
How does operator precedence grouping work in C for *, /, and %?

Referring to the O'Reilly pocket reference for C, I'm a little confused by the description for grouping of the *, /, and % operators. The book says that grouping occurs left to right -- now I think I'm getting grouping confused with evaluation order. Given the following equation, and the rules established from the book, I would have thou...

simple boolean question

What am I doing wrong here? I am wanting to display integers from 1-100 who are divisible by either 6 or 7. That's done and working. The next step is to not display any that are divisible by both...that isn't working in my loop (those integers are still displaying) for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) if (i % 6 == 0 || i % 7 == 0 && i %...

How does the different behavior of the unless- and "if !" statement influence the range-operator in scalar context?

Hello! On http://sial.org/howto/perl/one-liner/ I found the following two one-liners. The outputs are different because the unless statement is different from if ! ( due to the associativity and precedence rules ). cat file: foo bar perl -ne 'print unless /^$/../^$/' file foo bar perl -ne 'print if ! /^$/../^$/' fi...

Why the output for "a" is -80?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define ABC 20 #define XYZ 10 #define XXX ABC - XYZ void main() { int a; a = XXX * 10; printf("\n %d \n", a); getch(); } I thought the output should be 100 but when i saw the result i found o/p as -80. when i put bracket as #define XXX (ABC-XYZ) then i get output as 100 but wi...

In what order does evaluation of post-increment operator happen?

Given std::vector<CMyClass> objects; CMyClass list[MAX_OBJECT_COUNT]; Is it wise to do this? for(unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.size(); list[i] = objects.at(i++)); Or should I expand my loop to this? for(unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { list[i] = objects.at(i); } ...

The priority of operator * in AT&T assembly language

Hi, there: Here I have a question. What is the priority of the operator * in assembly language? For example: *0x804983c(,%eax,4) Does it mean ( %eax * 4 ) + *0x804983c or *( %eax * 4 + 0x804983c )? Thanks! ...

Specification Pattern and Boolean Operator Precedence

In our project, we have implemented the Specification Pattern with boolean operators (see DDD p 274), like so: public abstract class Rule { public Rule and(Rule rule) { return new AndRule(this, rule); } public Rule or(Rule rule) { return new OrRule(this, rule); } public Rule not() { return...

Rule of precedence == over =

Hello, I am just wondering would it be better to do this: if((fd = open(filename, O_RDWR)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "open [ %s ]\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } or this fd = open(filename, O_RDWR); if(fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "open [ %s ]\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } Many thanks for any suggestions, ...

Order of operations in C. ++ vs |=, which occurs first?

I have the following code that I'm reading through: if( (i%2) == 0 ){ *d = ((b & 0x0F) << 4); } else{ *d++ |= (b & 0x0F); }; I'm looking specifically at the else statement and wondering in what order this occurs? I don't have a regular C compiler, so I can't test this. When we are performing *d++ |= (b & 0x0F);, what orde...

Operator precedence in scala

I like scala's propose of operator precedence but in some rare case unmodified rules may be inconvenient because you have restrictions in naming your methods. Is there in scala ways to define another rules for a class/file/etc? If not would it be resolved in future? ...

What is the order precedence of a = b == c in JavaScript?

var clicked = $(event.currentTarget || target); var clickedIsActive = clicked[0] == this.active[0]; I'm fairly new to js, and while attempting to read through some jQuery code, I came across the above section. What is the precedence for the second line? Is it: var clickedIsActive = (clicked[0] == this.active[0]); Or is it someth...

Take care about precedence of * and ++ in C/C++, (and any keystroke when programming)

Somebody write this function void strToUpper(char *p) { while (*p) { *p = TOUPPER(*p); *p++; //<-- Line to pay attention } } I asked, why do you put the * before p++? answer: because "It's the same", I corrected the code and then stay angry for a while, because both really work the same... void strToUpper...

Operator precedence in j = j++ * ++j

Possible Duplicates: Could anyone explain these undefined behaviors (i = i++ + ++i , i = i++, etc) How do we explain the result of the expression (++x)+(++x)+(++x)? Why does the following program print 10? Isn't it supposed to print 12? int j=2; j = j++ * ++j; printf("%d", j); ...

Operator Precedance in PHP: Ternary XOR Assigment

After writing my response on the question how to assign to multiple variables in a ternary operator I actually tried out the code I wrote: true ? $w = 100 xor $r = 200 : $w = 300 xor $r = 400; var_dump($w); var_dump($r); (Don't bother it's useless, this is theoretic.) Now, I would expect PHP to do it this way, according to operator p...

Operator precedence in C#

Is (int)(int1 / (float)var2.Count() * 100) equivalent to (int)((int1 / (float)var2.Count()) * 100) ...and will it use floating point or integer division? Edit... if the answer is yes to the above, what is the advantage of performing a floating point division here? ...

PEMDAS - why is it this order

This is probably an easy math question but what is the reason for the order of PEMDAS. I mean, why isnt' it SADMEP? Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction Below was added because it does require knowledge of PEMDAS albeit a very basic concept it's one that I thought was more interesting in terms of why...

List Operator Precedence in Perl

Hey guys, I'm reading the "Beginning Perl" book, and it gives these two statements: print "Test one: ", 6 > 3 && 3 > 4, "\n"; print "Test two: ", 6 > 3 and 3 > 4, "\n"; The first line prints nothing with a new line, the second line prints a 1 with no new line. I'm confused about the output. According to the author, the second stateme...

Operator precedence for "<<" and "++" in VS2008 with optimization

I'm stuck with a weird VS2008 C++ issue, that looks like operator precedence is not respected. My question is what is the output of this: int i = 0; std::cout << ((i != 0) ? "Not zero " : "zero ") << ++i << std::endl; Normally the ++ has precedence over the <<, right? Or is the << considered like a function call giving it a hi...

Similar syntax but one shows error but another does not

Hiii all I made this program today int main() { int a = 1,2; /* Shows error */ int b = (1,2); /* No error */ } Why first one shows error while second one does not? Just ( ) makes one program compile. Why? --Shruti ...

JavaScript Operator Precedence logic confuses me...

The operator precedence table I can find is: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence according to the table, both '>>' and '*' are left-to-right associate, and '>>' have higher precedence, so I think a >> b * c should explain as (a >> b) * c however, my test in Firefox (using Firebug), tell m...