
how I can get log from database in oracle?

Hi Last day my head judge me because he face with some problem that he didnot has it before! but I didnt do any thing with database and also our company CM database is so critical ! In this case can he proof what I do with database??? Oracle have any log! some functaion updating in last 2days that I didnt update it and he also... please...

Fetching German character from oracle database

Hello, I have database as Oracle and development is in Data stored is as, Förderer, Jörg etc. Everything works fine on my local environment, where i can fetch the records having German characters, and i can display it on users browser. However, when i deploy the solution on client machine, problem starts. When i fetch data f...

Can I create Foreign Keys across Databases?

We have 2 database DB1 & DB2 Can I create a table in DB1 and it has relation with one of the tables in DB2? In other hand can I have a Foreign Key in my table from other database? I connect to these DB with different USER. any idea? right now I receive error ORA-00942:Table or view does not exist ...

if insert error in oracle trigger creation?

CREATE TRIGGER Background_Process_Report_trit AFTER INSERT ON Background_Process_Report FOR EACH ROW IF INSERT(PROCESS_NAME) BEGIN SET EXECUTION_TIMESTAMP := NEW.TIMESTAMP; END; / process_name -- column in my Background_Process_Report table.but i want to update the each time the process_name is created(by java application), trig...

oracle - don't transfer blobs

Hello, I've noticed that in "SQL Developer" if you are selecting from a table that contains BLOBs, it uses the word "(BLOB)" instead of displaying / downloading the BLOB contents. Is this something that can be done at a session level? I have a .net program that does "select * from TABLE_WITH_BLOB" which returns the contents of the BLO...

How to store unlimited characters in Oracle 11g?

We have a table in Oracle 11g with a varchar2 column. We use a proprietary programming language where this column is defined as string. Maximum we can store 2000 characters (4000 bytes) in this column. Now the requirement is such that the column needs to store more than 2000 characters (in fact unlimited characters). The DBAs don't like ...

Oracle EXISTS query is not working as expected - DB Link bug?

I'm completely baffled by the results of this query: select count(*) from my_tab mt where mt.stat = '2473' and 'Tom' and exists (select * from [email protected] cu, [email protected] pr where cu.user_id = pr.user_id and = and m...

Can I recover older Oracle pl/sql source code from a package body after i have replaced with newer code

I had created an Oracle PL/SQL package with a header and a body with lots of code. Later, I ended up accidentally erasing the code from that body after reran the CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY... statement with different source code (which actually I intended to save under a different package name). Is there anyway I can recover my older...

Help Connecting lift to an Oracle Database

So I have something like this in my boot.scala: object DBVendor extends ConnectionManager { def newConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): Box[Connection] = { try { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver") val dm = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:orcl", "username", "password"); Fu...

Java JDBC connections and Oracle

I have a scenario and the question follows Application server has two connections pools to DB. A and B A points to -> DatabaseA -> has 128 connections A has Stored Procedures which access tables residing in DatabaseB over the DB link B points to -> DatabaseB -> has 36 connections Now lets say that Java code calls Stored Proc in Dat...

how to pass user created connection to hibernate

hi, is there any way, to restrict hibernate not to create connection of its own(what we define in or hibernate.cfg.xml), instead i can create and pass the connection to hibernate for further processing. The problem is that i need to set the ApplicationContext on the connection given that the i am using oracle connec...

How do I write an Oracle SQL query for this tricky question?

Here is the table data with the column name as Ships. +--------------+ Ships | +--------------+ Duke of north | ---------------+ Prince of Wales| ---------------+ Baltic | ---------------+ Replace all characters between the first and the last spaces (excluding these spaces) by symbols of an asterisk (*). The number o...

Oracle Applications Server File Permissions

Not sure if this is a valid question. I have an application running under oracle application server (apache). I need to upload a file from the PC to webserver directory.So I need to find directories to which the web server can write. Where is this info available. ...

Arabic SQL query (on Oracle DB) returns empty result

I have this query (that runs on Oracle 10g database): SELECT ge.*, ge.concept AS glossarypivot FROM s_glossary_entries ge WHERE (ge.glossaryid = '161' OR ge.sourceglossaryid = '161') AND (ge.approved != 0 OR ge.userid = 361) AND concept like 'م%' ORDER BY ge.concept The query must display all words that begin with the arabic le...

java.sql.Exception ClosedConnection

I am getting the following error: java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( at ...

SSIS package randomly hangs during execution

Hi Guys, I am having an ongoing and painful problem with an SSIS package. The package runs every 5 minutes as an SQL Agent Job and every 2-10 days the package will start running and never stop (thus preventing further executions). If I stop the hung job manually it will begin working perfectly again in the next 5 minute interval. The S...

what's ur idea about this two way for creat a folder in oracle

According to my last question about how to create folder here I find some codes that s.b before write it! looking : (sorry for limitation i cant put codes here) they try to Create a bat file,by oracle outfile text_IO,file_type then they write these statement! body_of_file = 'Net use x: \\address' body_of_file += 'md' || filename body_of...

Populate an SQL Server 2k8 with Oracle Loader files

Hi folks. Here's the problem: I have a project that needs to be migrated to Microsoft SQL Server 2008. We have data in text files for the Oracle SQL Loader and now we need to get that data into the SQL Server DB. I could write a program that converts everything into INSERT statements but there has to be a more comfortable way to so t...

Oracle Procedure to join two tables with latest status

Please help me make an oracle stored procedure ; I have two tables tblLead: lead_id Name 1 x 2 y 3 z tblTransaction: Tran_id lead_id date status 1 1 04/20/2010 call Later 2 1 05/05/2010 confirmed I want a result like lead_id Name status 1 x con...

Open files on client side from ORACLE Forms

I'm trying to put a code on a button so that the user would be able to open a specific excel file whenever he pressed it , unfortunately the code i was using ( AppID ) happened to be opening the file on the server side not the client side ; please find the code below : DECLARE AppID PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN AppID := DDE.App_...