
How do i get an MKAnnotationView's coords?

I have a method like this: - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView annotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view calloutAccessoryControlTapped:(UIControl *)control Using this, can i get the coordinates? ...

MKMapView - viewForAnnotation not called while loading more results

Edited to Add * I haven't found a solution for this one yet, can anyone please help? My problem is similar to this but the answer posted doesn't t work for me - *End Edit I have a search enabled map view. When user hits search, my custom annotations are added t...

calloutAccestoryControlTapped method won't be used

I have a problem using the -(void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView annotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view calloutAccesoryControlTapped:(UIControl *)control method. I tried many ways to test it but it just won't appear. Can anyone find a mistake -(MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)anno{ ...

CGAffineTransform does not rotate subview - MKAnnotationView, CGAffineTransformMakeRotation

I have a view that does 1 simple thing: draws an image. I can rotate the image like this: CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation((CGFloat)radians); self.transform = transform; // WORKS: DRAWS, ROTATES But if I delegate the image-drawing function to a subview, and apply the rotation transform to the subview: C...

MapView Annotation Callout action when opened

Hi, I have a mapview with serveral annotations. Every annotation has a leftCalloutAccessoryView which is a UIViewController class. The reason for this is that I want every annotation to load some data from the server, and add the result of that data to the annotation subTitle. This all works perfectly, except that I dont want to load a...

Is there a way to set a MKAnnotationViews callout to auto resize?

The problem I'm having is I'm doing reverse geocoding and the full address is getting cut off in the callout. Is there any way to set autoresizingsubviews to YES? Thanks Nick ...

MKMapView crash on removeAnnotation

I'm trying to remove annotaenter code heretion some a MKMapView but am crashing on this line: [self.mapView removeAnnotation:p]; p is an object that implements the MKAnnotation protocol and already has an annotation on that map. This is the message I'm getting when I crash: objc[46534]: FREED(id): message release sent to freed objec...

How to word wrap text in annotation subtitle

I tried to insert return and newline chars into the subtitle string, but they ended up as "spaces" and not line breaks. Since subtitle is simply an NSString I must look at the container, which likely means I'll have to roll my own annotation views. The NSString do become f.ex. "90510\nHollywood, CA", but maybe I have to 'encode' the new...

How do I update an MKAnnotation location with new coordinates?

Hi everyone, i'm having problems trying to update an annotation location with different coordinates. Is there any way I can change de location property without having to create another annotation? I've tried the code below with no luck. The annotation i'm trying to get is not updating its location. Please help! CLLocationCoordinate2D lo...

Scaling MKMapView Annotations relative to the zoom level

The Problem I'm trying to create a visual radius circle around a annonation, that remains at a fixed size in real terms. Eg. So If i set the radius to 100m, as you zoom out of the Map view the radius circle gets progressively smaller. I've been able to achieve the scaling, however the radius rect/circle seems to "Jitter" away from the P...

How to Hide MKAnnotationView Callout?

Hello, i'm trying to hide an AnnotationView without touching the pin, is the possible? Thanks! for (id currentAnnotation in self.mapView.annotations) { if ([currentAnnotation isKindOfClass:[MyAnnotation class]]) { } } ...

iphone annotations pins and buttons

Can anyone help me on how to use the - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView annotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view calloutAccessoryControlTapped:(UIControl *)control { method. I am trying to tell the annotation pins on my project appart and I can't figure out how. Every pin has a disclosure button but I can't figure out how the progra...

MKMapView: Bring some annotation views above others?

I have an MKAnnotationView subclass called ImageAnnotationView. It basically displays an image on the map. I want the regular MKAnnotationView views (the default pins) to appear above the ImageAnnotationView views. This is what I've tried so far but it doesn't seem to work: - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)imapView didAddAnnotationViews:...

MKMapView ignores update of centerOffset in iOS 4

I previously created a custom callout bubble as a subview to the MKAnnotationView because the built in callout is so limited. This requires me to change to centerOffset of the MKAnnotationView when it is selected to account for the size of the callout bubble. This all worked perfectly before iOS 4 came out. Now, with iOS 4, it complet...

How can we change the color of the callout that comes when we press a pin in MKMapView?

The callout that is being displayed when we press an MKAnnotationPin can be customised to have image, title and also subtitle. Is it possible to change the blackcolor of the callout to some other color, say brown? ...

How to remove annotations added as MKAnnotationView objects

I am new to using MapKit framework. I am adding an image to MKAnnotationView object at specific lat-long pair on map, say at (latA, longA). For the next iteration, i need to remove the annotation added and add new annotation at different lat-long pair, say at (latB, longB). Let me know of any help. Thanks @dity@ ...

MKAnnotationView update title and subtitle with distance when event is received

Hello, I'm developing an iphone app using mapkit and CLLocationManager. I put lots of MKPinAnnotationView on map (about 100) and I want to update all callout's subtitle whith user distance when I receive it. How to do it ? Thanks, David ...

MKPinAnnotationView subclass display anormaly - Strange problem of overlapping

Hi, I try to inherit from MKPinAnnotationView to display additional information on the callout, but unfortunately when I use this class, pins seems overlapping each over whereas it display in the good order when I use original MKPinAnnotationView. You can see how it display below after. with my custom subclass of MKPinAnnotationView ...

Detect Tap on CalloutBubble in MKAnnotationView

Hello! Im working with MKMapView and MKAnnotationView. I have an annotation in the map. When the users tap on it, the callOut Bubble is displayed. When the annotation is tapped again ( and the callOut Bubble is visible ) i need to change to another view. ¿How can i detect the second tap, or the tap in the bubble? Thanks in advice. ...

removing/stopping a specific mkAnnotationView from being reused.

Hi all, I've been playing around with the MapKit and came across a puzzling scenario that i'm not creative/knowledgable enough to work my way around of. In my map application, I have a mapView that I would like to drop pins onto. My dilema arrises from the fact that mapView reuses it's annotationViews. what I would idealy like to do, is...