
acts_as_tree does not destroy the model's children

I have this Task model: class Task < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => 'sort_order' end And I have this test class TaskTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @root = create_root end def test_destroying_a_task_should_destroy_all_of_its_descendants d1 = create_task(:parent_id =>, :sort_order => 2) d...

Reddit-style nested/threaded/indented comments for Rails?

I'm wondering if someone has already built a system for threaded comments (for lack of a better term) in Rails or if I need to build it myself. In case it's not clear, what I'm referring to is a comment system like Reddit's that automatically indents replies so that they appear like branches of a tree (preferably with voting just as Re...

Are ActiveRecord associations valid before committing to database?

I have a model which uses acts-as-tree. For example: class CartoonCharacter < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree end Acts as tree has these associations: class ActsAsTree belongs_to :parent has_many :children end From script/console I am building my tree, saving nothing until the entire tree is constructed. The trouble I am ha...

Does or can acts_as_tree be made to support eager loading?

Using acts_as_tree I would like to be able to preload an entire tree having its complete child hierarchy intact with one SQL call. To that end, I added a tree_id to the table and it runs through all descendants in that tree. I had explored acts_as_nested_set (actually awesome_nested_set) as a possibility but since I graft trees into ot...

Acts_as_tree - one-to-Many: Show Records associated with children on parent page

Hi, I have a relatively simple one-to-many relationship and use acts_as_tree to get it organized in the view. It kinda looks like this: Root |_Product 1 |_Product 2 |_Category 1.1 |_Product 3 |_Product 4 |_Category 1.1.1 |_Product 5 The way I set it up is that I list products in the 'sh...

Is it possible to have file-system-like routes with acts_as_tree?

I have a Folder model which acts_as_tree. Is it possible that the routes represent the folder structure? Folders: 1: Folder A 2: Folder B 3: Folder C 4: Folder D 5: Folder E Routes: /folders/1 /folders/1/2 /folders/1/3/4 /folders/1/2/new /folders/... Is this possible? ...

Acts as Tree with Multiple Models

I've got several models that I'd like to relate together hierarchically. For simplicity's sake, let's say I've got these three: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree has_many :users end class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree belongs_to :group has_many :posts end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree ...

Formtastic select with grouping

Now with Formtastic I have plain select: = f.input :category, :as => :select, :include_blank => false, :collection => subcategories Here I show only children categories. I use acts_as_tree plugin for parent-child relationship. I would like to show parent categories as well. Formtastic generated select should look like this one: <sel...

to_xml for fully-qualified trees using acts_as_tree

I have an ActiveRecord class that uses acts_as_tree. I'm trying to update the to_xml method so that if a child record's to_xml is called it will return it's xml nested in the parent/ancestor xml to give the fully-qualified path to that resource. As an example I have Compiler which is a parent of Compiler/Version. Compiler should be re...

How to combine two models in one RoR acts_as_tree treeview?

I have two simple models each with acts_as_tree, say Departments and Employees. My goal is to create a treeview combining both models in to one overall tree, like so: Department 1 SubDepartment 1.1 Employee A Employee B SubDepartment 1.2 Department 2 Subdepartment 2.1 Employee C Department 3 SubDepartment 3.1 Employee D E...

acts_as_tree with conditions

Hello again, This time I have problem with access control tables. I have 2 tables like these: Menu Table ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | parent | caption | link | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | mc_tra...