
Google map on iphone apps : current location

Hi, I am working on an iPhone app in which I am implementing a map view. When the map loads, a purple pin is displayed at the current location. My problem is that I want to show the current location on a new view when the user touches this purple pin. Any idea? Please help. Thanks, Aaryan ...

Low memory problem drawing a route with MKAnnotationView

Hi! I'm drawing a route like it's done in but i'm not loading de coordinates from a file, i get the coordinates from GPS with CLLocationManager. The problem is that my app crash with low memory in the device. I guess it's the way i'm drawing the route. In - (MKAnnotationView *)mapViewMKMapView *)_mapVi...

How to remove all annotations from mkmapview without remove the blue dot IPHONE

Hi all, i would to remove all annotations from my mapview without the blue dot of my position, when i call: [mapView removeAnnotations:mapView.annotations]; all annotations are removed.... in wich way can i check (like a for loop on all the annotations) if the annotation is not the blue dot annotation?? thanks in advance.. ...

Is possible call animatesDrop in a MKAnnotationView rather than MKPinAnnotationView?? (IPHONE)

I, do you know that MKPinAnnotationView has a method "animatesDrop" to animate a pin annotation from the top to point on the map with a shadow?! possible do this with a custom image?? thanks..:) ...

How to open call out MKAnnotationView programmatically? (iPhone, MapKit)

I want to open up the callout for an MKPinAnnotationView programmatically. Eg I drop 10 pins on the map, and want to open up the one closest to me. How would I go about doing this? Apple has specified the 'selected' parameter for MKAnnotationView's, but discourages setting it directly (this doesn't work, tried it). For the rest MKAnnot...

I am not able to give an MKAnnotation an image!!!

Hey guys! I am having some trouble with giving an MKAnnotationView an image instead of a pin view. In other words, I am having trouble displaying a target image (target.png) instead of the normal pin view. Here is my code--- // .h file #import //Here it says to import mapkit NSString *mTitle; NSString *mSubTitle; } @end ...

Adding a new view on rightcalloutaccessoryview button press

Hello all: I want to add a new view on a rightcalloutaccessoryview button press. I currently have the functionality for dropping a pin on the map. A callout (MKAnnotation) with a title, subtitle, and chevron loads when I tap the pin. When I tap the chevron (rightcalloutaccessoryview) I want another view to pop up showing more informatio...

MKAnnotationView disappearing on swipe and double-tap zoom

I have subclassed MKAnnotationView to create an annotation that basically draws a circle around a point on a map view through override of drawRect. The circle draws fine in the following situations (in the simulator): On initial load of the map view On swipe, but only when swipe motion is stopped before touch ends (so that map doesn't...

Accessing the "selected" property of custom MKAnnotationView ?

I'm trying to use the "selected" property in MKAnnotationView ( discussed here ), this is for the user to be able to delete a selected annotation... The following piece of code should find the selected pin in MKMapView and remove it: CSMapAnnotation *a; for(a in [mapView annotations]) { if([a selected]) //Warning: 'CSMapAnnotatio...

Clean solution to know which MKAnnotation has been tapped?

Ok, so you typically have some object X you want to be annotated inside a MKMapView. You do this way: DDAnnotation *annotation = [[DDAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate: poi.geoLocation.coordinate title: @"My Annotation"]; [_mapView addAnnotation: annotation]; Then you create the annotation view inside - (MKAnnotationView *)mapView...

how to add more details in MKAnnotation in Iphone Os

I want to add more deatils in MKAnnotation like Location Title,Description, date, location Name. So it will be four lines that are needed. But i found that Only 2 parameters can be passed to MKAnnotation which are title and subtitle. So how i can add more details in map.Plz help me..Thanks in advance ...

How retrieve already diplayed MkAnnotation pin in MapView

Hey, one part of my applikation covers an MkMapview. Therefore i load a list of geocode information from my server and place each tuple as a MkAnnotation pin on my map. After being placed each MkAnnotation object will be released. Now i want to search for a specific MkAnnotation already being placed on my map and if available popup the a...

Multiple annotation callouts displaying in MKMapView

Hello, Is it possible to open simultaneously more then one callout? The code: - (void)mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:(MKMapView *)theMapView { for (id<MKAnnotation> currentAnnotation in theMapView.annotations) { [theMapView selectAnnotation:currentAnnotation animated:YES]; } } opens only one callout. ...

MyAnnotation does not implement the MKAnnotation protocol

Hi, I have a warning "MyAnnotation does not implement the MKAnnotation protocol" everytime I use this: [mapView addAnnotation:annotation]; or [mapView removeAnnotation:mapView.annotations]; Someone have an idea? ...

Issue with overlapping annotations (MKAnnotationView) on map

In my iphone application, I'm using MapKit with MKMapView and custom MKAnnotationView. The problem is when annotations overlap on map (in my app, annotations are photos and those photos may overlap) and when you tap on the annotation that appears on front, it's another annotation (on back) which receives the event (seems to be random). ...

How do I change the frame position for a custom MKAnnotationView?

I am trying to make a custom annotation view by subclassing MKAnnotationView and overriding the drawRect method. I want the view to be drawn offset from the annotation's position, somewhat like MKPinAnnotationView does it, so that the point of the pin is at the specified coordinates, rather than the middle of the pin. So I set the frame ...

iPhone SDK Annotation/Callout bubble on an image/button press

Hi SO Is it possible to show the typical iPhone maps annotation/callout bubble (MKAnnotation), on something other than a map? I'd like one to popup when I touch a UIButton in a UIView. (i.e. nothing to do with a map!) Can someone point me in the right direction? Regards ...

MKMapView - viewForAnnotation not called while loading more results

Edited to Add * I haven't found a solution for this one yet, can anyone please help? My problem is similar to this but the answer posted doesn't t work for me - *End Edit I have a search enabled map view. When user hits search, my custom annotations are added t...

ASIHttpRequest problems. "unrecognized selector sent to instance"

Hi, I am experiencing problems using ASIHttpRequst. This is the error I get: 2010-04-11 20:47:08.176 citybikesPlus[5885:207] *** -[CALayer rackDone:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x464a890 2010-04-11 20:47:08.176 citybikesPlus[5885:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** ...

Is there a way to set a MKAnnotationViews callout to auto resize?

The problem I'm having is I'm doing reverse geocoding and the full address is getting cut off in the callout. Is there any way to set autoresizingsubviews to YES? Thanks Nick ...