
DynamicMethod and out-parameters?

How do I define a DynamicMethod for a delegate that has an out-parameter, like this? public delegate void TestDelegate(out Action a); Let's say I simply want a method that sets the a argument to null when I call the method. Note that I know that a probably better way to handle this would be to make the method return the Action delega...

[In, Out] Parameter in C#

Hi When I want get total value of memory in C# I found a kernel32 function in MSDN to invoke data from system. MSDN declare function this way: [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] static extern bool GlobalMemoryStatusEx(ref MEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer); but this d...

When using out parameters in a function, is it good practice to initialize them in the function?

I have a function that uses out parameters to return multiple values to the caller. I would like to initialize them in the function, but I wasn't sure if that's a bad idea since you don't know when you call the function that it's going to change the values right away. The caller might assume that after the function returns, if whatever i...

c# reflection: How can I invoke a method with an out parameter ?

I want expose WebClient.DownloadDataInternal method like below: [ComVisible(true)] public class MyWebClient : WebClient { private MethodInfo _DownloadDataInternal; public MyWebClient() { _DownloadDataInternal = typeof(WebClient).GetMethod("DownloadDataInternal", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); }...

Why is this C# code not compiling?

Why is this C# code not compiling? public static Dictionary<short, MemoryBuffer> GetBulkCustom(int bufferId, int startSecond,out int chunksize, out int bardatetime) { //const string _functionName = "GetNextBulkWatchData"; UserSeriesCard currentCard = GetUserSeriesCard(bufferId); Dictionary<short, MemoryBuffer> result =...