
Running a query with PHP/MySQL then reordering the results by another column.

This SQL query gives me the results I want; however, I want the results ordered by a different column: SELECT * FROM post INNER JOIN account ON post.account_id = account.account_id WHERE post_id > neww ORDER BY post_date ASC LIMIT 10; I can not simply change 'ORDER BY post_date ASC' to 'ORDER BY post_id DESC', while that will...

order by a parameter

Hi i have a store procedure, where i do a select query. I want order this by an external parameter. I post an minimal example: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[up_missioni_get_data] @order VarChar(100) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- In...

how to do order by on a to_char column

I have a following oracle query: SELECT a.USER_ID, c.first_name, c.last_name, TO_CHAR( b.logon_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS am') logon_date, NVL(TO_CHAR( b.logoff_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS am'), '') logoff_date, a.session_id FROM table a, table b, table...

MYSQL order by insists on using filesort.

Hi All. I need to optimize a MYSQL query doing an order by. No matter what I do, mysql ends up doing a filesort instead of using the index. Here's my table ddl... (Yes, In this case the DAYSTAMP and TIMESTAMP columns are exactly the same). CREATE TABLE DB_PROBE.TBL_PROBE_DAILY ( DAYSTAMP date NOT NULL, TIMESTAMP date NOT NULL, SOURCE_...

How can I put rows of MySQL data under the appropriate titles using PHP?

I have the following MySQL table structure: num field company phone website 1 Gas abcd 123456789 abcd.com 2 Water efgh 987654321 efgh.com 3 Water ijkl 321654987 ijkl.com 4 Heat mnop 987654321 mnop.com 5 Gas qrst 123789654 qrst.com ... Is it possible with PHP (maybe using some mixture of GROUP_BY and ...

Order by nullable property simultaneously with ordering by not nullable property in HQL

Hi, I have a table called Users in my database. Let's assume that User has only 3 properties int ID; string? Name; string Login; If user doesn't specify his name then Login is displayed. Otherwise Name is displayed. I wan't to get list of all users sorted by what is displayed. So if user specified Name, it is taken into consideration ...

MySQL ORDER BY returns things in (apparently) random order !?

The following query: SELECT DISTINCT ClassName FROM SiteTree ORDER BY ClassName is returning things in no apparent order! I get the same result whether I quote column/table names, or use DISTINCT or not, or add ASC or DESC. I assumed the indexes might be broken, or something like this, so tried dropping and recreating. Also tried RE...

"SELECT TOP", "LEFT OUTER JOIN", "ORDER BY" gives extra rows

I have the following Access 2002 query I'm running through OLE DB in .NET: SELECT TOP 25 tblClient.ClientCode, tblRegion.Region FROM (tblClient LEFT OUTER JOIN tblRegion ON tblClient.RegionCode = tblRegion.RegionCode) ORDER BY tblRegion.Region There are 431 records within tblClient that have RegionCod...

Orderby() not ordering numbers correctly c#

Hi all, I am writing an app for my company and am currently working on the search functionality. When a user searches for an item, I want to display the highest version (which is stored in a database). The problem is, the version is stored as a string instead of int, and when I do an OrderBy(q=>q.Version) on the results, they are retur...

How to use SQL Order By statement to sort results case insensitive?

I have a SQLite database that I am trying to sort by Alphabetical order. The problem is, SQLite doesn't seem to consider A=a during sorting, thus I get results like this: A B C T a b c g I want to get: A a b B C c g T What special SQL thing needs to be done that I don't know about? SELECT * FROM NOTES ORDER BY title ...

How to set conditional logic in SQL query in order to shuffle the precedence?

How to set conditional logic in SQL query in order to shuffle the precedence? For example if I have table with columns like "id", "name", "event_id" and I have distinct "event_id" like 180, 181, 270, 271 and I need to order in such a way that rows with "event_id" 270 will be at the top, then rows with "even_id" 271 and the rest of the d...

finding the number of 1's in my table in order

I have a table of customers with a 1 recorded against their customerid on different dates. I would like to find the sum of the 1's recorded in descending order. I'm using MySQL and php Thanks ...

With a SELECT...WHERE id IN (...), order results by IN() ?

Possible Duplicate: Ordering by the order of values in a SQL IN() clause With a query such as: SELECT * FROM images WHERE id IN (12,9,15,3,1) is it possible to order the results by the contents of the IN clause? The result I'm looking for would be something like: [0] => Array ( [id] => 12 [file_name] =...

linq2nhibernate group by and orderby count() getting null reference

Hello, I'm trying to execute this linq2nhibernate query: from e in endContratoRepository.GetAll() where e.Contrato.idContrato == contrato.idContrato && e.Volume.idVolume == contratoVolume.Volume.idVolume && ...

Query MSQL for winners, starting at xth place using SELECT

In my MySQL table Winners, I have a list of people who have won. What I'd like to do is select a list of the names of 10 winners. So what I have right now is this: SELECT name FROM Winners ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 10 This returns the first 10 winners which is great. But how can I make it (for example) return 10 winners, but starti...

Sorting results by a char(1) column

I have a stored procedure which basically does something like select top 1 expiryDate, flag, (bunch of other columns) from someTable (bunch of joins) order by expiryDate desc So this will grab the record that expires last. This works for most cases, except some records have a flag that are just a char(1). Most of the time it's just Y ...

Extra fulltext ordering criteria beyond default relevance

I'm implementing an ingredient text search, for adding ingredients to a recipe. I've currently got a full text index on the ingredient name, which is stored in a single text field, like so: "Sauce, tomato, lite, Heinz" I've found that because there are a lot of ingredients with very similar names in the database, simply sorting by rele...

How to get values of an array in the alphabetical order?

I have an array of strings plus one additional string. I want to use this string and values of array to get a set of string. Then I want to order the set of string alphabetically and extract the string which is the first in the list. What is the easiest way to do it in Java? ADDED: I wanted to do it this way: List<String> playersList ...

Non-latin-characters ordering in database with "order by"

I just found some strange behavior of database's "order by" clause. In string comparison, I expected some characters such as '[' and '_' are greater than latin characters/digits such as 'I' or '2' considering their orders in the ASCII table. However, the sorting results from database's "order by" clause is different with my expectation. ...

Content Query Web Part - How do you OrderBy when you QueryOverride?

How do you order items when you override the QueryOverride property of the Content Query Web Part? I have been given responsibility for a Web Part which extends the Content Query Web Part. The QueryOverride property of this Web Part is programmatically changed. Currently, the Web Part does not function as designed, as it does not order ...