
What's the best way to determine which version of oracle client I'm running?

The subject says it all: What is the best way to determine the exact version of the oracle client I'm running? Our clients are all running Windows. I found one suggestion to run the tnsping utility, without parameters, which does display the version information. Is there a better way? Does the client install put this information in ...

Database vs. Front-End for Output Formatting

I've read that (all things equal) PHP is typically faster than MySQL at arirthmetic and string manipulation operations. This being the case, where does one draw the line between what one asks the database to do versus what is done by the web server(s)? We use stored procedures exclusively as our data-access layer. My unwritten rule ha...


I want to import a database to a new tablespace. So I;m setting up a user using CREATE USER. But how do I set up the TEMPORARY TABLESPACE if I don't know the temporary tablespace the existing database uses? ...

How do I show a table's foreign key's in TimesTen?

How do I show a table's foreign key's in TimesTen? ...

Oracle Update Hangs

I'm having trouble with an Oracle update. The call to ExecuteNonQuery hangs indefinitely. The code: using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(dbData.SqlCommandStr, conn)) { foreach (string colName in dbData.Values.Keys) cmd.Parameters.Add(colName, dbData.Values[colName]); cmd.CommandTimeout = txTimeout; int nRo...

Does an index on a unique field in a table allow a select count(*) to happen instantly? If not why not?

I know just enough about SQL tuning to get myself in trouble. Today I was doing EXPLAIN plan on a query and I noticed it was not using indexes when I thought it probably should. Well, I kept doing EXPLAIN on simpler and simpler (and more indexable in my mind) queries, until I did EXPLAIN on select count(*) from table_name I thought ...

Vista and Oracle 10g

I am getting this error message in Internet Explorer with Oracle 10g installed on Vista: The '' provider is not registered on the local machine I can connect to Oracle databases OK with SQL Server 2008 as a linked database. However, my IE 7 doesn't see it. I have installed it as administrator and tried many different ...

Can you add values to an Oracle APEX Shuttle item using a textbox?

The LHS is still dynamically populated with a query, but if it doesn't have a value that you want, then you can just type in a value in the textbox and then add that to the RHS of the shuttle (and update the corresponding tables in the database when you submit). It should also be okay to add that to the LHS when you click on the '<' or '...

How do you pre-set values on the right-hand side of a Shuttle Item in Oracle APEX?

I've looked at numerous forums and tutorials, but it doesn't display the values on the right hand side of the shuttle. However, if I look at the Session values, it seems to set the values properly, it just doesn't show it in the Shuttle Item itself. I've done exactly what I found here:

Oracle Analytics inside Cursor

Hello Oracle Experts, I'm wondering why my "analytics" line inside a "cursor" in Oracle Forms generates an error. This is how it's written: CURSOR READ_C1_REC IS SELECT DISTINCT MACH, TCODE, COUNT(ALL TRANS_NO) OVER (PARTITION BY MACH, TCODE ORDER BY MACH, TCODE) TOTALPERMACHPERTCODE FROM ( SELECT .....

Oracle Left outer join

SELECT a, last_note_user, c, d, iso_src FROM X CROSS JOIN Y CROSS JOIN Z LEFT OUTER JOIN W ON W.last_note_user = Z.userid AND W.user_ten = Y.iso_src The above ANSI code fetch me 107 records,When I giving the same query without ANSI code it is fetching 875 records.The non ANSI quer...

Eclipse BIRT and Oracle: Need to set role before running report

Is it possible to set a database role before running a report? I have a number of databases each containing a number of schemas with the same set of tables, where each schema has a number of roles to control read, write, data management and so on. None of these are default roles. In sqlplus or TOAD I can do SET ROLE , before running a ...

How to make result set from ('1','2','3') ?

Hello! I have a question, how can i make a result set making only list of values. For example i have such values : ('1','2','3') And i want to make a sql that returns such table: 1 2 3 Thanks. [Edit] Sorry for wrong question. Actually list not containing integers, but it contains strings. I am currently need like ('aa','bb,'cc'). ...

how to add Save button to each row of the Oracle APEX Report

I have created an APEX report with Edit Link and Drop Down box. Edit Link is used to edit all the fields of the report. But I would like to add a 'save' button next to Edit link so that users can change values in Drop Down and save the record instead of going to next page using Edit link. Please provide an option to achive this ...

ResultSet and Select * Performance

I am refactoring some Spring JDBC code in which some of the costlier queries do "SELECT * FROM..." - and was about to start checking which columns were actually needed and just SELECT x , y FROM.. them. But reading through the ResultSet class is seemed that most data is lazily loaded. When you do a it moves the cursor ...

Oracle Minus - From a list of values, how do I count ONLY non reversed values.

I have a list of payment transactions in a table. That include payment reversals. The Payment reversals are not flagged, so I have to infer that if a deduction is equal to an existing transaction it is a reversal I want a count of only the transactions that were not reversed. E.g From a list of transactions amounts. 5 5 -5 (This is...

update sql in Oracle conversion from Sql Server

I am trying to create an update statement in the Oracle. here it is version in Sql Server UPDATE ev SET (ev.station_type = t.st_type, ev.adt = t.adt ) FROM source ev JOIN dataTbl t ON ev.counterID = t.counterID There are two tables source table were counterID is primary key dataTBL table were counterID is Fore...

how to use a variable in oracle script for the table name

I have an pl\sql script where I want to set the table name used in the script to a variable. So, from some examples I found on the web, I wrote the code below. The first section works, so I think my general syntax is correct,but the second section, where I attempt to use a variable for a table name it errors ("SQL Error: ORA-00903: inv...

large sql resultsets in java

How can I fetch large resultset in java? I have about 140,000 rows with 3 columns. ...

Oracle Equivalent of MySQL's TEXT type

Does Oracle have an equivalent column type to MySQL's TEXT type? If not, how are larger blobs of text typically stored? BLOB, varchar(32767)? It's Oracle 10 being accessed via PHP, if it matters. Historical context is more than welcome. ...