
Accessing Item.To in outlook VBA

In a macro I need to access the names in Item.To while typing an email. For example while typing the email goto the tools menu and run the macro from the 'macro' submenu. When the code trys to use Item.To there is a debug exception and the debug tool tells me "Object required". I can access Item.To durring Application_ItemSend, so I ...

C# get user from exchange in Outlook Addin

Hi, i am devoluping an small add in for outlook. I need to access to the user that is configured in outlook. How can i access to that information? ...

how to persist some values in outlook vba

As part of what i am doing i need to access varaiables even after the session with the outllok is closed is there any way to persist value ...

setup table size and font size in outlook email

Hi , I have html table which I am using it as body of email, Problem is that Table font size what I have set in CSS doesn't reflect the same in outlook email. Any Idea how to do this? Have font size set to table? Using php ...

How to open a new Live Meeting window programmatically

Hi, I am currently engaged in developing a add-in for MS outlook 2007. I need to open a new Live meeting(conferencing request) window programmatically. This is exactly same as the action performed when the new-> Live meeting button is clicked. Is there any possibility to fire the click event of the "Live Meeting" command bar button? Ple...

Finding the next execution Date for the given appointment.

Dear all, My application has got a scenario where we need to create recurring appointments similar to outlook. For example, the user can request a report to be created every monday of the week, or 1st monday of the every month.We gather all these recurrence information and save it in our database. Based on these recurrence information,...

Visual Studio ToDo.Who's using?

I'm interesting with statistic and motivation of using task list in VS. Why are you use it or not? Some people i asked even want a tool, that can synchronize VS ToDo with Outlook. What do you think? ...

how to run my form that i have created in outlook

i have created a form to automate a task in outlook how i run the form like if want it as executable or icon on the desktop which on clicking will run my form ...

developing Outlook Add in

Hi How can i developed a plugin like the sales report or my links? i already developed a addin, but it goes to the menu. How can i insert it like that? http://www.add-in-express.com/images/2007/adx-vsto/outlook/outlook-regions.gif ...

Autosize datagridview in usercontrol

Hi i am developing a custom panel for outlook. and i have a question, how can i autosize width and height the datagridview to the userControl? This is what append: Edit: Microsoft.Office.Tools.CustomTaskPane taskPane; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application applicationObject; Outlook.Explorer explorer; Ta...

Access Additional Exchange Mailbox using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook

I'm trying to find a way using the Office.Interop.Outlook COM object to connect to an additional Mailbox. Currently I am doing the following (after adding the COM object): var app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); var ns = app.GetNamespace("MAPI"); ns.Logon(); var inboxFolder = ns.GetDefaultFolder(Microsoft.Office....

while itemadd event works in my outlook it doesn't work in friends pc outllok

as part of making a tool i have written a code which is perfectly working in my sytem but not in my friends pc both of use the same outlook version here is snippet Private WithEvents olInboxItems As Items ...... .... // some code here Private Sub start_Click() Dim objNS As nameSpace Set objNS = Application.Session ' inst...

How to identify Outlook's "Out of office" autoreply?

I'm working on a mail server that receives messages from users. I want to be able to filter Outlook's "Out of office" autoreply messages. It seems that there's no special header in those messages, so it seems that the only option is to identify them by the subject line (they start with "Out of office AutoReply"). But identifying using t...

vcalendar, method:cancel issue

Hello, i'm trying to cancel a created event on outlook 2010. The create event method works fine, but when i'm trying to cancel it, the email doesn´t display any attachment or any opcion to do it. At the beggining it shown an attachment called "not supported calendar message.ics" this was because i forget to put some fields on the reque...

How to import contacts into Outlook from a CSV file (including UID)

I have an external database which stores my reference contact addresses (first name, last name, e-mail, phone number, etc.) and I would like to periodically import the data into Outlook (standalone, not via Exchange server). There are numerous ways to import data (e.g. through CSV or vCard files), but before trying to implement this, I ...

Product for Microsoft Outlook Email Archive

Are you guys aware of any third party product for archiving emails of Microsoft Outlook? ...

VBScript Outlook Form How do I set the To Field based off the value of a ComboBox?

I'm using Outlook 2007 and trying to design a form that changes the To: field based on whatever is in a ComboBox1. Simple right? I thought so, until I found the documentation extremely lacking. Everything is point me to VBScrip and I have googled to exhaustion on the topic of setting the to field in vbscript. Can someone with some out...

Outlook VBA 6.5 not running script when message arrives

Hi, I have created a procedure in VBA 6.5 for Outlook - all new messages should be treated by this procedure but they are not. I create rule by going to RUles and Alerts in Tools option. Then do not choose anything to treat for all incoming emails, then I click run a script -> choose the script. This is script: Sub Mytest(Item As...

Outlook draft messages not removed

Why are my draft emails not being removed once they have been sent? ...

recurring appointment system-Design Guidance

Hi, We got a scenario where user can create recurring tasks. The recurring task can be of any type, like periodically send reports to this customer on 1st of everymonth, process invoice on every Monday. All these tasks are application specific(not user specific) and can be seen my other users as well. To cater this need, we are creating ...