
Rails: tracking a user's ID

In my Rails app, I have a login page. After that person logs in, what is the best way for my app to continue tracking the person that has logged in. For example, if the user moves to different pages, my controllers/actions will lose track of that user unless I keep passing a variable between each page the user subsequently visits. Is the...

Groovy session. How to find the user name

Hi I am developing an application under Groovy using scafoldig. We are using the Acegi plugin for security. We have a class called ChangeManagement defined as follows (simplified version) class ChangeManagement { static constraints = { company(nullable:false) lastModifiedByUser(nullable:false) } Company company ...

NHibernate's criteria.List() hangs when lazy property exists on entity

I've been getting some extremely bizarre behaviour where NHibernate queries start to hang. I've made a demo project that exhibits this behaviour in a repeatable fashion. You can download the project here Here's the offending code: public IList<Post> GetLatestLiveBlogEntries(int numEntriesToRetrieve) { var maxDate = Dat...

State management issue.

I have three websites which are pointed to, by different domain names. The issue is: If a user logs in at one domain, it is not reflected in the other two domains, and similarly for logout. How to maintain session state for two different domains? ...

Implementing own Session Management in ASP.NET

What options are there to implement an own session management in ASP.NET? I just found one older solution about "highjacking" the built-in session management. Is there a nice way to implement a component which performs all session tasks? How can i include a class which receives the HTTP Request and Response during one request process? ...

Useing Oracle 10g database for ASP.NET session management

I am developing a web application. For some reasons, I need to use external storage for storing session state. As I am using Oracle 10g as backend database, can I use same oracle 10g db for storing session state also? Thanks in advance.. ...

Implementing own Session Management in PHP

What options are there to implement an own session management in PHP? Is there a nice way to implement a component which performs all session tasks? How can i construct a class which receives the HTTP Request and Response during one request process? I only found the option "session_save_handler" which seems to define the storage handle...

Which Perl session management library works well with TemplateToolkit?

I've considered CGI::Application and CGI::Session. Of the two, CGI::Session seems more promising. CGI::Application model, however, doesn't look like it would work well with Template Toolkit. (Am I wrong to think so?) I would like to evaluate more session management libraries, before comitting to one. Any recommendations? I'm looking for...

Using HTTP Digest Authentication on the iPhone

Hey guys, I have an app that communicates with a server that uses HTTP Digest authentication. It seems to me that the 'session' management within the iPhone is pretty "black box" to us developers. Is it true that we can't see how the framework handles / persists http sessions? If I'm just being dim here, would someone care to explain ...

Session Id Management in Servlets

Hi. I am having some issues with my web application while doing a performance test with Jmeter. My question is not around Jmeter instead, it's around a simple Servlet session management behavior. So we have a web application, where in when you request a login page, it passes back a "Session Id" in response headers and that is used for ...

Wordpress session management

I'm putting up a site using Wordpress and I'd like to piggyback on its sessions. But I'm not finding any plugins, or even documentation. Any suggestions or references before I start hacking it? ...

How do I structure my Perl CGI program?

We just got our first major Perl CGI assignment in my CS class. Our task is to create an mp3 sharing site that allows users to create accounts, log in, share mp3's. Statistics must be shown of current users, mp3's available, etc. All actions must be written to a log file. Our code must be secure. So far, I have implemented each of th...

Override session management via deployment descriptor

We have a WebSphere Application Server 6.1. Session management is configured with replication and timeout etc... (the obvious). An new project needs some other settings for session management (longer timeout, no replication necessary). There is a check box in the WebSphere Admin Console: Enterprise Application > appname > Session manag...

Need help with web application settings

Hi all expert, Pls give me the solutions for this two problem, which i was asked recently in interview. Prob1: Suppose I have application with 10 admin, so they can change the data anytime their having own userid and password. For example, one user retrieve one data from database table, while retrieving it value was 2, after retrievin...

Session Management with Windows Authentication

In an ASP.NET web app, using Integrated Windows Authentication, is the session tied to the windows identity? In other words, if I login (using IWA) to the app, and the app stores some "stuff" in my session, is this stuff accessible by session id alone? For instance, if a malicious someone managed to steal my session id, but NOT my creden...

Pitfall of storing dataTable(10,000 rows) in a session variable?

Consider my dataTable contains 10,000 rows and i want to know the pitfall of storing datatable in a session variable... I want to use it until a new row has been added... What type of session mode should i use? ...

Spring Security: Redirect to invalid-session-url instead of logout-success-url on successful logout

Hi, I have implemented a login-logout system with Spring Security 3.0.2, everything is fine but for this one thing: after I added a session-management tag with invalid-session-url attribute, on logout Spring would always redirect me on the invalid-session-url instead of the logout-success-url (which it correctly did before). Is there a ...

Restore Emacs Session/Desktop

I've been searching for how to restore an emacs session, with no luck. I'm looking to restore all previously open buffers, some of which might contain erc, shells, directory listings, files, etc. Every time I open emacs, I spend a considerable amount of time arranging my buffers; splitting them into rows and columns, opening a shell, a...

tipfy for Google App Engine: Is it stable? Can auth/session components of tipfy be used with webapp?

I am building a web application on Google App Engine that requires users to register with the application and subsequently authenticate with it and maintain sessions. I don't want to force users to have Google accounts. Also, the target audience for the application is the average non-geek, so I'm not very keen on using OpenID or OAuth....

What is session management in Java ?

I have faced this question in my Interview as well. I do have many confusion with Session Scope & it management in java. In web.xml we do have the entry : <session-config> <session-timeout> 30 </session-timeout> </session-config> What does it indicate actually ? Is it scope of whole project ? Another poin...