
Why doesn't ODP.NET 11 xcopy deployment work on a machine with Oracle DB 10 installed?

I have an app that uses a local version of ODAC 11 below the directory that the .exe file is in. The idea is that we want our app to use the local ODAC 11 regardless of what else the user has installed on her machine. Oracle.DataAccess.dll is in the same directory as the .exe. It works fine when the client machine has no Oracle client...

Oracle: Combine multiple results in a subquery into a single comma-separated value

I'm trying to convert a single-columned subquery into a command-separated VARCHAR-typed list of values. This is identical to this question, but for Oracle rather than SQL Server or MySQL. ...

is there any way to log all failed sql statements in oracle 10g

is there any way to log all failed sql statements in oracle 10g to a table or file? By failed I mean bad formated sql statement or sql statements that do not have permission for a table or object. ...

Oracle 10 optimizer from RULE to COST: why?

Oracle decided to dismiss the rule-based optimizer from version 10g, leaving the cost-based one as the only choice. I think that a rule-based optimizer has the unvaluable positive side of being always predictable. I've seen instead Oracle 10g changing execution plans from night to day, leading to turtle-like performances. Which could be ...

Verfying a database is as you expect it it be

I've been writing a java app on my machine and it works perfectly using the DB I set up, but when I install it on site it blows up because the DB is slightly different. So I'm in the process of writing some code to verify that: A: I've got the DB details correct B: The database has all the Tables I expect and they have the right colum...

DESCRIBE via database link?

Hi! I tried to execute the DESCRIBE command via a database link, but this was the return message: DESCRIBE <table>@<database>; ERROR: ------------------------------------ ERROR: object <table> does not exist 1 rows selected A SELECT on this table works well. Does Oracle permitts DESCRIBE via a datab...

Oracle, deleting many records with child tables

Situation: table TBL has ~10k entries for deletion table TBL has 14 child tables with delete rule "no action" I want to delete 10k entries and referenced entries in child tables Procedure: delete records in child tables disable constraints (if constraints are not disabled deletion in next step takes forever) delete records in TBL t...

Alternative Oracle drivers for .net

I have to develop a tool in C# that retrieves some data from an Oracle DB. Since our IT support is having some trouble with installing the Oracle client, I want to be able to connect to the database without the client installed. The idea is to just install (and maybe register) an additional library together with the app. Which alternati...

Predicting Oracle Table Growth

How can I predict the future size / growth of an Oracle table? Assuming: linear growth of the number of rows known columns of basic datatypes (char, number, and date) ignore the variability of varchar2 basic understanding of the space required to store them (e.g. number) basic understanding of blocks, extents, segments, and block ov...

Migrating an Oracle database with a C# application attached to it: How to manage database migration?

I have a C# application which works with an Oracle database and has been already shipped. Now it's time to ship out a new release. The C# object model have been revised and had an impact on the table structure. If I ship out the new release, I need to take care of existing data. Just dropping tables and recreate these tables wouldn’t ma...

Mapping .NET floating point datatypes to Oracle NUMER(P,S) columns.

A .NET application I'm writing needs to store .NET float, double, and decimal datatypes in an Oracle database. When defining a number column type in Oracle, you have to specify the precision and scale of the number: NUMBER(p,s) p is the precision, or the total number of digits. Oracle guarantees the portability of numbers with precis...

in Oracle 9.2, how to compare LONG Type containing String text to a Column of VARCHAR2.

simple q. in Oracle 9.2, how to compare LONG Type containing String text to a Column of VARCHAR2. select * from table1 t1, table2 t2 where t1.long_value = t2.varchar2_value how can i execute such a query the easiest way? ...

Can someone explain this JDBC Exception to me?

I'm gettting the following exception when performing an insert to an Oracle Databse using JDBC. java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: Io exception: Unexpected packet What could cause this and how can I recover from it? The application I'm writing performs an aweful lot of updates the the databse in rapid succession. Judging from the exce...

Oracle Delete Rows Matching On Multiple Values

I want to do something like: DELETE FROM student WHERE student.course, student.major IN (SELECT schedule.course, schedule.major FROM schedule) However, it seems that you can only use one column with the IN operator. Is that true? Seems like a query like this should be possible. ...

Number of columns

how do you count the number of columns in a table in oracle? ...

How can I tell if I have uncommitted work in an Oracle transaction?

Is there a way to tell if I have uncommitted work (ie DML) in a transaction? Maybe a data-dictionary view I can query? A method to find this out both from within and outside of the session running the open transaction would be welcome. Thank you ...

Oracle and SQL Dataset

Problem: I have to pull data from a SQL Server database and an Oracle database and put it together in one dataset. The problem I have is: The SQL Server query requires an ID that is only found from the return of the Oracle query. What I am wondering is: How can I approach this problem in a way such that performance is not harmed? ...

Accent and case insensitive COLLATE equivalent in Oracle

In Microsoft SQL Server, if I want to search case insensitively in a case-sensitive database, I can run the following SQL: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyField = 'BobDillon' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI And that will find all "bobdillon" entries. If I want to do the same in Oracle, I know I can do this: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE UP...

ODP.NET Configuration in Web.config

I'm adding the odp configuration in the application web.config file. For this I have a configuration section named "oracle.dataaccess.client". Therefore I'm adding an entry in the <configSections> section. Something like this: <section name="oracle.dataaccess.client" type="System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler, System.Data,...

hibernate 3 + oracle 9 clob type to string convert using Jsf -- how to

As the title says it all -- I need to save a large text from jsf UI into a 'clob' type column in Oracle 9i. I use Hibernate 3.3. I've referred many sites, but no help. So far tried, this and setup a user defined type like this. Also setup a clob converter. I think I'm something fundamental. Can anyone please point out to a correct articl...