
Why does ASP.NET cause the "Operation Aborted" Error in IE7?

I have been reading lots of blog posts offering cause and solution to the "Operation Aborted" error in IE. I recently built an application that is getting this error for some of ther users, some of the time. Let me explain in detail. The application is .NET 2.0, ASP .NET and C# web application built in VS 2008. It uses ComponentOne web...

What is the "Operation Aborted" error in Internet Explorer?

I recently added JQuery's date-picker control to a project. In Internet Exploder, I get the following error message: Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://localhost/ Operation aborted What is causing this problem? ...

Detecting cause of IE's Operation Aborted Issue

My site is suffering from the Operation Aborted error. What I find weird is that in my case the error only sometimes happens. The site has been running fine for three months then today it starts happening but not every time. The page this is occuring on is rather large with a lot of third party controls. What I'd like is a tool that co...

IE Operation Aborted - None of the regular fixes work!

Hello StackOverflow! First of all, I've been researching this "Operation Aborted" error / bug for what seems like weeks, so here are a couple related questions and good articles if you are not familiar with it: Why does ASP.NET cause the “Operation Aborted” Error in IE7? (so question) Detecting cause of IE’s Operation Aborted Issue (so...

Does .NET has an Exception that similar to Delphi's EAbort ?

Does .NET has an Exception that similar to Delphi's EAbort ? Currently, define my own "AbortProcess" inheriting Exception. Together with My.Application.UnhandledException handler that ignoring "AbortProcess" I'm still wondering if similar mechanic in .NET is already exists. Class AbortProcess Inherits System.Exception End Class Su...

I am getting error as "operation aborted, Internet explorer can't open the page"

I have created a shopping cart site, and i have got two complains for the same issue, but i am not able to track the main problem... They say they get the message "operation aborted, Internet explorer can't open the page" whenever they navigate to any page, and clicking "OK" displays "page cannot be displayed". Could someone help me ou...

Internet Explorer 6/7 displays Operation Abort message but not always

I am working on an osCommerce website and few of my page displays the "Operation Abort" message. I have gone through the already given solutions in Google and by SO users, but solutions like using "defer" in script tag, placing the script tag in bottom of page, is not working, the page in which this msg is displayed do not contain any no...

Why doesn't this page redirect work in IE?

I check for a session variable in my asp.net page and redirect to my default page. if (Session["OrgId"] != null) { // some logic } else { Response.Redirect("../Default.aspx?Sid=1", false); } and in my default.aspx page i ve done this, Int64 id = GetId(Request.RawUrl.ToString()); if (id == 1) { ...

Operation aborted exception while doing a redirect in asp.net.

I am checking a value of session and if there is no value i am redirecting it to default page.The following works in firefox and google chrome but not in IE. if (Session["OrgId"] != null) { //My logic } else { Response.Redirect("../Default.aspx?Sid=1", true); } I get Operation Aborted in I...