
Update large number of rows in Oracle

Hi All I have this situation and I'm trying to think of the best way to solve it. I have a database, say DB-A, with a table T-A that has 2 fields - OID and PID. This table has close to 1million rows. Now due to some other issue, the PIDs of most of the rows were incorrectly set to 0 and this was found only after a couple of days. I hav...

How to determine if a table has been accessed in the last month?

In Oracle 10, is it possible to determine when the last time a table was accessed? According to this article the data is there, but I'm not sure whether this is reset whenever the server is restarted, nor how to actually get the access information. We're actually trying to determine what tables are no longer used. ...

BPEL for data synchronization

I am trying to use Oracle SOA BPEL to synch data of about 1000 employees between an HR service and our local db. I get IDs of all employees with a findEmp call and loop through it empCount times to getEmp(empID) from the same HR service and update/insert into our db in every loop. This times out after about 60 odd employees, though thi...

How to limit RAM usage in Oracle 9

I've got Oracle database that is used as a storage for web services. Most of the time data are in read-only mode and cached in RAM directly by the service. However during the system startup all data are pulled once from Oracle and the database tries to be smart and keeps the data in RAM (1GB). How can I limit/control the amount of RAM a...

Replace character in SQL results

This is from a Oracle SQL query. It has these weird skinny rectangle shapes in the database in places where apostrophes should be. (I wish we would could paste screen shots in here) It looks like this when I copy and paste the results. spouse�s is there a way to write a SQL SELECT statement that searches for this character in the fie...

oracle-inline view

Why inline views are used..?? ...

planning for oracle takeover of sun - farewell mysql?

Now that the shareholders have voted and oracle will be taking over SUNW, does anyone have any facts about the implication for mysql users? If you don't have facts, I suppose conjecture would be interesting as well (but please label it so). I was afraid of what would happen when the original mysql team sold out to SUN (I don't blame th...

VSTO: SecurityException Request for OraclePermission failed

We wrote a MS Word Add-In using VSTO 2.0. In this Add-in we've connected to a sql server database. Anything went fine. Now, our client wants to switch to an Oracle DB. When we try to connect now via the Sytem.Data.OracleClient Provider, we get a SecurityException saying: "Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.OracleClient.Orac...

How can I find which tables reference a given table in Oracle SQL Developer?

In Oracle SQL Developer, if I'm viewing the information on a table, I can view the constraints, which let me see the foreign keys (and thus which tables are referenced by this table), and I can view the dependencies to see what packages and such reference the table. But I'm not sure how to find which tables reference the table. For exam...

Implementing User Defined Fields

I am creating a laboratory database which analyzes a variety of samples from a variety of locations. Some locations want their own reference number (or other attributes) kept with the sample. How should I represent the columns which only apply to a subset of my samples? Option 1: Create a separate table for each unique set of attribut...

Delphi 6 with ADO + Oracle returns NUMBER with different precision, generating BCD overflow

Hello, I'm having a problem with Delphi 6 + Oracle 10gR2 + ADO + ClientDataSet. Whenever I run a aggregate function on a field NUMBER(19,9), the resulting column returns a NUMBER datatype to Delphi, and on some machines it loads as a TBCDField with a precision of 38, and everything goes well, but on some machines it loads as a TBCDField...

Useing Oracle 10g database for ASP.NET session management

I am developing a web application. For some reasons, I need to use external storage for storing session state. As I am using Oracle 10g as backend database, can I use same oracle 10g db for storing session state also? Thanks in advance.. ...

Invalid cursor state when attempt to close

I have a large number of INSERT statments to run. As I run them, I understandably get "maximum open cursors exceeded". OK Oracle, so I will close the cursors immediately after running the INSERT statements. SQLCloseCursor( hStmt ) But Oracle says to this "Invalid cursor state." Why is Oracle not happy with me closing the cursor? ...

How can I "batch download" data from Oracle?

I'm looking for a tool/technique which is the exact oposite to Oracle Loader. I need to read the whole table with geometries as fast as possible. The application is running on the same machine where Oracle is installed so some kind of "direct" access is possible. The table has around 3 millions records and fetching this amount of data th...

Track changes on a database

I am not sure whether this has been asked before; I did a few searches but nothing appropriate showed up. OK, now my problem: I want to migrate an old application to a different programming language. The only requirement we have is to keep the database structure stable. So no changes in my database schema. For the rest of the applicatio...

Error on connecting to Oracle from py2exe'd program: Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle

My python program (Python 2.6) works fine when I run it using the Python interpreter, it connects to the Oracle database (10g XE) without error. However, when I compile it using py2exe, the executable version fails with "Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle" at the call to cx_Oracle.connect(). I've tried the following with no joy...

MERGE output cursor of SP into table?

Hi, i have a Stored Procedure which returns output as a ref cursor. I would like to store the output in another table using the MERGE statement. I'm having problems however mixing all the statements together (WITH, USING, MERGE etc..). Can somebody assist? Thanks! This is the table i want the output in (STOP_TIME is left out on purpo...

Oracle SQL Invalid Identifier

I'm trying to run this query but I get "ORA-00904: "Z1"."LONGITUDE": invalid identifier" Is there a way to rewrite this so I have access to that column in the exists subquery? Or is there generally a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do? Thanks select zip, count(UNIQUE address_id) LOCATIONS from records inner join addresses a...

oracle varchar to number

How do i convert a oracle varchar value to number eg table - exception exception_value 555 where exception_value is a varchar type I would like to test the value of exception_value column select * from exception where exception_value = 105 instead of select * from exception where exception_value = '105' ...

Update Field in Join table