
Jboss and OPEN MQ integration

Hello can anyone help me integrating OPENMQ (resource adaptor) into JBOSS 4.0.3 . ...

Message Driven Bean with Java Message Queue down

I have the following problem deploying my application. It uses JMS and a remote openMQ for communication between servers. The problem is that the connection is not fully reliable so it can be up or down. For reconnecting I set the jms reconnect glassfish property so it reconnects if at some moment the connection gets lost. The problem ...

How to create a ssljms connection using GlassFish 2.1.1 and OpenMQ ?

Is it possible to configure that? In that case, what parts would be involved, MDBs and Producers? ...

Can I use message selectors in OpenMQ UMS?

I'm accessing OpenMQ from Delphi using UMS. This all works fine but I need to be able to filter the messages when reading them from a queue. Normally I would use a message selector but I can't see if UMS exposes this functionality. Anyone know if it does? ...

JMS message re-delivery delay

I have a JMS client that can ssh to remote systems upon receiving a message (and do various things there - not relevant to the question). It is possible that hundreds of such messages will arrive in a short period of time which need to be processed ASAP. However, it is also possible that certain remote systems are not available when the...

Publishing messages to a JMS server on another machine ....

Hi, I need to publish messages to a topic on a JMS server running on a different machine. The server on the remote machine is Glassfish v3 (OpenMQ). From reading other posts here, I think I need to tell the remote broker to accept JMS messages from a different IP than his own i.e not localhost. Actually, I'd like that remote broker to a...

Publishing messages to a JMS server on another machine ....

Hi, I need to publish messages to a topic on a JMS server running on a different machine. The server on the remote machine is Glassfish v3 (OpenMQ). From reading other posts here, I think I need to tell the remote broker to accept JMS messages from a different IP than his own i.e not localhost. Actually, I'd like that remote broker to a...