in module for those websites. I am looking for the recommendation - what kind of website - maybe even part of website (regular/irregular customers of e-shop, website comments autho...

OpenID Server List with endpoints

Does anyone know where I could find a list of available OpenID servers and also the endpoint which is associated with them. Cheers, Andrew ...

Problem installing OpenID on ASP.NET MVC Site

I am trying to install openID into my web site project that is using ASP.NET MVC, specifically with Yahoo Yahoo keeps giving me this : "Warning: This website has not confirmed its identity with Yahoo! and might be fraudulent. Do not share any personal information with this website unless you are certain it is legitimate." However I hav...

Authentication combination OpenID & Facebook

Is it possible to use a combination of authentication systems in a web app? I want to use OpenId, however I think my potential customers are actually more likely to have a Facebook ID. Therefore I wonder if it is possible to offer both types of authentication? ...

Janrain php library and google endpoint for OpenId

Im using janRain Php library for OpenId and yadis discovery and no matter what i do, i will work in stuff like or my own provider, but if i try to use the google endpoint, i cant get any discovery information. Even if i run the discovery example for the janrain library, i get the next result Claimed Identifier http://...

Is OpenID necessarily a good choice for eCommerce?

As a Single Sign-On implementation, I think OpenID is great. Even so, is it necessarily a good choice for eCommerce? I know it can be used, but should it? Are you risking too much in putting all of one's access details in a single basket? What's the general opinion out there? ...

OpenID for websites similar to the one at stackoverflow

Possible Duplicate: How do you enable customers use their openid on your website, just like stackoverflow? Duplicate of: How do you enable customers use their openid on your website, just like stackoverflow? I need to create a login as the one shown at stackoverflow, the openid, google,yahoo etc. how do I get about doing t...

OpenID -- getting user information?

Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to request more information besides email from Google and get the name of the user also? Am using JanRain OpenID PHP script. Thank you ...

Zend Framework: OpenID 2.0 and Directed Identity

I have custom OpenID provider and consumer. The OpenID URL should be hard-coded in the consumer app and will point to my custom provider (let's say: http://login.loc/). Provider app in turn tells the consumer which identity is currently logged in on the server (http://login.loc/johndoe e.g.). It should be exactly same as implementation...

Common interface for different OpenID providers and Facebook

Is stack overflow uisng for login in using different services. If so is it good, and does it have good (preferable free, preferable with PHP api) alternatives. What I'm looking for is a login page wich would allow users to login using major web open-id providers + facebook connect. ...

How is an OpenID Client supposed look up the OpenID delegate?

Hello everybody. I just noticed that stackoverflow had problems with my OpenID delegate and I noticed that this was caused by my website not using a <html> and <head> section. Now even though this is valid HTML the question is if it's valid for OpenID delegate lookups. The official stuff I was able to find on the website just talks ab...

To use OpenID or not to use!?

Hello there, I'm new to this site but I've read the rules and also searched the questions section but not found any related question answered well. anyway, the question: what's the Pros. & Cons. of using OpenID on a website instead of a regular login system? My customer wants me to use this kind of logins for a local sale system & I ha...

OpenID a lucrative target for spammers?

Due to the nature of OpenID, wouldn't it be a lucrative target for spammers? For starters, you could create an OpenID account on any site and use it on any other site which would mean that I could log into a forum and write a few thousand posts if the forum assumes that logged in users can be trusted. Do you agree OpenID is lucrative fo...

Stackoverflow-like login system in Rails?

What's the best (easy) way to implement a login/authentication system on a Rails web-app that looks and works like the Stackoverflow system? I realize that it's basicly OpenID, but Stackoverflow handles integration with multiple providers. Is there a easy way to this on Rails? Or do we have to hack restfull_auth or authlogic to do that...

PHP and OpenID = 500 error

Having a really strange problem. Scenario: PHP5.2.9, IIS7, PHP running as FastCGI. I have a site at Click login, enter OpenID credentials, hit "Verify," and immediate 500 error. Click Back, resubmit the page, works fine. An IIS failed request trace reveals two messages, below. These messages seems to general...

how to test logging in with openid using selenium

Is there a way to test logging in to a site with open id using selenium? In selenium all the tests live in the server, so once fill the open id url in the appropriate field in the web page and am taken to the 3rd party web page for entering the credentials my test can't run any more. Is there a way around this? ...

DotNetOpenId -- "This message has already been processed" Error

I'm starting with OpenId using the dotnetopenid library and, so far, so good, but when I try to login, it shows me the following message: This message has already been processed. This could indicate a replay attack in progress. The first time I used my app it failed and, after that, the above message it is always returned. How...