
Blueprint CSS overlapping divs

I'm using the Blueprint CSS framework, and I want to know how to create overlapping divs. If I try to use an absolutely positioned div inside of a relatively positioned div, it messes up the rest of the styling of the div by Blueprint. What is the correct way to do this? ...

Problem with overlapping divs - CSS

html, body {margin: 0px; padding: 0px;} #pageContainer{ margin: auto; padding: auto;} #contentContainer{ margin:150px; width:1100px; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } #leftContainer{ width: 80%; min-height: 800px; background: #009900; float:left;} #left1{ margin:80px 0 0 80px; height: 550px; top:0px; z-index:1; background: #000000;} #le...

Overlapping two divs and 'clearing' their parent div

My CSS-fu is letting me down here: What I'd like to do is position two child divs (with variable heights) to be overlapping. Using: position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; is the only way I know how, with the parent set to position: relative. The problem with this is that the child divs are taken out of the layout as per the CSS spec,...

Transparent image - overlap

In my Flex application there's a swf file with some functionality like for example mouseClick and there's an image with transparency which I want it to go on top of that swf. The problem is that the image is covering over any functionality... Is there a way to be able to integrate with swf file on those transparent areas of the image? ...

CSS - Overlapping divs

I have no code to start with. I want to add 2 divs overlapping on each other and then use the new CSS3 Rotate function. The effect I want to create is shown on this page Requirements I don't want to use images I don't mind using CSS3 It should be easy to align the whole thing in the center (which makes it harder to use position: abso...

Position elements without overlap

I have a number of rectangular elements that I want to position in a 2D space. I calculate an ideal position for each element. Now my problem is that many elements overlap as very often the ideal positions are concentrated in one region. I want to avoid overlap as much as possible (doesn't have to be perfect, though). How can I do this? ...

Sandwich div between two other divs in separate container in IE6

I'm working on a tricky design with several layers, and it requires me to layer a div between two other overlapping divs in a separate container. Here's my simplified example which works in Firefox, but not IE6 (which is of course the client's browser of choice): http://dawnup.com/sandwich Source: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHT...

Efficient algorithm to find String overlaps.

I won't go into the details of the problem I'm trying to solve, but it deals with a large string and involves finding overlapping intervals that exist in the string. I can only use one of the intervals that overlap, so I wanted to separate these intervals out and analyze them individually. I was wondering what algorithm to use to do this...

MKPinAnnotationView subclass display anormaly - Strange problem of overlapping

Hi, I try to inherit from MKPinAnnotationView to display additional information on the callout, but unfortunately when I use this class, pins seems overlapping each over whereas it display in the good order when I use original MKPinAnnotationView. You can see how it display below after. with my custom subclass of MKPinAnnotationView ...

Facebook like status input

Is there a ready similar input like the status input in Facebook? I mean, they use a contenteditable div, and they've wrapped it all pretty good. They can resize it (on focus/blur), an it continues word-wrapping and expanding, and when you type a really long word in their input, which can't be wrapped, it stays inside the div and doesn't...

True Type font outline overlap detection, and merging C#

I have an app that displays true type fonts. I need to combine two characters some times (e.g. Hindi), that may overlap. I need an algorithm to detect when two font outlines overlap, and merge the two outlines into one. ...

Flash Overlaps html Menu Help

Hi i have a drop down men and flash is overlapping it. i tried opaque and transparent but they dont seem to do the trick. any suggestions? ...

Jquery want to position 50 divs around the top left bottom and right of page without overlapping

Hi, I would like to re-position around 50-60 divs of height - 50px width - 50px around the page absolutely using jquery but I want it so that they dont overlap any other div , there is a centered DIV on the page of Height : 700px , Width : 900px . I want these 50 divs to be around it and not overlap any other div or the centered DIV , so...

android opengl view (with camera preview) is not visible after activity resumed

i overlapped opengl view and camera preview, and it shows everything at fresh start. but after backed from child activity (after onResume()) opengl objects not appeared anymore. i found some discussion about this weird problem, but i can't use following solution, because i should call child - map activity. http://groups.google.com/gro...

How to fix overlapping cross-browser issue.

In the screen shot I have shown two different look in IE and Mozilla.Above one is for IE and bellow one is for mozilla.I have circled the area with red where in IE it overlaps but not in mozilla.I have tried setting different display property to avoid overlap in IE.But failed.Can any one help me? ...

How can I add a subview to the contentView of UITableViewCell that is not clipped by its superviews?

Hi everyone at stackoverflow.com! Can you help me? I would like to achieve the following graphical effect: Each cell of my UITableView (which has a ~10 pixel decoration frame) has a "badge" in the upper right corner (showing a number), but to make it look a little nicer, this badge should not be inside the cell, but should overlap the u...

HTML/CSS - Why does float:left render as 'invisible'?

If you have two divs contained within a div: <div style="border:1px;"> <div style="float:left;background-color:red;width:20px;height:20px;"> <div style="float:left;background-color:red;width:20px;height:20px;"> </div> The two inner divs are rendered as 'invisible', as in the container div doesn't stretch to allow them to fill,...

CSS left floats sitting on top of each other

So, I'm trying to create a div class that will display in a row and then automatically wrap to the next row when all the space is taken up. .contributor_thumbnail { display: block; float: left; width: 150px; height: 150px; border: 1px solid #777; } So that when I call the code like this: <div class="contribut...

Sliding text overlapping

Hi. Having a slight issue with a slider plugin for Wordpress I am creating. I'm trying to get the text to slideUp at the beginning and slideDown just before the transition to the next image. This appears to work fine however after a few transition the slider that fades (top one) text starts to overlap; the text from the next image shows ...

How do I Work with Overlapping layers and links in JQuery?

Working with Overlapping layers and links in JQuery tr______________________________________________ | td | td | td | | checkbox | content | content ____| |_____|__________________|_______|alink__| I have a table filled with value...