
Current Location with custom annotation, call-out and blue accuracy circle

Hi, After 2 hours of googling I couldn't find an answer so this is my last shot. I would like to use a custom annotation for the user current location on a mkmapview. But I also want to have the blue accuracy circle around it. Can this be done? If not, can I add a call-out to the default blue dot with circle? The reason that I nee...

Why is leftCalloutAccessoryView(image) of my MKAnnotation having its bottom cut in certain annotations?

I have subclassed my MKAnnotation and its working perfectly in all otherways - showing title, subtitle, pop-up and leftCalloutAccessoryView image also. Only problem is that when i take some of the annotations, ie, when they gives the popup showing all the details, the image that i have used in the leftCalloutAccessoryView is getting slig...

How can we change the color of the callout that comes when we press a pin in MKMapView?

The callout that is being displayed when we press an MKAnnotationPin can be customised to have image, title and also subtitle. Is it possible to change the blackcolor of the callout to some other color, say brown? ...

How can I group MKAnnotations automatically regarding zoom level?

if the user zooms out on a MKMapView, i want MKAnnotations which are near to each other automatically grouped into one "group" annotation. if the user zooms back in, the "group" annotation should be split again to the unique/original annotations. apple does this already in the iOS 4 is there a common, "predefined" way to do ...

NSManagedObject sublcass conform to the <MKAnnotation> protocol?

My main problem is storing the data which is not supported by Core Data. I already have a CLLocation property stored as a transformable attribute. I think the right approach is to declare a transient coordinate property. I keep getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors however. EDIT: My current subclass has the following interface: #import <Found...

dropping multiple pins on the map

Okay Here's what Iam trying to do. I would like to display multiple for the coordinates that are stored as latitudes and longitudes in an array called latlongStrings. They are then broken into array chunks and assigned to newRegions latitude and longitude's. This is the below code. - (void)gotoLocation { MKCoordinateRegi...

How to put a button on a Map in Iphone

i am trying to pull a map in my applcation with interface builder using MKMapView but for some reason its not showing up. Also i want to add some button to this view by clicking which i can browse a file existing in my iphone. Please provide me with the detial description as i am new to this. Thanks, ...

moving/updating MKOverlay on MKMapView

is there a way to update (i.e. moving around) a MKOverlay that is already added to the MKMapView. Removing a old one and adding a new one is terrible (slow). i.e i would like to trigger the background function that is calling this function when an overlay moves on the screen: - (MKOverlayView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForOverla...

Pulling map in my application through Interface Builder

I am new to iphone app development and trying to make an application where the home of the application is the Map with one button and the map should be able to show the user's current position and place an annotation at his current position. The annotation should be bale to take input or file from the iphone (Text, picture etc). Please...

iphone mapkit : have pins fall one by one

Hi. I'm using an mkmapview and dropping pins on to it. I would like the pins to fall one by one, rather than all simultaneously. Originally I was calling [self performSelector:@selector(dropPin) withObject:nil afterDelay:dropTime]; where dropTime was a different delay for each pin, and dropPin was a method to make the pin drop. Unfort...

Detect Tap on CalloutBubble in MKAnnotationView

Hello! Im working with MKMapView and MKAnnotationView. I have an annotation in the map. When the users tap on it, the callOut Bubble is displayed. When the annotation is tapped again ( and the callOut Bubble is visible ) i need to change to another view. ¿How can i detect the second tap, or the tap in the bubble? Thanks in advice. ...

is it possible to navigate with MKMapKit between the own point and an MKAnnotation ?

if i wanted to implement something like a carfinder, is it posible that on the mkmapview i can get routing-information ? maybe the line, we know from google-maps or any information in an csv (or sth like that) that tells some waypoint-information ? ...

add listener on iphone sdk maps (mkannotation being called in a strange fashion)

I have a map marker to which I've added an event listener. when I click on the marker, I can get it to NSLog out a message... yet when I then click on the map, it does the same. I don't know if this is usual behaviour? In the end, I am trying to get a popup viewcontroller appearing - but that's been put on hold until this works. So... ...

observeValueForKeyPath with UIPopoverController iphone map sdk

I'm adding an observer to my annotationviews with the following code - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didAddAnnotationViews:(NSArray *)views { for (MKAnnotationView *anAnnotationView in views) { //[anAnnotationView setCanShowCallout:YES]; [anAnnotationView addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"...

showsUserLocation does not display blue dot in iPhone 4.0

So, I've created a CLLocationManager, called it to start updating, set mapView.showsUserLocation to YES, and returned nil for the userLocation annotation. Here are some snippets from my code in my UIMapViewController: - (void)viewDidLoad { CLLocationManager *locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init]; [locationManager...

iphone mkannotationview strange problem - possibly being reused

Hi all. I've just found a strange issue with my sub classed mkannotationview. When I add the first 5 markers, they all work perfectly. In the mkannotationview sub class, I NSLog a message which I see 5 times. However, when I remove ALL the markers and redraw them - using all the same methods, I see the NSLog only once. It's like the m...

MKMapView not alway call the delegate to show the annotation

I have a mkMapView with one annotation. The first time every thing is OK. The application call the delegate - (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)theMapView viewForAnnotation:(id )annotation {...} and my annotation is working fine. When I need to change to a new map location (with a new annotation) the old one is release the new an...

iPhone: How to toggle mapkit 'showsUserLocation'

Disabling the 'blue dot' by setting showUserLocation = NO when dropping a pin at the user location in the center of the map. After dragging the pin to another location, I'd like to enable the blue dot again. Simply setting showUserLocation = YES again won't display the dot. Any idea what may not be correct? ...

Adding a route to a MKMapView

I'm trying to add a routing feature to an app I'm working on. I found Craig Spitzkoff's article on how to draw lines on an MKMapView which works pretty good. But since I don't have the coordinates of the points on the roads that doesn't help me as expected. Is there any way to determine the coordinates between to given points, say my cur...

MapKit setRegion and addAnnotations crashes in 3.1.2 devices

Hi, I am using MapKit in my app and i find that the setRegion and addAnnotations methods crashes my app. But i am sure that its something wrong with by project settings or flags as by another MapKit app is running fine on the same devices. Is it something wrong with my flags? I am using a library and using -all_load in linker flags. M...