
OSCommerce checkout success page tracking

Hi there, I'm installing some tracking code into the checkout_success.php page. I need to be able to grab the coupon code/discount code name from the order, if one was used so that I can echo it out in my tracking script. I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this? I'm using this contribution of discount coupons; ot_discount_coupo...

Printing the URL of an OSC website

My google-fu is weak today... I'm looking for a way to dynamically print the url of an OSC site in some of the header/footer and sidebar files. ...

Magento google products site html help

I am trying to paste a google tag into homepage head tag but i cannot find it on index.php Where does it go?? ...

Which is the best php opensource e-commerce for handle 5 million prducts import daily?

I am going to develop a B2B e-commerce site which contains 5 million products and all products will update from distributor daily.I am confusing which open source i have to use I tried magento but it importing very slowly.I am ready to spent money for highly configured server. ...

Exclude a URL from rewrite in .htaccess with "last" flag

WordPress has been installed as a blog into osCommerce. I'm trying to get the WordPress RSS feed to work. All WP core files exist, but I get all kinds of errors accessing the feed at mydomain.com/wordpress/feed/, like 404s, "the feed can't be updated because the source file is no longer available," or even raw php code in the browser fro...

Hosting SQL at remote location?

Hey guys, My OSCommerce site includes a separately programmed feature for which I use SQL tables. I've decided to host its tables on a remote site offering free SQL accounts. I'd like to know if there could be any disadvantages to this approach. Thanks Syd ...

How to find the type of shopping cart used to implement in website

Is there way to identify which shopping cart open source technology has been used to implemente for any given website? For example: if you are looking at shopping.yahoo.com,shopping.rediff.com can we tell which Shopping cart tool they have used for Example : zen cart, os commerce , magento etc.... I am trying to idenify the website wh...

oscommerce not showing sub category listings

I have an oscommerce install set up and its not displaying sub category's after I have added some items http://www.jmcwd.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=22 Should look more like http://www.raygrahams.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=22 what have i done wrong? ...

osCommerce Security Issue

Hi, I am planning to integrate some opensource shopping cart with my site and I am bit worried about it's security. Is it that easy to hack osCommerce based website? Because I am thinking to use osCommerce.. Kindly advise. ...

Round prices up to nearest 5 after conversion in oscommerce

Hi there, A conversion question relating to prices in oscommerce: I am needing for a custom currency conversion to round the USD prices up to the nearest 5$ to avoid prices being displayed at silly prices such as $263. I am trying to convert to an int and round the following line : $curr->display_price($listing['products_price'], te...

How to include many "sub"-queries in a SQL statement to generate file paths for images?

Greetings, Using this Query to extra data to CSV file from customized OS Commerce mySQL db. SELECT products_id, max( if( products_extra_fields_id = '1', products_extra_fields_value, 0 ) ) AS band_avail, max( if( products_extra_fields_id = '2', products_extra_fields_value, 0 ) ) AS 1_gal_avail, max( if( products_extra_fields_id = '3', ...

Breakpoint doesn't work if I press Resume when debugging osCommerce with xdebug in pdt?

Is this another bug of xdebug? I've already installed the latest version of xdebug for PHP 5.3 yesterday. Introduction of osCommerce is here. Here is the problem description: When I press Resume,the page is directly shown,though there are breakpoints there. Anyone met this problem? ...

does osCommerce have an API?

Hi We work on a lot of integration projects and a customer has a legacy ecommerce site and have asked us to integrate product information, orders and inventory with another platform. Does osCommerce have an API that can be used for this, or will we need to build our own web services based wrapper for the dB? Cheers Tony ...

click to enlarge is not working in oscommerece

Hi, I am using oscommerece. i m trying to customize this,but in product info page there is option for click to enlarge.its not working.i saw the javascript for popup .function name was popupWindow and passing variable is url.but this function has not called from the code.that is the actual problem. Please help me what modification is ...

how to enable paypalment module in osocmmerece

Hi.... I want to enable payment option with paypal .... how i have to enable this.i got the option in admin section but i m not able to make it 100% working.... can any one help me please its very urgent ... please help me Thanks Manish ...

osCommerce Redirecting To Credit Card Step on Confirmation Page

Previously I had an issue where the SSL Cert was not working properly but that had been taking care of. However, the current issue is as follows: Click Item to put in basket -- Success Step 1 - Select Delivery -- Success Step 2 - Enter valid CC# (using authorize.net test cc#) -- Success Step 3 - Order Confirmation .. Shows me my ord...

Can I test authorize.net module for oscommerce without purchased SSL certificate

If I set test mode in Authorize.net account on their website, everything is OK. But if I set live mode, I get: There has been an error processing your credit card Please try again and if problems persist, please try another payment method. I suspected SSL certificate, shall I have purchased SSL certificate, or I can set self-iss...

magic records being deleted

i have customised oscommerce to pull in a csv file of products, delete anything thats not with an image/proper description/proper title gets removed. The import runs on a cron job basis pulling information from a supplier, it hasnt run since yesterday but a product has disappeared- Anyone who has used oscommerce will know that, product...

osCommerce custom PHP page

Hello! One of my client has an old osCommerce website and while working on it I have to implement what I would call "custom php page", i.e. a page which query a MySQL table, not related to osCommerce, and list the result. I'm not sure of the version, this trick I have seen a lot didn't gave me any result : http://www.clubosc.com/how-to-...

Is it bad practice to hack the main application_top.php file of osCommerce for making the desired changes?

Is it bad practice to hack the main application_top.php file of osCommerce for making the desired changes? I am using the osCommerce v2 and I an in the need of making some change in application_top.php file of osCommerce v2.0 its the main file of osCommerce product. please guide me is it bad to do this? My need is I have provided the ...