
Correct way to handle 2D z-indexing in a 3D scene (DirectX)

I need to achieve the following: Two 2D quads appear as though they are stacked one on top of the other (like two halves of the same texture) but are in fact seperated on the z axis by n coordinates. So that if a 3D object passes between them one half appears in front of the object and the other behind. Could i achieve this by applying...

How do you explain orthogonality to a non-technical person?

In The Pragmatic Programmer this term is introduced and "linearly independency" is used as an example for orthogonality. How do you explain the same thing to a non-technical person and why independency is a good thing to have? Are there "real-life" (i.e. non-geek) examples for this concept? ...

Formula for a orthogonal projection matrix?

I've been looking around a bit and can't seem to find just what I"m looking for. I've found "canonical formulas," but what's the best way to use these? Do I have to scale every single vertex down? Or is there a better way? A formula would really help me out, but I'm also looking for an explanation about the near and far z planes relativ...

Unittest++: test for multiple possible values

Hi there, i am currently implementing a simple ray tracer in c++. I have a class named OrthonormalBasis, which generates three orthogonal unit vectors from one or two specified vectors, for example: void OrthonormalBasis::init_from_u ( const Vector& u ) { Vector n(1,0,0); Vector m(0,1,0); u_ = unify(u); v_ = cross(u_,n)...

Orthogonailty with php development

Good morning, I am reading the "Pragmatic Programmer", I am at the section were they talk about "Orthogonailty" and the approach to take when coding. I was wondering if you can implement the "Orthogonailty" technique with php application development because in the book its mainly about software development ? Do you know of any articl...

drawing hierarchical tree with orthogonal lines ( HV-Drawing – Binary Tree)

Hi I need to work on drawing a hierarchical tree structure (HV-Drawing – Binary Tree) with orthogonal lines(straight rectangular connecting lines) between root and children ( like the following: http://lab.kapit.fr/display/visualizationlayouts/Hierarchical+Tree+layout ). I want to know if there are any open source examples of the algorit...

What explains the term orthogonal in a more non-nerd fashion?

For example: Cardinality and optionality are orthogonal properties of a relationship. You can specify that a relationship is optional, even if you have specified upper and/or lower bounds. This means that there do not have to be any objects at the destination, but if there are then the number of objects must lie withi...

Is Java orthogonal?

Hi, I am wondering if Java is orthogonal or not, and if yes, then which are its features that make it orthogonal. How can you determine if a language is orthogonal or not? For example, I found on some website that C++ is not orthogonal, but no explanations, why not. What other languages are orthogonal? Please help me, because there is a...

What would be some orthogonal or non-orthogonal features in Python?

What would be some orthogonal or non-orthogonal features in Python? Can you give some examples? ...