
Help Constructing an Oracle SQL with Condition

Hi. I need some help in creating an Oracle SQL which I will execute in .NET. I need to update a column in a table but the value to update the same would be dependent on two different values. To give an example: Dim sqlcmd as String Dim collCmd as Collection For x = 1 to intCount sqlcmd = "Update tableA Set col1 = :val1, col2 = :...

Possible to create Oracle regular expression that's able to match NULL?

In Oracle, is it possible to match both a particular string format and an empty string using a single regex? Something along the lines of: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE REGEXP_LIKE('12345', '^([1-5]{5})|NULL$'); SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE REGEXP_LIKE('', '^([1-5]{5})|NULL$'); SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(NULL, '^([1-5]{5})|...

Oracle Query Optimization

I have the following tables Master Table id ---- 1x 2x .... Assignment Table id | type_id | assign_id ----------------------------- 1x | 2 | 554 1x | 3 | 664 2x | 2 | 919 2x | 4 | 514 Type table type_id | create_date ---------------------- 1 | 01/01/2009 2 | 01/...

How To Use Launch Conditions in Visual Studio .NET

How do you use Launch Conditions in Visual Studio .NET for oracle data provider when set variable in setup web application equal oracle? ...

Delete an oracle-user with single quotes in the username

Through a faulty script I have created a user with single quotes around his username (i.e. his username is 'username', not username) on an Oracle 9i system. Now I want to remove that user. Neither "DROP USER 'username'" nor "DROP USER \'username\'" nor "DROP USER (SELECT username FROM all_users where user_id = 123)" worked. How do I get ...

Is it possible to view Oracle users roles without having DBA Privilege?

Is it possible to view the roles of the user without having DBA Privilege? If so, how? SELECT * FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'USER_NAME'; The above query needs the "SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE" role. I need to get the result of the above query without (DBA and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE) Privileges. ...

Oracle left outer join query

select a,last_note_user,c,d,iso_src from X,Y,Z left outer join W ON (W.last_note_user=Z.userid AND W.user_ten=Y.iso_src) when I am executing the above query it is giving me the error "Y.iso_src" is a invalid identifier.However,Y.iso_src is a valid identifier and it exist in the system table. Is something wrong with the above left outer...

CHECK CONSTRAINT of string to contain only digits. (Oracle SQL)

I have a column, say PROD_NUM that contains a 'number' that is left padded with zeros. For example 001004569. They are all nine characters long. I do not use a numeric type because the normal operation on numbers do not make sense on these "numbers" (For example PROD_NUM * 2 does not make any sense.) And sense they are all the same leng...

Generate CheckBoxList without Bit/Boolean (Oracle)

I have a table for a subscription list in Oracle with several columns where one is a NUMBER (0/1) since Oracle doesn't have a boolean type. It might look something like this | NAME | FLAG | DATESENT | +-------+-------+----------+ | Feed1 | true | 07/22/09 | +-------+-------+----------+ | Feed2 | false | 07/22/09 | +-------+-------+-...

how to access multiple users' database via JDBC

Hi, I have an account in oracle database. I can connect it via jdbc in my java code. When I access database from Oracle SQL Developer, under "Connections"->"Other Users", I can access to their tables (I have been assigned privilege for reading others tables). My question is, how to access / retrieve data from others tables via jdbc? ...

Oracle: tracing SQL statements

I'm maintaining an home-brew web-based help-desk solution and we are experiencing an erroneous change in a db field under some circumstances. The code involved is quite frankly a mess, mixing different approaches to database access (the worst and most dangerous one being building sql strings through concatenation). A full-text search of ...

ClassNotFoundException for com.bea.content.manager.internal.ContentUpgradeListener when attempting to start application in Weblogic 10.2

I'm getting the following error when attempting to move an application from a state of "Prepared" to "Active": at weblogic.application.internal.flow.BaseLifecycleFlow$ at

What are the differences between Access and Oracle?

I'd like to know what are the differences between Access and Oracle. ...

How can I change database from SQL Server to Oracle with SubSonic?

I write code with SubSonic 2.1.1 and used MSSQL. The project must be run with Oracle now. I changed web.config, and it does not work. Can someone give me a sample which changes database only - changes web.config with subsonic and the rest doesn't change? Table name in MSSQL is "Name" but in Oracle is "NAME". Can subsonic generate "Name"...

Get resultset from oracle stored procedure

Hi all I'm working on converting a stored procedure from SQL server to Oracle. This stored procedure provides a direct resultset. I mean that if you call the stored procedure in eg Management Studio you directly obtain the resultset. By converting to Oracle I walk against the problem that I in Oracle will not display the resultset ...

what is d2k in oracle

what is d2k in oracle ...

Reserved words in NHibernate

I need to reference a column called limit in a legacy oracle database and also use a SQLite in-memory database for unit testing. I have read to use backticks in the mapping files to accomplish this; limit which works fine in SQLite, but resolves to "limit" in oracle and barfs on the query. Is this feature implemented correctly for oracl...

.Net developer career suggestion

I have been working as a .net programmer for the last 5+ years but don't want to go into management or people handling. I want to stay in technical side always and also want good future growth with a secure career. As these days the IT industry is down I feel I should be an Oracle DBA which is more secure and interesting for me to do. ...

difference between varchar and varchar2

difference between varchar and varchar2? ...

Oracle all foreign key references

I've inherited a schema so don't have complete knowledge/confidence in what is there. I have a project table with a projectId. There are a whole bunch of other tables that reference this table by project id. What I want to do is run a query to establish. 1) Which tables have foreign key references to the project table on the project id...