
C# Oracle Stored Procedure Parameter Order


How to retrieve data from 10g in java servlet & JSP

Retrieve data from database 10g in Servlet & JSP ...

Mapping an Oracle Date to a Java object using Hibernate

I get the message "literal does not match format string". For instance, here are some methods from a Java class: public String getDateTime(); public void setDateTime(String date_time); Here is the mapping from the Hibernate config file for that class: <property name="dateTime" column="date_time"> and here is the DDL for that col...

[Reloaded] Error while sorting filtered data from a GridView

Hello guys, I have an error I cannot solve, on a ASP.NET website. One of its pages - Countries.aspx, has the following controls: a CheckBox called "CheckBoxNAME": } Also, this is the main onload event of the page: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack == false) ...

Oracle BPM Ajax to Fuego Object

I have a specific requirement to have autocomplete in an Oracle BPM project. I have been trying to figure out the best way to achieve this activity. I have a good foundation of jQuery and auto-complete. What way do you find yourself satisfing these types of requirements? I would like to get the response straight from the object. ...

Oracle: symbolic names and logical grouping for ORA-XXXXX codes?

So I'm going in and adding TAF (cluster failover) processing to some database code, and I'm winding up with similar chunks of code that look like this: try: ... some database code... except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError,e: # ORA-25401: can not continue fetches # ORA-25402: transaction must r...

ADO.NET Data Services & Oracle - RESTful WCF w/ Oracle

I'm looking into WCF and woud like to created my framework in a RESTful way. I've just started looking into ADO.NET Data Services, but it seems it only supports SQL Server, is this correct? Can you run in against Oracle? ...

Lost RPC connection to remote Agent error with Oracle connected to Informix

I am having a problem with a simple data importer / updater that takes data from Informix, inserts it into a table in Oracle, and updates a flag in the original table. The set up is this Pro*C program calls a PL/SQL procedure The procedure opens a cursor on Informix, loops through each row insert the data into an oracle table ...

Can Ruby on Rails connect to Oracle/RDB on Mac OS X or Windows?

I have an older database Oracle RDB. I used ODBC on Windows with .net, but I'm not sure how to proceed on RoR on a Mac OS X server. I don't know how I do it on Windows either with RoR. I was hoping for general direction. EDIT: I searched for activerecord and rdb but have nto found it yet. I saw references to rdb$database and so on ...

Keeping tables synchronized in Oracle

Hi, We're about to run side-by-side testing to compare a legacy system with a new shiny version. We have an Oracle database table, A, that stores data for the legacy system, and an equivalent table, B, that stores data for the new system, so for the duration of the test, the database is denormalized. (Also, the legacy system and table A...

How to timeout a "select for update" in Oracle using Perl DBI

Hi, is there an easy way to timeout an SQL statement so that it will fail instead of waiting (e.g. deliver an empty result set or an error message or whatever else) so I can let a job's ressource reservation fail and give another one a chance? I'm looking for some DBI option I've overlooked so far; sending SIGALRMs to myself to commit su...

Connect to a secure database using JDBC

How do you specify the username and password for a JDBC connection when acessing a secure database? ...

Oracle SQL Expert Certification 1Z0-047

Hi, I want to pass the Oracle SQL Expert Certification (1Z0-047). I want to know which books should I buy to prepare myself for this exam. If somebody did was it? ...

Testing for a valid date in a oracle procedure's parameter

Hi, Oracle 8 here. When passing a date to a procedure, I can pass a '' and nothing is thrown. Testing for MYDATE := '' doesn't eval to true. Nor does LENGTH < 1. DBMS_OUTPUT shows nothing coming through the parameter. Trying to pass '01-30-2009' (instead of 30-JAN-2009) throws an invalid date error. How is passing a zero lengt...

oracle pl/sql ora-01722 error

I have a simple oracle statement in my procedure: update org.security_training_question a set a.actv_indr = 'N' where a.qstn_id in (v_qstns_to_delete); v_qstns_to_delete is a parameter being passed. It is a varchar2 field and a.qstn_id is a numeric field. When calling the Stored Procedure, for v_qstns_to_delete I am passing the fol...

Create WebService Client from URI in Eclipse

Hi all, i want to make some tests with the Oracle Business Intelligence Webservices. First i want to import them into Eclipse. For that i use this howto: Until step 8 is everything okay. For the Import i'm using: http://localhost:9704/analytics/saw.dll?WSDL But then i get following error: ...

dba_jobs_running: table or view does not exist when trying to access from procedure

Hi Folks, Simply querying running jobs using something like select * from dba_jobs_running; works fine when executed in my sqldevelopers SQL console. However, it does not work, when having exactly the same statement within a procedure. Compilation fails with PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Any ideas? Is there so...

OracleType for a pl/sql function with a boolean return value?

Hi, I'm developing this app where I have to call a function written in PL/SQL that returns a boolean. As I understand, bool is not a type in SQL, but in PL/SQL, so what will the return type for the function be? command.Parameters.Add("P_RETURN", OracleType.???); (For the record: I have no control over the PL/SQL end of things, so I am...

format interval with to_char

Following SQL command select TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))) from table1 produces a result of the format: +000000000 00:03:01.954000. Is it possible to enter a special format in the to_char function in order to get a result of format: +00 00:00:00.000? ...

Oracle database connections - what are all the fields I need to fill in?

I'm used to using SQL Server and I'm now faced with connecting to Oracle. Can I get some completely unambiguous descriptions for what all the fields I need to fill in are? Specifically, I want to understand what these are: Home Hostname Port SID Service name Network Alias Connect identifier My basic understanding is that hostname ...