
Oracle 'identifier myschema.mytable must be declared'

Hi, Trying to run some sql in a pl/sql procedure. Select field from schema.view; I get a compile error Error(22,18): PLS-00201: identifier 'schema.view' must be declared From the error, it seems that my user does not have access to the table. I can run the same statement in a query window. Is there a permission I need to gran...

cx_Oracle And User Defined Types

Does anyone know an easier way to work with user defined types in Oracle using cx_Oracle? For example, if I have these two types: CREATE type my_type as object( component varchar2(30) ,key varchar2(100) ,value varchar2(4000)) / CREATE type my_type_tab as table of my_type / And then a procedure in package my_package as follows:...

Is there an easy way to backup Oracle SQL Developer's User Snippets?

I love Oracle SQL Developer so I find myself using it a lot to complete my daily tasks. The thing is that my collection of custom snippets only keeps growing so I though it'd be interesting to learn how to backup them. Before asking blindly I did a bit of work trying to figure out how. I've performed a search within the application's fo...

Oracle SQL Query (Analytics?)

I am trying to build a query such that some column are built up from a previous matching row. For example with the following data: CREATE TABLE TEST (SEQ NUMBER, LVL NUMBER, DESCR VARCHAR2(10)); INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (1, 1, 'ONE'); INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (2, 2, 'TWO1'); INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (3, 2, 'TWO2'); INSERT INTO TEST VALUES...

Rolling forward the archivelog and online redo logs to the restored database

Hi all, I'm currently using Oracle db11g on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0. I make an incremental level 0 one time a week and incremental level 1 everyday. I can restore this backup on my new Linux server without any problems because I have all archive logs generated after level 1 backup. However, if online redo log is not yet filled (I ...

What is wrong with my update statement with a join in Oracle?

I am working with an Oracle 10g Database. I have the following two tables: T_DEBTOR : - ID_DEBTOR - HEADER T_ELEMENT : - ID_ELEMENT - ID_DEBTOR - INSURER These two tables are joined using the ID_DEBTOR field. I want to update the T_ELEMENT.INSURER value with the associated T_DEBTOR.HEADER only if HEADER is not nu...

Output ordering in Oracle 10g

Helo, I am using oracle 10g and the output coming when SELECT command is in a zig zag format. How I can arrange coulumns in correct order? Is there any command? ...

How can I convert a SQL Server date format to Oracle?

I am working on migration of data from an old system to a new system. As part of migration, the data from the legacy system, (stored in files) is pumped into MS SQL Server. Now my app runs on Oracle. I'm having a problem with the date/timestamp. The timestamp format in MS SQL Server data is: 2008.12.23 00:00:00 Oracle expects:...

How to make Oracle Query recognizable to ASP.NET table adapter?

I have a query with a sub query in the select that needs to get a value from a certain table if it exists. I don't want to paste the query here for business reasons, but here's a simplified example of what I am trying to do: select a, b, (select x from z) as c from table where ... The query runs fine in TOAD, but when I go through t...

Why does adding count(*) to a select statement force a row to exist in a subquery?

On Oracle 9i, why does the following produce the result 'abc' select 'abc ' || (select txt from (select 'xyz' as txt from dual where 1=2)) from dual while this produces 'abc xyz': select 'abc ' || (select txt from (select count(*), 'xyz' as txt from dual where 1=2)) from dual Why does adding count(*) to the subquery r...

Filter SQL query by a unique set of column values, regardless of their order

I have a table in Oracle containing two columns that I'd like to query for records containing a unique combination of values, regardless of the order of those values. For example, if I have the following table: create table RELATIONSHIPS ( PERSON_1 number not null, PERSON_2 number not null, RELATIONSHIP number not null, ...

View BLOB data which contains text in XML format

How to view a BLOB data, can i export it to textfile? . i am using Oracle SQL developer 5.1. When i tried select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(COLNAME)) from user_settings where = it says the following error ORA-06502 PL/SQL : numeric or value error : raw variable length too long the BLOB contains text in XML format ...

[SQL*Loader] How to really skip the processing of a column?

In order to load data (from a CSV file) into an Oracle database, I use SQL*Loader. In the table that receives these data, there is a varchar2(500) column, called COMMENTS. For some reasons, I want to ignore this information from the CSV file. Thus, I wrote this control file: Options (BindSize=10000000,Readsize=10000000,Rows=5000,Errors...

SQL decode on column4 but only when column5 is distinct

Hi folks, I need to change the sum(decode()) expressions that are like SUM(Decode(vcon.WAGON_TYPE_CODE,'MS',1,0)) to something that counts rows with vcon.WAGON-TYPE-CODE = 'MS' but only when wag.ACI-TAG-NO is distinct. So if two columns look like this vcon.WAGON_TYPE_CODE wag.ACI_TAG_NO MS HI1111 SS ...

Webservice: BLOB field

Hi, In retrieving data from a Oracle database that contains BLOB fields (Office's .doc files etc), do I have to do something particular to send it via web services? It is sent like a string and I'm trying to convert the string into an array of bytes and write it to a file to recreate, client-side, the .doc file. What is the correct app...

What type of index in best for DATE type on Oracle?

Hi, Basing on your experience with Oracle, what will be the best type and settings for index that you would set on a column of DATE type? I don't necessarily need to go for partitioned index. It is a logging kind of table. You don't really care about unique id as a primary key (in fact date is close enough to be uniques most of the ...

Oracle: Variable number of parameters to a stored procedure

Hi, I want to INSERT various users into a Oracle db with a stored procedure. A user (table "user") has, say, name, surname and date of birth: CREATE TABLE "USER" ( "Name" VARCHAR2(50), "Surname" VARCHAR2(50), "Dt_Birth" DATE, ) A stored procedure to create a user is pretty simple: CREATE PROCEDURE Insert_User(p_user, ...

C#: Pass a user-defined type to a Oracle stored procedure

With reference to I have s stored procedure to insert multiple Users into a User table. The table is defined like: CREATE TABLE "USER" ( "Name" VARCHAR2(50), "Surname" VARCHAR2(50), "Dt_Birth" DATE, ) The stored proced...

Query two tables from different schema

Hi- I have two different schemas in Oracle (say S1, S2). And two tables in those schemas(say S1.Table1, S2.Table2). I want to query these two tables from schema S1. Both S1 and S2 are in different databases. From DB1 - Schema S1, I want to do something like this, select T1.Id from S1.Table1 T1 , S2.Table2 T2 Where T1.Id = T2....

Set language for Oracle JDBC thin client

I want to specify language for the JDBC connection before it is actually created. For example if I specify wrong L/P credentials in DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password) I need to get ORA error localized to the language I selected. I use Oracle thin client and setting NLS_LANG environmental variable did not work. :-( ...