
Nesting optgroups in a dropdownlist/select

I have created a customer c# DropDownList control that can render out it's contents are optgroups (Not from scratch, I edited some code found on the internet, although I do understand exactly what it's doing), and it works fine. However, I have now come across a situation where I need to have two levels of indentation in my dropdown, i....

Dropdownlist with <optgroup>s for version 1.1 of asp.net?

Is it possible to create a select box containing optgroups with asp:DropDownList in version 1.1 of asp.net? Similar question has been asked here and elsewhere for newer versions of asp.net with solutions involving ControlAdapters or custom controls like the ones from SharpPieces but all this doesn't seem to be compatible with asp.net 1....

Easy way to quick select a whole optgroup in select box

I have a select box in which i can select multiple options. In the select box are multiple optgroups. Is there an easy way to select a whole optgroup at once in javascript? ...

some jQuery/javascript help. Add items to optgroup

I have an array called tmp var tmp = ["05", "13", "27"]; if an option value is equal to a value within tmp, I want to add that option to a particular optgroup, else add it to the other optgroup. I keep getting everything added to optgroup #2, except the option with the value "27". What am I doing incorrectly? var groups = $("opt...

In Django form, custom SelectField and SelectMultipleField

I am using Django everyday now for three month and it is really great. Fast web application development. I have still one thing that I cannot do exactly how I want to. It is the SelectField and SelectMultiple Field. I want to be able to put some args to an option of a Select. I finally success with the optgroup : class EquipmentField...

Formtastic select with grouping

Now with Formtastic I have plain select: = f.input :category, :as => :select, :include_blank => false, :collection => subcategories Here I show only children categories. I use acts_as_tree plugin for parent-child relationship. I would like to show parent categories as well. Formtastic generated select should look like this one: <sel...

Adding optgroups to select using javascript dynamically

Hello! I have a dynamically populated (by ajax) select box with resulting options like that: <select id="destination" name="destination"> <option value="london-paris">London-Paris</option> <option value="paris-london">Paris-London</option> <option value="london-newyork">London-New-York</option> <option value="newyork-london">New-York-...

<optgroup label='-------'></optgroup> gives xhtml validation eror

Error: End tag for 'optgroup' which is not finished. You have probably failed to include a required child element. Hence the parent element is "not finished", not complete. I want to achieve something like this in select options. USA UK -- Afghanistan I want to put few important countries on top and then a non-selectable divider ...

How to hide optgroup/option elements?

Is there a way to hide option or optgroup HTML elements? I've tried calling hide() in jQuery, and also using regular Javascript to set style.display='none'. It works in Firefox but not in any other browsers. Actually removing them from the DOM does work, so perhaps there's a way to save each DOM element when it's removed, and reinsert t...

How to make optgroup label selectable in Rails form? Urgent

Hi, I have created the following select using the option_groups_from_collection_for_select form helper in Rails as part of a search feature. All Categories Garden Accessories Gardens Random Sheds Playsets The problem is, I want a user to be able to search all of the "Garden" sub-categories at once, but as "...

Check if optgroup by id/label exists in jquery?

I have a dropdown, and in another process add optgroups/options to that dropdown, and that part works fine. But I may need to add similar optgroups, with more data, and I want to check for the existence of that optgroup, and if it exists, don't add it, but just add options to the existing optgroup. I have been searching around, and can...

jQuery: Easy way to quick select a whole optgroup in select box

I use a jQuery function similar to the one in this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1473897/easy-way-to-quick-select-a-whole-optgroup-in-select-box But, when I click an <option> now it selects the whole optgroup, as the optgroup encloses the option elements. I use the following snippet: $("optgroup").click(function(e) { ...

WPF ComboBox "option group (optGroup)" type behaviour

I want to have a wpf combobox that displays the dropdown list box with the options grouped under a heading like the <optgroup> behaviour in html. Has anyone seem something like this done before? ...