
Evaluate Oracle Expression

As I learn new features in Oracle, sometimes I want to test how a function or type conversion works. Is there a quick way to evaluate a literal expression without querying a table? For example, if I wanted to see how date arithmetic worked, I might construct the following query: SELECT SYSDATE - 1 as dateMinusLiteral, TRUNC(SYSDATE) m...

.NET TransactionScope on Oracle

Hello, we are using DAAB and TransactionScope on Oracle. Our application manage all the connection to only 1 database. This type of implementation it seems to need "Oramts.dll". Is there a way of using your DAAB and TrasnsactionScope without MTS? Thanks! ...

Oracle CASE with OR

Hi All, Can we use CASE statement in Oracle with OR like this: CASE WHEN A > 0 OR B >0 THEN c=1 END; I know we can use AND, but I get an error when I use OR. Can you please suggest something? Thanks. ...

oracle: efficient way to configure columns in an output report

I'm designing an HTML report that effectively extracts columns from a single table The number of columns in this table is quite large, and I would like some way to configure the application to say which columns to display. Note: This is not a per-user setting. Lets say I have the main table: MAIN_TABLE id first_name last_name weight h...

ADODB Recordset.Recordcount corruption with oracle (ASP)

For some unknown reason, when I try to read the RecordCount property from an ADODB.Recordset object in ASP it causes strange data corruption that doesn't appear to follow any particular pattern that I can find. I'm using ASP to connect to an Oracle 10g database. The following is the code I am using. c_objRS.Open strSql, objPage.objCn,...

Stumped and Seeking Input Re: Database Design

We have an Oracle database here that's been around for about 10 years. It's passed through a lot of hands. In the course of those years, it's grown quite large, and there are some interesting anomalies in its design that have me perplexed. Now, I'm historically a SQL Server developer. I used to steam and fume about the differences betwe...

What are some of the database optimizations for multi-tenant applications.

Salesforce’s secret sauce: It queries its databases with “The Multi-Tenant Optimizer" So exactly what could this practice be comprised of? ...

Oracle SQL Developer: sharing configuration via Dropbox

I would like to share my Oracle SQL Developer configuration across my several computers that use Dropbox. How can I do this? ...

Entity Framework and Oracle

I've got to look at the ORM solution for a new ASP.NET Web App with an Oracle backend. Has anyone had good/bad experience with using Entity Framework with Oracle? Are there any (free preferably) alternatives? ...

db2 sql script file

Hi all, I have an oracle script that I am trying to convert to valid db2 syntax. Within this sql file I have various calls to other sql files passing in a parameter using the '@' syntax. e.g. @script1 param1 @script2 param2 Can anyone help me with valid db2 equivalent statements? Is there an equivalent run command in db2? is it po...

Oracle 10g: MIN/MAX column value estimation

Hello all, is it possible to retrieve statistics about the minimal or maximal value of a numeric column in Oracle 10g? I have found the table USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS having a LOW_VALUE and HIGH_VALUE column, but I am not sure whether those are the values I am looking for. I need to find an efficient way to ask the DBS for those statist...

connecting to oracle remote server with CakePHP

Hi, First I am sorry if I posted at the wrong place. Now onto the problem: I am developing a web app with CakePHP with Oracle backend on Windows box, the development was initially done in CodeIgniter, and recently we decided to migrate to CakePHP. The Oracle server is located at the different subnet. I am able to connect Cake to the ...

Check that all rows match a given criterion

requestId Consultantid statusid 1 2 10 2 2 10 3 2 10 I want to check if every row has a statusid of 10. if (every row has a statusid of 10) then -----do this endif; ...

How to Execute an Orace SQL Statements with VBScript


Queries for Sql Server and Oracle

Hi All, I'm developing an application with Database factory pattern which allows the application to support both Sql Server and Oracle. I've created an abstract class that has the methods common to Sql Server and Oracle, like the CreateConnection and CreateCommand methods. This class is implemented by SqlServer and Oracle classe...

ORACLE Rollback and Trigger

Does the after Update trigger will kick off if there is a rollback? Scenario: Lets say we update a table A and the trigger on table A kicks off and updates another table B with the details. If there is a rollback issued on table A due to some processing error, will the trigger cause the table B to rollback the change? ...

How can I optmize a MAX date query relating to a other table entity

I`m having trouble trying to optimize this query with OVER (PARTITION BY ...) because the id field of the table containing the maxDate needs to relate to the other table. The working query is: SELECT maxReadDate, Equip.idProtocol FROM Equip, ( SELECT idEquip as idEquipTot, MAX(readDate) AS maxReadDate ...

How to know which stored procedures are running in an Oracle database?

I need to know which stored procedures are running. It's not an option to "mark" the stored procedures changing their source. Thank you very much. ...

Best way in Oracle to go from this data to this result

What is the best way in oracle to ge the following result set from a table like this: GROUP ID VALUE -------------------- 1 1 A 1 2 B 1 3 C 2 4 D 2 5 E 3 6 F 4 7 G 4 8 H ID Parent VALUE --------------------- 1 0 A 2 1 B 3 2 ...

How do you add textboxes to Oracle APEX reports?

I'm generating a matrix report in Oracle APEX. I've got the values displaying properly, but when I click the "Edit button", I want all the cells to turn into textboxes. I know that you can do this by changing some settings in the Report Attributes, but the problem is my matrix report is dynamic, which means that I do not know in advance...