
When is the interval parameter of dbms_job.submit reevaluated?

In Oracle we can submit a job to the job queue using the following code: DECLARE X NUMBER; BEGIN SYS.DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT ( job => X, what => 'SYSTEM.INSERTDATE;', next_date => SYSDATE, interval => 'SYSDATE+0.1/(24*60)' ); COMMIT; END; Now my question is when the *interval* paramete...

problem in importing dmp in oracle

I am using script to import data from dmp file. The script is imp sys/password file=<file location> full=yes but it does not work. It asked for file buffer size and either we put file buffer size or it will be terminated. Please tell me what could be the problem. ...

Check if INSERT was succesful

I have some procedure that perform INSERT statement: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE potok_insert( p_jfplate IN potok.jfplate%TYPE, p_post IN, p_jfchan IN potok.jfchan%TYPE, p_jfdatetime IN VARCHAR2 ) AS t_jfdatetime TIMESTAMP:=TO_TIMESTAMP(p_jfdatetime,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS'); BEGIN INSERT INTO potok (jfpl...

IDLE timeout parameter in Oracle.

We are stuck in a situation where one of our processes is taking 3 hours of computing without touching the database. The connection that was taken before calling the process gets closed by the Oracle server and any subsequent query or commit throws connection closed exception. It appears to us that the problem is related to Oracle closi...

Oracle Function: Replicate wm_concat

I currently am working on a project within Crystal Reports that refuses to use the undocumented function WM_CONCAT, which is allowable within Oracle 10g. Here is the WM_CONCAT header information WM_CONCAT(p1 IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 To use WM_CONCAT I pass it the following: WM_CONCAT(column1); This function seems to accept a co...

Pass an array as value in an DBParameter

The project I'm working on has a lot of IN-queries like: SELECT something, anotherthing FROM atable WHERE something IN (value1, value2, value3) This is an example of a queru with 3 parameters in the IN-part but the same query could be executed with 1 or 2 or 5 or 10 or ... parameters. The problem is that each query has an other execut...

Using debug is not stopping on breakpoints in Oracle SQL Developer

I am trying to debug a stored procedure using Oracle SQL Developer. The DB is on another box. I have granted privileges using GRANT debug any procedure, debug connect session TO <user>; I have placed the break point inside the procedure on one of the assignment lines. I have tried other places too out of desperation. When I click deb...

Trying to establish a connection

I have just downloaded and extracted the Oracle SQLDeveloper in MAC OS X. Until then, when I am establishing a connection using the HR (default) as the username and password, ORCL for the SID... the test result always show "test failed the network adapter could not establish the connection". Any insights... regards prinsipeluha ...

Function Table IN ORACLE

I've some prob with the function TABLE in ORACLE. SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 100000; DECLARE int_position NUMBER(20); TYPE T_REC_EMP IS RECORD ( nameFile VARCHAR2(200) ); R_EMP T_REC_EMP ; -- variable enregistrement de type T_REC_EMP TYPE TAB_T_REC_EMP IS TABLE OF T_REC_EMP index by binary_integer ; t_rec TAB_T_REC_EMP ; -- var...

c3p0 ResultSet.unwrap throws an AbstractMethodError

I have a ResultSet object that I need to turn into an OracleResultSet so that I can call the getOPAQUE(String) method on it. I'm using c3p0 as my connection pool. The problem is that c3p0 wraps ResultSets in NewProxyResultSet objects. This shouldn't be a problem because I should just be able to call unwrap on the ResultSet like this: r...

Finding runs of a particular value

I have a table in Oracle 10 that is defined like this: LOCATION HOUR STATUS -------------------------------------- 10 12/10/09 5:00PM 1 10 12/10/09 6:00PM 1 10 12/10/09 7:00PM 2 10 12/10/09 8:00PM 1 10 12/10/09 9:00PM 3 10 12/10/09 10:00PM 3 10 ...

SQL Server equivalent to Oracle LEAST?

I've been looking for a good equivalent to the Oracle LEAST function. I'm hoping to implement a user defined function that does about 10 fairly complex calculations, and takes the minimum value from each of those calculations. What I would do in Oracle is: SELECT LEAST ( select expression1 from dual, select expression2 from dual, sel...

Oracle truncate with / without drop storage

Tried to get a bit more info on this, but figured I'd just ask.... I attempted to perform a table truncate on Oracle 10g with the drop storage, however the results aren't entirely what I was expecting. Basically, the table in question had over 30 million records and over 3Gb allocated for it, but somehow the space allocated for it sti...

new_time function in SQL Server 2005

Is there a function or a workaround in SQL Server 2005 that is equivalent to the new_time() function in oracle? ...

SQL Query to return N rows from dual

I want to write a SQL query which accepts a bind variable (say :NUM) and its output consists of one column & :NUM number of rows, each row having its row number. i.e. if we pass :NUM as 7, the output should be: VAL ==== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 There shouldn't be any actual DB tables in query and no PL/SQL code should be used. i.e. only dual sho...

visual basic with oracle (Need Provider oledb for oracle)

Dear sir, can you tell me,how can i add a provider for oracle(Microsoft Provider oledb for oracle).Actually i had Microsoft ODBC for oracle but i want to add a provider above mention. with regards, Ameer ...

Help in debugging PL/SQL package?

I have a problem in my MVC application. I have a wrapper class for PL/SQL package. And I have to save screen changes to database through package call. While the process its not throwing any exception or error. How do I debug the package to find where the problem is? Please help me. ...

Full list of Predefined ORACLE PL/SQL Exceptions

Where can I find Full list of all Predefined ORACLE PL/SQL Exceptions. In this link i found this list, there is any more? ACCESS_INTO_NULL ORA-06530 CASE_NOT_FOUND ORA-06592 COLLECTION_IS_NULL ORA-06531 CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN ORA-06511 DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX ORA-00001 INVALID_CURSOR ORA-01001 INVALID_NUMBER ORA-01722 LOGIN_DENIED O...

Handle ORACLE Exceptions

I need to handle the ORA-01400 error (cannot insert NULL into ("SCHEMA"."TABLE_NAME"."COLUMN_NAME") ) using a exception handle. ORACLE Predefine a few Exceptions like (ACCESS_INTO_NULL, ZERO_DIVIDE and so on), but apparently does not define an Exception for the ORA-01400 error, how do I handle this particular error code? I need someth...

ASP.NET Oracle Query

What code would put the results of the query (or any query) into an HTML table? ReadOnly QUERY As String = "SELECT * FROM DUAL" Public Sub page_load() Dim myConn As New OracleConnection( _ ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DB").ConnectionString) myConn.Open() Dim myCommand As New OracleCommand(QUERY, myConn) ...