
Left content cuts into right floated content

In the screen shot you see a list of items on the left (not floated) and a display box on the right (floated). How can I prevent the left item's li element from cutting into the display box. The li content follows the flow and breaks to a new line before running into the display box, but the li element, as in the container, does not. ...

CSS Interactive Map - Overlapping counties changing colour on hover

I've been asked to create a map of the UK, depicting counties. Once the counties are hovered, they change colour, and clicking on them goes to an intermidiary page. Flash is also not an option. Usually this wouldn't be a problem but because of the odd shapes of the counties, these areas that can be hovered are going to overlap quite hea...

Looking for guidance on detecting overlap of UIImageViews

The scenario is that I have a UIViewController containing multiple "InteractiveUIImageViews" (inherited from UIImageView) each containing their own UIImage. In InteractiveUIImageView I have iplemented methods for touchesBegan, touchesMoved and touchesEnded to handle their movement and behaviour on screen. Certain objects of this type wil...

Overlaping inheritance in Java

Hi! I have an inheritance hierarchy with overlap. The system knows about People that can be Clients, Providers and Agents. A person have to belong to one of these classes but can belong to two or three, i.e. one Person can be a Client and a Provider at the same time. In the database I think that the problem is solved, one table per clas...

show data that exists in both MYSQL tables and/or R objects

Hi guys, i think its an regular problem, answered several times, but I just don't know how to ask the question right =( in MySQL: i have 2 tables with some kind of strings inside, now i want: 1. the data that occur in both tables 2. the data from a that is not in table b same in R: i have 2 R data.frame s and i want: 1. the data that...

How to prevent edges in graphviz to overlap each other

I have a graph I;ve created in graphviz, but the problem is that edges overlap each other (I have 5-7 nodes in each row), so it is hard to tell for each node which are the nodes it connects. How can I make the edges not to overlap each other? Have them cross each other is OK. ...

Overlap two Divs using float

I need to create following page layout using Divs. http://jsfiddle.net/6Lanq/ (please use horizontal and vertical scrollbar to see the exact picture. we have four zones) I accomplished it using nested divs and float but nested divs are not what is required. Other way of doing, that I know, is declaring "position:absolute" and setting z...

Overlap two Divs hides contents

We overlap two Divs using "postion:absolute" and z-index. http://jsfiddle.net/z5GXV/ The text in the green zone (div id="Zone2") is hide by text in the yellow zone (div id="Zone3"). Any help on how to display the text? Edit1: We can't use nested divs. ...

CSS: DIV height problem on float set

Hi assume we have this code: <div id='upperDiv' style='min-height:200px;border: 1px solid #000000;'> <div id='rightDiv' style='float:right;width:75%;'> content1 </div> <div id='leftDiv' style='float:left;width:25%;'> content2 </div> </div> <div id='lowerDiv' style='height:50px;border: 1px solid #00000...

Python: Dynamic interval data structure

Hi all, I am looking for some python code to efficiently compute interval overlaps. I've used the interval tree of the bx-python package before, but now need to delete intervals from the tree (or better yet, modify them). It seems the bx-python tree doesn't support this. Any pointers? Thanks. ...