
oracle reports repeating a table

I have a requirement where multiple tables need to be generated in oracle reports. I tried inserting an report block within a repeating frame, but doing so makes the application hang. Is there any valid way to do this? Thanks in advance. ...

ways to escape single quotes in sql LIKE command

hi, i want to know what are the various ways to ESCAPE single quotes(') in SQL LIKE command . one way is to put two single quotes whenever you have to escape a single quote. Can you people suggest something?? Thanks. Database -- SQL2005, oracle 10g ...

Chinese characters cannot be shown after saving and retrieving from Oracle Database

Up to this moment, I still have no luck to resolve this Chinese characters issue. I am using OC4J with Oracle 10g Database (that is created with UTF-8). The situation is that my JSP page is set with pageencoding = UTF-8 already. I save some Chinese characters from web page to database (varchar2 column) via Thin Driver. In iSQL...

convert row into columns in oracle10g

how can i convert rows in to columns in oracle 10g( like pivot in oracle 11g),so that i can add multiple 'and' conditions for the primary key. ex: select emp_name from emp where empid = 1 and emp_age = 21; where empid = 12 and emp_age = 23; without using 'in' ,i have to get records which satisfies all the above condtions(Like 'and ' ...

Using WMSYS.WM_CONCAT with Oracle XE 10g

When I try to use WMSYS.WM_CONCAT with Oracle XE 10g, I receive a compilation error: ORA-00904: "WMSYS"."WM_CONCAT": invalid identifier. Can anyone verify that this is indeed due to XE lacking this (undocumented) feature? If so, is there anyway to enable it in XE? ...

Problem with hibernate request (Oracle)

hello, i have a problem with my request, i don't understand why i have this error from keyword not found where expected my dao public List getAllDeclaration(String anneeEnCours) throws FiscaliteException { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("getAllDeclaration"); } // Creation de la connexion S...

How to group by week of the year dates or day dates that start on Sundays in oracle 10?

Given a table: day_date (form of yyyy-mm-dd) column2 column3 I want to group the data by weeks, and the start of each week goes from Sunday to Saturday, but I want to display the day_date. I have looked around all over, and I'm rusty on my SQL. Thanks! ...

Best way/tool to get the results from an oracle package procedure

EDIT: Clarified the question In MS SQL Server if I want to check the results from a Stored procedure I might execute the following in Management Studio. --SQL SERVER WAY exec sp_GetQuestions('OMG Ponies') The output in the results pane might look like this. ID Title ViewCount Votes ...

WebService to use ODP.NET from a File Share

I have a C# ASMX web service that uses Oracle.DataAccess.Client to connect to an Oracle database. When I try to call a web method I get this error message: unable to load dll 'OraOps10.dll' It's the same problem as asked before, with the significant difference that I do have ODAP (at least I have OraOps10.dll in an Oracle client in...

Oracle Analytic Workspace Manager: Cube does not show floats and viewer question

Hi all, I've got two questions about the Oracle Analytic Workspace Manager (10.2): 1. Cube does not show floating point values: We have a custom, non-materialized view with average rating values saved as decimal/float type. After creating our cube with aggregation rule 'Average' and cube type 'Decimal' the resulting output seems to cut...

Oracle Char type and Hibernate

Hi guys, I have a oracle table which contains char(n) type for several columns. I use hibernate tools to create entities objets and this tool map char type in String. But when I deploy my application, I get an error because Hibernate wait a varchar2 type and not a char type: Wrong column type in ARBOR.CMF for column CHG_WHO. Found: ch...

Oracle 10g - Determine the date a Trigger was last updated

Hi All, Is there a way you can determine the date when a trigger was updated? The reason why I ask is because a costumer complained about receiving some erros in our application, but when I went to look at the table, it had all triggers disabled. I appreciate any help anyone can provide me! ...

Oracle sql query to show count of events daily and total number of events for last seven days

There is the following table: event_table, which contains information about object_name, event_number, event_supplementary_info, event_time. I would like to have a sql query, which shows number of events per last seven day daily and total number. I need something like this select Object_name, event_number max(decode(trim(dow),'MONDAY'...

resource package to learn oracle e-business suite

Do you know any resources (books, videos, tutorials, etc) to learn oracle e-business suite? I know have some, but I'm looking for another ones. ...

How to do SQL injection on Oracle

I'm doing an audit of a system, which the developers insist is SQL injection proof. This they achieve by stripping out the single-quotes in the login form - but the code behind is not parameterized; it's still using literal SQL like so: username = username.Replace("'", ""); var sql = "select * from user where username = '" + username +...

Problem in submitting jobs in oracle

A job has been submitted and an entry is also there in dba_jobs but this job is not comming in the running state.So there is no entry for the job in dba_jobs_running.But the parameter 'JOB_QUEUE_PROCESS' has the value 10 and there are no jobs in the running state.Please suggest how to solve this problem. ...

oracle sequence question

There are two inserts in my trigger which is fired by an update. My Vendor_Hist table has a field called thID which is the primary key in Task_History table. thID gets its' value from mySeq.nextval. INSERT INTO TASK_HISTORY ( thID, phId, LABOR, VERSION ) ( select mySeq.NEXTVAL, mySeq2.CurrVal, LABOR, tmpVersion ...

PHP-ORACLE: take the autogenerated ID after an insert

i have a Oracle Express 10g database, i have a table with an autogenerated id, i whold like to know how can i know it in php after an insert. ...

One Instance Versus Multiple Instances In Oracle

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a single instance compared to multiple instances when multiple databases are intended to be created? ...

Query help need in finding missing numbers

Hi all, I have a table that looks something like this: ID | GROUP ------------------- 1000001 | 0 1000001 | 1 1000001 | 2 1000002 | 0 1000002 | 2 1000002 | 3 1000003 | 1 1000003 | 2 1000003 | 3 1000004 | 0 I need to list all the ids where there is a group missing in the sequence. So for the above...