
ADO.NET calling T-SQL Stored Procedure causes a SqlTimeoutException

I have a T-SQL stored procedure with the signature CREATE PROCEDURE MyProc @recordCount INT OUTPUT @param1 INT ... When executed directly in Sql Server the procedure runs in under 5 seconds, returning a few result sets amounting to about 100 rows in total. Calling this procedure using the ADO.NET SqlDataAdapter.Fill method to populat...

Ruby: com object output parameter

I'm working with WIN32 COM Object from Ruby via win32ole library require "win32ole" #~loading com object o = WIN32OLE.new('{1A80830AF-4CA5-11D4-BC26-991045698E9C}') #~invoking "Process" method o.Process(parameter_1,parameter_2) "Process" method has two parameters: parameter_1 is input xml string and parameter_2 is output xml string ...

Using Spring's JDBC support to get output parameters

I'm using Spring's JDBC support to run SQL queries and updates on an Oracle database. I'd like to insert a row and then get the key that it was assigned (using an Oracle sequence). In normal JDBC code, I would include a RETURNING INTO clause and then register an output parameter (well described here) However, I would like to just use ...

Reading SP with output parameters and result set in C#?

I have created a stored procedure similar to this simplified example: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_MyStoredProcedure @Var1 INT OUTPUT, @Var2 DECIMAL(10,2) OUTPUT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT @Var1 = COUNT(*), @Var2 = SUM(TranAmount) FROM MyTable SELECT * FROM MyTable END When I try to re...

Output Parameters in Java

With a third party API I observed the following. Instead of using, public static string getString(){ return "Hello World"; } it uses something like public static void getString(String output){ } and I am getting the "output" string assigned. I am curious about the reason of implementing such functionality. What are the advant...

Wrapping allocated output parameters with a scoped_ptr/array

So, I have some code which looks like this: byte* ar; foo(ar) // Allocates a new[] byte array for ar ... delete[] ar; To make this safer, I used a scoped_array: byte* arRaw; scoped_array<byte> ar; foo(arRaw); ar.reset(arRaw); ... // No delete[] The question is, Is there any existing way to do this using just the scoped_array, with...

NHibernate to access Oracle stored procedure REFCURSOR and output parameter

Does the current version of NHibernate (v2.1.2) support access Oracle stored procedure output REFCURSOR in addition to an output parameter? I can access the output refcursor fine with my code. However i'm not sure i can access the additional output param in the same stored procedure. Some sample of calling syntax would be greatly appre...

C# - Output SqlParameter uses different values then the ones given??

I have a SqlCommand which runs a stored procedure that contains two integer output parameters. Right before the SqlCommand runs I can see that the output parameters are set to the correct values, however when the command actually executes, it uses a NULL for parameter1 and 0 for parameter2 (verified using SQL Profiler) regardless of what...

Use stored procedure output parameter

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure8 @emp_code bigint, @co_id bigint, @p decimal(8,2) output AS SELECT @p = (select sum(tran_value) from emp_ded_ben_trans where emp_code=@emp_code and co_id=@co_id and period_flg=2 and tax_flg=0) RETURN ...

capture output parameter from stored proc in LINQ To SQL ExecuteQuery

Is it possible to get an output parameter back from the LINQ To SQL DataContext when you execute a stored procedure? IEnumerable<Address> result = ExecuteQuery<Address>(((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), address, pageIndex, pageSize, totalCount); where address, pageIndex and pageSize are input parameters, and ...

Using LINQ calling a sproc, how can I pass a var back from a method?

I have this method which worked for a while public string getSlotText(int slotID) { DataClasses1DataContext context = new DataClasses1DataContext(); var slotString = context.spGetSlotTextBySlotID(slotID); return slotString.ElementAt(0).slotText; } But what i really want now is something like public var getSlotText(int ...

Informix: procedure with output parameters??

Hi all, I searched a lot, but couldn't find anything.. I just want to ask if there's any way to create and call a procedure (Informix) with out parameters. I know how to return one or more values (for procedures and for functions), but this is not what I want. It would be really strange, if Informix does not allow output parameters.. ...