
Value from last inserted row in DB

Is there some way to get a value from the last inserted row? I am inserting a row where the PK will automatically increase due to sequence created, and I would like to get this sequence number. Only the PK is guaranteed to be unique in the table. I am using Java with a JDBC and Oracle. I forgot to add that I would like to retrieve thi...

Compile time Error in ProC (Embedded sql in C)

Please tell me whats wrong with the query. I am using Pro C. EXEC SQL SELECT 1 INTO :db_count FROM sachin t WHERE t.serialno = :serial_no AND t.amount = (:db_inamount - (SELECT NVL(overrun_amount,0) FROM sunny tovrun ...

Renaming partitions in ORACLE.

if we use the ALTER TABLE RENAME PARTITION statement to rename the existing partitions in an Oracle table, do we need to recreate the local partitioned indexes with newly changed partition names? ...

SQL fixed-length insert statement formatter

Lets assume I have this long insert statement insert into table1 (id, name, phone, very_long_col_name, ...) values (1, 'very long name indeed...', '555-555-5555', 1, ...) As you can see above, it gets hard to tell values from their column since their length is uneven I'm looking for something (e.g. command line util) to ...

Oracle sqlldr timestamp format headache

Hi - I'm struggling to get sqlldr to import a csv data file into my table, specifically with the field that is a timestamp. The data in my csv file is in this format: 16-NOV-09 PM I've tried all manner of combinations in my control file and am going around in circles. I can't find anything online - not even the Oracle...

DB in MySQL migrate to Oracle DB

Hello. I need to migrate some tables in mysql db to oracle db. Do you now any tutorial to learn about this migration? Thanks ...

Are escape sequences preserved in CLOB??

We are using Java and Oracle for development. I have table in a oracle database which has a CLOB column in it. Some XYZ application dumps a text file in this column. The text file has multiple rows. Is it possible that while reading the same CLOB file thru Java application, the escape sequences (new line chars, etc) may get lost?? Re...

64 bit weblogic 32 bit oracle DB

I have 64 bit Weblogic 11g installed on 64 bit Linux and trying to connect to a DB by creating a JDBC data source for Oracle 10g on 32 bit. I have connected another Weblogic 32 bit successfully to this DB instance. However, for the 64 bit Weblogic I am getting exception Connection test failed. ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logo...

Insertion of data after creating index on empty table or creating unique index after inserting data on oracle?

Which option is better and faster? Insertion of data after creating index on empty table or creating unique index after inserting data. I have around 10M rows to insert. Which option would be better so that I could have least downtime. ...

Check if a variable is null in plsql

I want to check if a variable is null. If it is null, then I want to set a value to that variable: //data type of var is number if Var = null then var :=5; endif But I am geting error in it. How can I check if a variable is null? I am using oracle data type ...

Decode() function query in oracle

Can we use a select query in embedded sql (pro C) as the first argument in Decode() function. ...

WebLogic: WLI vs BPEL?

Hi, folks. I would really appreciate to have your help on the following question: In the last days I've been reading about Oracle's WebLogic, as I'm currently working on a project that uses it. As I've never had contact with WebLogic, I've been doing some research about the infrastructure and learning the pros/cons of using WebLogic Int...

Best Way to Generate Unique and consecutives numbers in Oracle

I need to generate unique and consecutive numbers (for use on an invoice), in a fast and reliable way. currently use a Oracle sequence, but in some cases generated numbers are not consecutive because of exceptions that may occur. I thought a couple of solutions to manage this problem, but neither of they convincing me. What solution do ...

Oracle DBAs: Any way to see what queries my ASP.NET app is running?

I have an ASP.NET application that uses Oracle for persistence and queries it via ADO.NET and stored procedures. I have the full version of TOAD and administrative rights to the database. Is there any way to view all queries issued by the application over the last 10 minutes? ...

how to hold datetime into a field in oracle?

Hi will date datatype hold datetime? its not taking datetime. i have to store datetime into a field in table, for that which datatype i have to use? Thanks, Srikanth ...

enterprise with jdbc

I have enterprise project, but all queries are implemented using oracle stored procedures, I use jbdc and Spring framework to get results like this : public class HoaDonDAOimpl extends JdbcDaoSupport implements HoaDonDAO { public List<HoaDon> getDsTatcaHoadonPhathanh(int vthang, int vnam, String vmaDvqltb) throws Exception { Ca...

Java: ResultSet closing strategy, apart from closing it in finally

I am facing ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded although I am closing the resultsets in finally block. But I suspect there is some trouble with my legacy code, below is my pseudo-code while (someCondition) { rs1=executePreparedStatementNew(query1,param1,""); //do something with rs1 rs1=executePreparedStatementNew(query2,param2,"")...

How do you move a partitioned table from one tablespace to another in Oracle 11g?

I have a partitioned table that belongs to tablespace report. I want to move it to tablespace record instead. One possibility is to drop the table and recreate it in the new tablespace, but that is not an option for me, since there is data in the table that needs to survive the move. I started by checking that the partitions actually b...

In oracle, how do I change my session to display UTF8?

I can't figure out Oracle's encryptic syntax for the life of me. This is Oracle 10g My session's NLS_LANGUAGE is currently defaulting to AMERICAN. I need to be able to display UTF8 characters. Below are some of my attempts, all incorrect: ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE='UTF8' ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE='AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8' W...

Oracle case sensitive Format SQL

Dears, I need to format SQL statement for Oracle Db. I have a sql statement and I don't want to change the case. For Eg. CREATE TABLE DPAuditTrailDetail ( ID NUMBER (19, 0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, AuditTrail NUMBER (19, 0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, sysObjectField NUMBER (19, 0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, OldValue ...