
'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges' error received when inserting into a View

Under the user name 'MY_ADMIN', I have successfully created a table called 'NOTIFICATIONS' and a view called 'V_NOTIFICATIONS'. On the 'V_NOTIFICATIONS' view I have successfully created a trigger and a package that takes what the user attempts to insert into the view and inserts it into the table. The 'V_NOTIFICATIONS' trigger and packag...

Is there a decent technique for SSIS Derived Column date formatting?

I just had to write the most redonkulous expression in an SSIS Derived Column to get dates formatted like "01-JAN-2010".  It lookes like this:        There's got to be a better way... isn't there? ...

Which workflow engine should I chose for implementing a dynamic reconfiguration of workflows?

I want to be able to interrupt a running workflow instance, say when a new activity is about to be invoked, and extract information both about the structure of the workflow and the data in the particular instance. Then I will consult with an external system and according to its response I will possibly alter the behaviour of the workflow...

select columns by a concat text as columnname in oracle

I have a table with columns named with the number of hour of day like this: col00 NUMBER(5) col01 NUMBER(5) col02 NUMBER(5) ... col23 NUMBER(5) ...and I have another query that returns a count by hour. I want to recover the colXX value by hour.... then I can recover with "decode" or "case when..." but I want know if exists any way to...

How to produce "merge" of two data sets with select SQL statement (Oracle DBMS)?

Hi: What would be the insert SQL statement to merge data from two tables. For example I have events_source_1 table (columns: event_type_id, event_date) and events_source_2 table (same columns) and events_target table (columns: event_type_id, past_event_date nullalbe, future_event_date nullable). Events_source_1 has past events, Events...

How to modernize an enormous legacy database?

I have a question, just looking for suggestions here. So, my application is 'modernizing' a desktop application by converting it to the web, with an ICEFaces UI and server side written in Java. However, they are keeping around the same Oracle database, which at current count has about 700-900 tables and probably a billion total records...

subquery factoring questions.

Hi, Please explain. a) "subquery factoring" is used to replace a non-correlated subquery. What about correlated subquery? Is there any way to move a correlated sub-query to 'WITH' clause section? b) are "subquery" "subquery factoring" executed exactly once? c) "subquery" vs "subquery factoring" which one is better Thank you. ...

Does Oracle Lite Database 10g support spatial data type?

Can't find any online documentation about the support data types? ...

simple question about oracle indexes

If I have an oracle query like below: SELECT * FROM table_a where A = "1", B = "2", C = "3" for this query to pickup one of the indexes of table_a...does the index need to be on all 3 of these columns? What I am asking is: What if Index is on A, B, C, D? What if Index is on B, C? Will the index only be picked when it is on A, B, C?...

oracle blob text search

Is it possible to search through blob text using sql statement? I can do select * from $table where f1 like '%foo%' if the f1 is varchar, how about f1 is a blob? Any counter part for this? ...

How to organize SQL script files & folders

We have an Oracle 10g database (a huge one) in our company, and I provide employees with data upon their requests. My problem is, I save almost every SQL query I wrote, and now my list has grown too long. I want to organize and rename these .sql files so that I can find the one I want easily. At the moment, I'm using some folders named a...

create a folder

Hi there I wanna know how I can create a folder via Oracle form Builder? is it possible? I mean I wanna create a folder dynamically and after that open it by Internet explorer to customer that customer easily copy his files. I use oracle 6i. ...

How to optimize an update SQL that runs on a Oracle table with 700M rows

UPDATE [TABLE] SET [FIELD]=0 WHERE [FIELD] IS NULL [TABLE] is an Oracle database table with more than 700 million rows. I cancelled the SQL execution after it had been running for 6 hours. Is there any SQL hint that could improve performance? Or any other solution to speed that up? EDIT: This query will be run once and then never aga...

Oracle Merge Rejection Row Count

Given an Oracle Merge statement with a rejection limit, is there a shorthand way to identify how many rows were rejected, without being forced to query the rejection destination? The rejection destination has records pre-merge, so would currently have to be counted twice and the difference taken, but it seems like there should be a cou...

ORACLE and TRIGGERS (inserted, updated, deleted)

Hello, I would like to use a trigger on table which will be fired every time a row is inserted, updated, deleted. I wrote something like this: CREATE or REPLACE TRIGGER test001 AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON tabletest001 REFERENCING OLD AS old_buffer NEW AS new_buffer FOR EACH ROW WHEN (new_buffer.field1 = 'HBP00') and i...

how to update multiple tables in oracle DB?

hi, i am using two tables in my oracle 10g. the first table having the keyword,count,id(primary key) and my second table having id, timestamp.. but i am doing any chages in the first table(keyword,count) it will reflect on the my second table timestamp.. i am using id as reference for both the tables... table1: CREATE TABLE Searchabl...

How to create select SQL statement that would produce "merged" dataset from two tables(Oracle DBMS)?

Here's my original question: merging two data sets Unfortunately I omitted some intircacies, that I'd like to elaborate here. So I have two tables events_source_1 and events_source_2 tables. I have to produce the data set from those tables into resultant dataset (that I'd be able to insert into third table, but that's irrelevant). ev...

How do I backup Oracle database (about 1TB size) in VMware without using RMAN?

It's been a while since I am struggling to find a backup solution for cold backup of Oracle database on Linux in VMware. I am obviously not looking for entire vm image backup. ...

how I can change the oracle form builder color polette

Hi there I used oracle 6i in my project, I wanna use more color in my palette but I cant. Would you help me? I already try to go Tools->Profermence->color mode => change to editable but my problem still exist,I cant customize the costume color in my palette. also I try to all color palette to oracle form builder but I don't have any ...

I want to generate DDL for entire schema in oracle 10 G ?

Hi Experts, I am using Oracle 10G. I am new to oracle, I have little bit regarding dbms_metadata.get_ddl, now using this utility i want to generate a DDL for my entire schema. I mean what ever DDL operations done on my schema (testschema). Please help me out. Thanks Nash. ...