
Why does iPhone eMail signature go out as an attachment?

I am building an iPhone application that generates an email with an attachment. The eMail message window pops up showing the body text and attachment followed by the default "Sent from my iPhone" signature text. Everything seems perfectly ok, except when the message is received by the recipient the signature "Send from my iPhone" has be...

How to detect whether Outlook digitally signs an email by default?

Background: I'm working on an Outlook addin which adds an attachment to outgoing emails. Support is required for all versions of Outlook. When a MailItem has been signed with a digital signature, adding an attachment to this mailItem generally fails unless you save the mail item. This removes the signature from mailitem. To me, this is ...

Simple Outlook 2007 (or newer) plugin / addin with VS 2010 Express

I'm stuck. I have been trying to find, or create myself, a simple barebone example of how to create an Outlook plugin for VS 2010 Express. I know this is simpler to do in VS 2010 Pro, however, is it really impossible to do this in the express version? My goal is to get "get control", like show a messagebox or similar, when a user hits...

Outlook macro to search mails for text strings

I'm looking to search my emails for particular bits of text (or sender name) to be able to do things to those mails afterwards (i.e. delete, move to folder, remove content, etc.) Being an Outlook macro newbie, where should I start? Any ideas/pointers on the above or useful reference web sites much appreciated. ...

Embed Image to Outlook using extended mapi functions

I need to embed images in an email and preview the email before it is sent in outlook. CDO and Redemption is not an option. I have tried the following code, but the images just appears as a little block. procedure AddAttachment(FullFileName: String; Attachments: Outlook2000.Attachments; CID: String); const PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_...

VCal time change with change in system time zone.

In my application, a mail sended with attachment of Vcal for add booking in Microsoft Outlook but server in different time zone and client in different time zone so vcal time change accoring to current Outlook time zone. If I set same time zone on both server and client then vcal show corret time. My current format of vcal as: BEGIN:VC...

Problem sending HTML Mails using MAPI and Outlook

I am trying sending HTML e-mails using MAPI calls in my Delphi Application. When the client is Thunderbird if works fine. But when the client is Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express I need to save the HTML code in a file and send it as the first attachment of my message, elsewhere the mail client interpret the HTML as text, showing the t...

synchronize tfs or project work items with outlook tasks

Is it possible to synchronize tfs (2008 or 2010) or project 2010 work items with outlook tasks (without the project server)? Is it possible to send a work item from tfs or project 2010 as an outlook task? ...

Can I change the Sender's name in an email already sent on an Exchange Server?

If I get an email from [email protected] and I want to change the sender's name to [email protected], how would I do it? Could I modify the email that already resides on the server? I do not want to forward the email... just change it in place. I am happy with an app that connects to the exchange server and does it, or something that r...

ICS in Outlook being sent as a .msg file

I have an application, it is creating an ICS similar to the following: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:[email protected] ORGANIZER:MAILTO:[email protected] DTSTART:20100803T190000Z DTEND:20100803T200000Z LOCATION:Go to a...

Outlook does not display embeded images and HTML in emails sent using Java.

I am writing a program that sends a HTML newsletter to a bunch of people. Currently, the way this is done is to create the html, and replace all images with cid:#### references. This is then sent to users using the Apache Commons Email library. The code for this follows: public boolean Mail(HttpServletRequest request) { try { HtmlEm...

Hotkey for moving messages from inbox to archive in Outlook

I'd like to configure a hotkey, in MS Outlook, which does the following to the highlighted/selected messages: Mark as read (by default it's [crtl]+Q) Move to an "archive" folder (archive meaning a folder other than the default inbox) This should happen whenever I press [crtl]+M (assuming it is not already reserved), on any amount of ...

Enable folding in long header fields in email messages(RFC 5322)

I have a C# web app that sends out mails but I ran into an issue with email subject lengths. In Outlook and Firebird a tab is inserted at about every 78 characters. After googling this is what I found:"Each header field is logically a single line of characters comprising the field name, the colon, and the field body. For convenience howe...

Import mails from asp.net site to Outlook?

Hi, I have an asp.net app where the user edits a table that generate some reports, and then mails them to his providers. The client wants to edit this pregenerated emails from Outlook. There is no Exchange Server. Should i let download the reports generated, and then use outlook automation from the client side? Can I generate a (.pst...

Changing presence context menu behavior in Outlook

I am trying to change the behavior of the default context menu that comes when Outlook is integrated with Communicator 2007. Specifically I am trying to change the action when a user right clicks a contact presence and selects Call from the context menu. Do you think it is possible? ...

Customizing contact card layout in Outlook 2010

Hi, I am trying to change what the Call button on the Contact Card does with VBA or an add-in. I want to start an application when the call button is clicked. Anyone knows if that is possible? Here is the screen shot of the Contact Card UI that I want to change. http://support.microsoft.com/library/images/support/kbgraphics/Public/en...

Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 Plug-in COM Resources release

Hi All, I have done my second complete Outlook 2003 Plug-in. What I want to know is 2 things: Is it necessary to release the COM Objects when developing a Outlook 2003/2007 Plug-in? I know that they get released in time by the Framework, what I don't know is how often and is it really necessary? Why is Microsoft still using .Net ...

Outlook compatible instant messaging application

Is it possible to develop a software that is compatible with Outlook and that will provide presence and IM infrastructure to Outlook like MSN Messenger / Communicator etc. ...

why can't I see voting buttons in a bloomberg email?

Hello, I'm sending an email from Outlook 2003 (soon to be 2007) to a colleague's Bloomberg email address. I added voting buttons to it. Outlook users can all see the buttons, but the colleague who's reading the email in his Bloomberg console cannot. Is there any way I can get those voting buttons to be displayed to him? If not, are ...

HTML Email jump links not working

Hi, I've written a HTML Email using tables (:sad face:) and it displays perfectly while using Internet Explorers Send -> Page by Email. My issue is that my jump links <a href="#jumplink">Go to the jump link</a> no longer work, thye just open the complete URL of the page that I was sending. I've looked through the source of emails in...