
jquery hidden preload

Here is my page there is some tweek that append to the page (scroller and arrows)and some positionning Do you have a way, to completely hide everything (just keep the background).. do the things , and show up the finished page ? ...

Jquery offline preload

Here is my html page I do somee tweek to the page, and it make the page reposition (scroll and arrow) Do you have a method that hide everything (except the background), do the thing that make the page shift, and show everything now at the right place ...

How to preload an ENTIRE web page

Hi How can you preload an entire web page using JavaScript so that I can get that page cached in the users browser? I know how to preload images with JS but what I would like to do is preload the entire page. Use case: On my website, I have a google maps page with a lot of other content (images, css, JS) and it takes a long time (abou...

Preloading images from URL in TableViewCell

I'm making a simple rss reader for the iPhone. The feed ( contains a reference to images that I want to show in my TableView. By default, as far as I understand, the iPhone only tries to load images when they are needed: it will only load the images for the rows that are displayed. Only when the us...

JS Image Pre-loading blocked?

Hello, I am using a JQuery Plugin called lightbox (which is great btw). Problem is, I am accessing images on external sites and I think they are blocking lightbox from preloading them. Specifically I have confirmed that picasa gives the preloader a 404 (using firebug), but if I right click the failed request in the firebug "net" tab, a...

jquery images with preloading image

$(document).ready(function(){ // The plugin $.fn.image = function(src, f){ return this.each(function(){ var i = new Image(); i.src = src; i.onload = f; this.appendChild(i); }); } // The code for...

how to preload more than one but not all images of a slideshow with jquery

I'd like to create a web based stop motion video player. Basically a slideshow that shows 2-4 images per second. Each image might be a maximum of 20KB. I don't want to preload all images in the slideshow as there might be thousands, however I need to preload more than just the next image in the show as this will not playback fast enough ...

Pre-loading external files (CSS, JavaScript) for other pages

I'm curious if there is an efficient way to wait for the front page of a site to load, and then pre-load CSS and script files that I know will likely be needed for the other pages on the site. I want the front page of the site to be as fast as possible (lean and mean). It's likely that the user will not immediately click on a link. Sinc...

Simulate loading on localhost

I have a site which uses AJAX and preloaders. Now I would like to see the impact of these preoloaders before deploying the site online. The "problem" is that localhost doesn't have loading time and the response is immediate, so that I can't see my preloaders. How can I simulate loading or limited bandwidth (with Firefox, Rails or whate...

How do I preload a dynamic asp:Image in a datalist?

Currently I have this line of code in a datalist in a usercontrol: <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" imageurl='<%# "~/Thumbnail.ashx?image=" + Utilities.ToURLEncoding("~\\Files" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "file_path")) %>' /> As you can see, it calls Thumbnail.ashx, which generates a thumbnail image given the original i...

How to provide feedback while loading thumbnails and control the load order

I'm building a website with around 250-300 thumbnails on a single page, contained in 5 different divs which can each be scrolled horizontally. During the loading stage, however, I need to be able to click on a thumbnail and load the full-res picture in the lightbox. I've looked at Jason Buntings answer in How to display loading status w...

Is it possible to preload an HTML page before displaying it?

I'm not referring to preloading images, I want to preload an HTML page using JQuery. ...

Preloading CSS Background Images

Hello guys, I have a hidden contact form which is deployed clicking on a button. Its fields are set as CSS background images, and they always appears a bit later than the div that have been toggled. I was using this snippet in the <head> section, but with no luck (after I cleared the cache) : <script type="text/javascript"> $(document...

JQuery wait for page to finish loading before starting the slideshow?

I have a site with a rotating header image (you've all seen them). I want to do the following: Load the entire page plus the first header image Start the header image slideshow transitioning every x seconds or when the next image has finished loading, whichever is later I haven't really need an example that truly does this. ...

How do i compile this code to work with LD_PRELOAD on linux?

How do I compile the following code for make it work with LD_PRELOAD?. I managed to compile it w/o errors with 'gcc -m32 -shared code.c' but when I open the program that I'm trying to 'inject' the code into, it says this: 'symbol lookup error: ./ undefined symbol: clock_gettime' #include<unistd.h> #include<time.h> #define BUSY_WA...

Does or can acts_as_tree be made to support eager loading?

Using acts_as_tree I would like to be able to preload an entire tree having its complete child hierarchy intact with one SQL call. To that end, I added a tree_id to the table and it runs through all descendants in that tree. I had explored acts_as_nested_set (actually awesome_nested_set) as a possibility but since I graft trees into ot...

Javascript Array Pre-load

I have this small javascript code and that makes a manual slideshow, but it requires every image to be downloaded before displaying. Could anyone please modify my code so that it preloads all the images (in order) and eliminates that annoyance. JS Code: var pos = 0; var imgs = new Array('1.png', '2.png', '3.png'); document.write("<im...

How can I speed up image load time in my web site?

I am currently developing a web site with PHP + MySQL and jQuery. So far I have been doing it in my local machine. I notice that when I see the page the images on it take some time to load (few time but its visible). All images are small (PNG's with less than 3 KB). Now, when I load the page, there are some database connections happening...

jquery preload the page loaded via load() method

Hi, I'm trying to do something like boxy or facebox or lightbox...and so on. The only problem is that I don't know how to preload the page that is loaded into the box via load() method. It should work like this: It pops the box Loading animation is added When the page is loaded the animation disappears So i need to know when the pa...

jquery preload images

ok, so i have this "slideshow.html" containing just a bunch of pictures, and the "index.html". index.html <a href="">click</a> <ul></ul> slideshow.html <li><img src="1.jpg" alt="" /></li> <li><img src="2.jpg" alt="" /></li> <li><img src="3.jpg" alt="" /></li> and i have my script like this; $(document).ready(function(){ ...