
Object doesnt support this property or method

Why is it when i am looking at tutorials, or examples, when i just essentially do a cut and past onto my HTML page, i get the "Object doesnt support this property or method" on my page, but the site that i copied the script from does not give this error? is my jQuery library old? not sure what to do... here is what i am working on......

ASP.NET C# Javascript div Centering

hello everyone. I'm new here at Stack Overflow and this is my first question. I'm a rookie in .NET programming, my only real life programming experience is COBOL so go easy on me :p The thing is: I want to, when the user clicks a button on my website, to make a div appear in the center of the browser above all other content on the we...

Overlay just a part of an external page with jquery

Hi, How can i load a part of an external page with jquery overlay? I have an aspx call TipoFactor.aspx wich has a div inside a contentplaceholder like this: <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server"> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <br /> ...

Can overlay work with a portion of a page that has codebehind functionallity?

i have a complete DIV in wich a have a gridview and a multiview with codebehind action: <cc3:CRDataSource EnableViewState="true" ID="DsOpciones" runat="server" SQLSelect="CartelElectronico,OpcionSeleccion_Todos"> <Parameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="@FactorEvaluaci...

How to copy specified files whitout folder structure using overlays?

I would like copy just "file.xml" without folder structure using overlays like this: <overlays> <overlay> <groupId>com.mygroup</groupId> <artifactId>my_comp</artifactId> <includes> <include>WEB-INF/folder1/folder2/file.xml</include> </includes> <targetPath>WEB-INF/otherFolder</targetPath> ...

Attempting to calculate width of Map Overlays on the fly

Hey all- I am working on an Android app that utilizes the Google Maps API MapView, MapController, MapActivity, and ItemizedOverlay. I am basically trying to recreate certain functionalities of the Maps app (damn Google for not providing speech bubbles—for lack of a better name—for items!), particularly those speech bubbles. I have an i...

Recording custom overlay on iPhone

Hi all, I'm interested in recording a video with a custom overlay which would end up in the video itself. They could be UIImage or even better, an OpenGL viewport, is there even such possibility right now on any iPhone devices/SDK ? Thanks ...

OnTouchEvent in a MapItemizedOverlay

Hi, newbie here ... I have a MapView with a MapItemizedOverlay, like this : Drawable drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.androidmarker); itemizedOverlay = new MapItemizedOverlay(drawable); OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(p, "", ""); itemizedOverlay.addOverlay(overlayitem); mapOverlays.add(itemizedO...

SWT Overlay layout

I want to have a transparent canvas. I have a canvas in which video is getting rendered. I want a canvas on top of the video so that I can draw a rectangle over the video to select an area of the video for some other purpose (like to zoom, to take image etc...). Is it possible in SWT? Thanks. ...

Image overlay on external window

I'm writing a C# WPF application that creates a video capture of the active window. What I want to do is overlay a transparent .png file in the corner of the active window while a capture is in progress so that all the videos created by my application are watermarked. If I have the IntPntr handle of the window I am capturing and an ima...

Java GUI Overlay

Hey, I want to make an little window like the sort of thing used by Teamspeak/Ventrillo or Steam/xFire where a window can be shown while still in a fullscreen game using Java. There was a similar question/answer ("How to create an overlay window in Java?") but that doesn't work for the particular game (EVE) whereas the previously mention...

on hover overlay image in CSS

I need a div with picture bg to overlay an image (with some amount transparency) when hovered on. I need to be able to have one transparent overlay that can be used and reused throughout the site on any image. My first attempt was round-about to say the least. Because I found out you cannot roll-over an invisible div I devised a sandwhic...

Connecting GPS coordinates taken from a database in Android using Overlay

I am currently building an application that allows users to track where their phone has been on a Google Map. At the moment, when the onLocationChanged() method is called, the application stores the current GPS longitude and latitude in a database and calls the animateTo() method to the current position. Using SDK 1.5, how would I go a...

How can I overlay one image onto another?

I would like to display an image composed of two images. I want image rectangle.png to show with image sticker.png on top of it with its left-hand corner at pixel 10, 10. Here is as far as I got, but how do I combine the images? Image image = new Image(); image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"c:\test\rectangle.png")); image.Stretch...

Multiple overlay items in android

I seem to be having a problem with using ItemizedOverlay and OveralyItems in it. I can get the first overlayItem to appear on the map but not any items after that. Code sample is on: http://www.anddev.org/multiple_overlay_items-t12171.html Quick overview here: public class Markers extends ItemizedOverlay { private Context ctx; p...

Does anyone know how to create a message bubble with 2 buttons appears on top of an overlayitem for map application using android 2.1?

I currently have implemented an overlayitem that shows an icon for geopoint on a map application in Android. When the icon is clicked, it brings up an AlertDialog from the onTap method below. I have the following questions: Does anyone know how to display a map message bubble directly above the icon overlayitem with 2 callout buttons o...

Application stopped unexpectedly at launch

I've run this on a device and on the emulator. The app stops unexpectedly on both. I have not a clue what is wrong currently. It uses Google API Maps I compiled with Google Api 7. I followed this tutorial http://developer.android.com/guide/tutorials/views/hello-mapview.html (made some alterations clearly) I did use the correct API Ke...

Loading an OverlayView from XIB -vs- programmatically for use with UIImagePickerController

I am currently making a camera app for iPhone and I have a strange phenomenon that I can't figure out. I would appreciate some help understanding. When recreating an overlay view for passing to UIImagePickerController, I have been successfully been able to create the view programmatically. What I haven't been able to do is create the vi...

Overlay only draws line between first 2 GPS points in Android

Hi, I am experiencing an unusual error using ItemizedOverlay in Android. I am creating a GPS tracking device that plots a route between waypoints stored in a database. When I provide the first two sets of longitude and latitude points through the emulator in Eclipse, it draws a red line just how I want it, but if I send another GPS p...

Adding visible "Markers" to represent Geopoints to a MapView using ItemizedOverlay in Android

Hello, I am building an application which stores GPS locations in a SQLite database and then outputs the data onto a MapView using an Overlay by drawing a red line between the points. I want to be able to show graphical markers (images) for each of these points as well as the red line. My code is as follows: public class MyOverlay ex...