
Google maps satellite view

Hey ALL! I'm using the google maps API with openstreetmap (see the following example code), I'd like to add the google satellite view too. How can this be accomplished? var tilesMapnik = new GTileLayer(copyOSM, 1, 17, {tileUrlTemplate: 'http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png'}); var mapMapnik = new GMapType([tilesMapnik],...

Open Street Map Marker Manager

Hi! I need kind of Marker Manager for OpenStreetMap like in google maps. Do somebody know anything about it? ...

How do i do gecoding and routing with OpenStreetMaps?

Because Google Maps API is not available in Israel (see here) I want to use OpenStreetMap. I'm confused by all the different ways to do geocoding, i.e. finding lat,long for an address. I'm also looking for the best way to do routing, i.e display a route between two locations, using OSM. I'm looking for JavaScript on the client and .Ne...

Random maps/graphs and OSM

Hi all, just wondering if you have any suggestions here. I need a lot of sample maps/graphs to test my shortest path search solution (I was told I should have >100 of them). My code is supposed to work in a simulator, which uses OpenStreetMap maps of urban setting, limiting the total number of junctions to a few thousand. the problem is...

OpenStreetMap Proximity search using mySQL

Hi, I'm just playing around with a dataset of my region generated by JOSM. I moved it into a mySQL DB with the 0.6 API scheme using Osmosis and now I'm desperately trying the following: I want to get all streets of a city. AFAIK there is no tag/relation in the OSM data to determine this so I tried it using a proximity search to get al...

Is there another way to extract data dump from Planet.osm?

Hi! I need a data dump from planet.osm fiel for the NCR region in the Philippines. I'll be using it for an OpenStreetMap project. Is there a way that I can extract a small part of the planet.osm without downloading the whole file? I mean, the planet.osm file is 11GB in size, and I'll be only needing a fraction of it. Thank you in advance...

How do I plot the points (data) from the database to the OpensStreetMap?

Hi! I wonder how the mapping thing works in the OpenStreetMap. I'm building an app that uses my own database(which I will build using OSM dumps using Osmosis; same as in the OpenStreetMap website). I have really no idea how it works. Thanks in advance! :D ...