
Can I develop mac/iphone/ipad applications without having to paying first?

I'm interested to know if I can have access to all the libraries, ide, etc for the iphone/ipad/macos without paying the 90 bucks(for learning purpose). Do I have to pay to have access to everything in order to start developing? I'm not talking about the istore by the way. I know that there is a fee for that. Thanks. ...

Setting up Mac localhost mail server on OS X.

I've been trying to get setup my Mac OS X (10.5.8) to send emails from localhost so that I can test my scripts. I normally get success messages, saying emails have been sent but they never reach their destination. They appear to just get stuck in the Postfix mailq: bash-3.2# mailq -Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recip...

How to convert CVPixelBufferRef from kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB to kCVPixelFormatType_24RGB

I'm a new Apple developer and I'm struggling with the different image representations... I would Have a CVPixelBufferRef in kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB format, and I would like to create a new kCVPixelFormatType_24RGB CVPixelBufferRef from it (i.e. discarding the alpha bits). Is there a simple way to do it, or do I have to copy it with ...

How do I set the color of an NSButtonCell text label

How do I set the color of an NSButtonCell's label (title) text, that is the column cell for a table view? In my case, it is an checkbox button cell. (Is it possible using IB?) ...

OSX Application or Web App for converting text to plain text (unicode)

I am looking for ways to quickly converting blocks of text created in Word, etc. into plain text (i.e. turning right and left quotation marks into "plain text" quotation marks) for quickly transferring content to code with as few headaches as possible. I came across this: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Office-tools/Other-Office-Tools/Kei...

Applescript to control terminal sessions

I would like to control mac osx terminal via applescript as follows: when I press Command-N, I get a new terminal session for localhost (as usual) when I press Command-Shift-N, I open a new terminal session with a different background color, with an ssh session to a machine (with config specified in ~/.ssh/config) How do I accomplish...

Can't get PHP to load mongo.so extension

I've tried building the library with PECL, I've tried downloading it from github. I've tried MAMP, I've tried XAMPP. I always get the same error: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php/php-5.3.1/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/mongo.so' - dlopen(/Applications/XAMPP/xamppf...

What tools do you use to support XCode?

As a newbie XCode developer I would like to know what tools you use to support the XCode development experience (e.g. for iPhone development). For example, DOxygen for code documentation generation. I'm also keen to know what you do to make all these different tools work in a cohesive fashion. ...

Recovering the contents of the clipboard in OSX

Is there any way to retrieve the contents of the clipboard in OSX? By mistake, I overwrote the contents, and I lost some important content. ...

Open new terminal window in current space, regardless of other open terminals in other spaces

When using Spaces on Mac OS X trying to open a new terminal instance results in focus being pulled to whatever space has the most recently accessed terminal window. With Finder I can click on the Desktop and then use Cmd-N to create a new Finder window. What I am looking for is a method for performing the same function for Terminal windo...

Snow Leopard Terminal begins to execute Ruby installation upon launch

Hello, at some point after I installed Ruby on rails, my terminal on Snow Leopard began executing the configuration (?) procedure for Ruby. Last login: Thu Oct 14 21:39:51 on ttys002 /Users/Adam/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)... ruby-1.9.2-p0 - #fetching ruby-1.9.2-p0 - #extracted to /Users/A...

Properties in Mac OS X developer documentation

Hi, Up to now I have programmed for iPhone only, but now there is need to do some work on Mac OS X as well. I noticed there are no Properties specified in documentation's class reference. Of course, you can find them somehow by investigating set methods and mother classes but this makes work quite slow and painful. Is there any refere...

Quit app when NSWindow closes

How correctly to quit the Mac OS X app, when the main (the only one) closes? I know there a method - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification in NSWindowDelegate. But it isn't quite suitable in my case, because it is called before NSWindow closes. ...

How to approach implementing a layout editor using Cocoa

I want to build an OS X application, in which one of the requirements is for the user to be able to generate PDF output according to a layout that they, the user, will create. Typical items on the page would be things like a corporate logo (a JPEG or PNG), an address (a block of text) and a narrative (another block of text). I'd like t...

Can I change name displayed in Spotlight search results?

I am writing a Spotlight importer for an application that stores content in files with meaningless names. There is benefit from allowing the user to search for these files, however. It's easy enough to write an importer that extracts and returns useful metadata but when the user does a search in Spotlight they are presented with the m...

How to save opened application settings in Mac OSX?

In Linux there is an option to save the currently opened windows such that when you shutdown and boot later, these applications are there the way you left them. It is similar to Hibernate in Windows. Is there something similar in Mac OSX? ...

Proper way to represent time of day for alarms

I'm trying to code part of a program that allows users to set up one or more alarms that will remind them to launch the application and do something at certain times of day. I basically understand that I need to use local notifications, but I'm having a hard time coming up with the best way to represent a time of day in my application s...

Problems with malloc on OS X

Hi there, I have written a some C code running on OS X 10.6, which happens to be slow so I am using valgrind to check for memory leaks etc. One of the things I have noticed whilst doing this: If I allocate memory to a 2D array like this: double** matrix = NULL; allocate2D(matrix, 2, 2); void allocate2D(double** matrix, int nrows, int...

Get list of 'Friendly interface names' on a Mac (Airport, Ethernet, etc)

Hi, I'm developing an application in RealBASIC, but I need the list of interface names to populate a dropdown box. Parsing ifconfig didn't work (Got eth0, eth1, lo, etc...) I need the name that is displayed in system preferences (Ethernet, Airport, etc...) Is this possible in RealBASIC or is there a terminal command I can parse? Than...

Boot Camp partition + paralles desktop + coherence mode

I would like to run virtual machine on parallels desktop 6 from boot camp partition. Is it possible to run virtual machine in coherence mode ? I mean run windows application in separate window like its native OS X application. ...