
Differences between SQL Plus and "regular" SQL?

I'm new to the Oracle Platform (having primarily used MySQL, with a little Postgres and SQL Server as well). I recently discovered the following statment DESC TABLE_NAME; will only work in the SQL*Plus tool I use to test my queries. It will NOT work when I use PHP's standard functions to connect to the oracle database. I need to us...

Is it safe/possible to delete code from the table dba_source in Oracle 10g?

Having located some code that needs to be removed from a database that relates to a specific module. Is it safe to remove it from dba_source directly? i.e. delete from dba_source where name = 'MODULE_NAME'; Or do I have to grab all the procedure and package names and drop those specifically? ...

Oracle Materialized Views Vs Replication on the same DB server

We need to run reports at a scheduled time of the day. The application runs 24*7 and so there is not "off-peak" time as such. Therefore, running the reports should not add undue load on the system. The application runs on WebSphere v6.1 and the database is Oracle 10g R2. I have the following approaches at my disposal A set of de-nor...

What is the best translator program?

What is the best program to translate the text in any desktop program's user interface from one language to another? ...

Oracle Transaction under MS SSIS

Hi, I'm trying to get transactions working under SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services 2005) and Oracle with no luck. I'm using Oracle 10g. I have created a Sequence Container, set its TransactionOption to "Required" and put inside it a DataFlow Task with TransactionOption = "Supported". The server running SSIS has the MSDTC service ru...

How to get values of bind parameters from Oracle JDBC PreparedStatement object

I want to implement logging of all executed statements with actual bind parameters when using Oracle JDBC. And I would prefer that I could create such logging method only passing PreparedStatement object as parameter. For example I have created PreparedStatement and have bound one parameter PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(...

Oracle performance and memory

Hi, I have two queries, and I want to understand which is better in terms of performance and memory. I also welcome other alternatives for these two. Query 1: SELECT DISTINCT, a.id1 , a.id2 FROM tbl_b b , tbl_a a , tbl_c c , tbl_d d WHERE ( b.id1 ...

Saving PDF file to Shipment in Oracle

I have a web site that allows the user to generate a PDF Export Document based on shipment data in Oracle. One requirement is to save the PDF file to the shipment in Oracle. Does anyone fimiliar with Oracle Order Management know if there is a BLOB field associated with the shipment that I could store this in or an API I can call from m...

myGeneration problem with OraOleDB.Oracle provider (?)

I can't make myGeneration tool to work correctly. This is the connection string that I use: Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=pass123;User ID=user1;Data Source=oradb1src;Persist Security Info=True And when I click on Test connection I get: [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException] - ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name [orad...

Is possible to get a constant value declared in a database package? (SQL or Java)

I have some Packages in a Oracle database. They contain stored procedures, functions and constants. I can call functions, in Java, using a Java CallableStatement. Also, I could execute a SQL statement as "select package1.function1(value1) from dual;". But I can't find how to get the value of a constant declared in the package, in Java. ...

Last day of the month with a twist in SQLPLUS

Hi, I would appreciate a little expert help please. in an SQL SELECT statement I am trying to get the last day with data per month for the last year. Example, I am easily able to get the last day of each month and join that to my data table, but the problem is, if the last day of the month does not have data, then there is no returned d...

Storing Composite Product Numbers

I am designing a laboratory database. Several products, samples, etc are identified by a composite number with multiple parts which indicate different values such as: origin, date, type, id today, etc. Examples of composite numbers might include a driver's license number (X44-555-3434), lot number (XBR-A26-500-2). How should composite...

Using a Oracle subselect to replace a CASE statement

Hy guys, can anybody please help me with a subquery in Oracle database 10g? I need to extract the values for a column in the first table as value of another column in the second table. I currently use this statement: SELECT CASE WHEN A.column1 = 'A' THEN 'aaa' WHEN A.column1 = 'B' THEN 'bbb' ....... WHEN A.column1 = 'X' THEN 'xxx' ELS...

Call a parameterized Oracle query from ADODB in Classic ASP

I’m currently working on a classic ASP project talking to an Oracle database. I’m trying to find a way to safely call an Oracle PL/SQL script and passing parameters with ADO. The currently solution builds the SQL script by hand with embedded variables like this: strSQL = "SELECT field1, etc FROM my_table WHERE (field = '" & filter_val...

Performance of Remote Materialized views in Oracle

I have a question reagrding Oracle materialized views ... We have two databases: Core Database Reporting database The reporting database has: a database link to the Core database a number of synonyms to the tables in the Core database a number of Materialized views defined on top of those synonyms. The views are set up to refres...

How to generate 2TB+ size of data for Oracle, Informix & Sybase

I am a new to Informix and as part of my testing activity I am in need of creating 2TB+ size data for Oracle, Informix & Sybase. Is there a database-neutral way of doing this? I am looking for any freeware or open source tools as well; I can find a few for Oracle but hardly any for Informix & Sybase. ...

problem with oracle application server running slow

problem with oracle application server running slow in som web application like php web applications .. ...

Can you grant privileges to an oracle cluster object?

I'm trying to allow an oracle user (userA) privileges to create a table on a cluster in another user's schema (userB). I can't find the relevant privilege to grant, and granting ALL PRIVILEGES on the cluster to userA complains that the table or view doesn't exist. Is what I'm trying to do possible? I also notice there isn't an ALL_CLU_CO...

Oracle pl-sql escape character (for a '&')

While attempting to execute SQL insert statements using Oracle SQL Developer I keep generating a "Enter substitution value" prompt: Insert into AGREGADORES_AGREGADORES (IDAGREGADOR,NOMBRE,URL) values (2,'Netvibes','\&url='); I've tried escaping the special character in the query us...

Is there integer ranges for Where Clause?

I need to check that result of expression in where clause is in range of Integers. something lke this: select * from table where (col1 / col2 ) in (1..8). (1..8) - means range of integers. I mean that it must be integer, not float. So that I cant use "between 1 and 8", because 1.2 will be correct. Are there any thought? ...