
PackageManager.getInstalledPackages() returns empty list

I am running into a very strange situation when using the PackageManager.getInstalledPackages() method. The first time I launch my activity I get a valid list of all the installed packages. But the second time I launch my activity I get an empty list... What could possibly be causing this? I am using this code to get the list: List pk...

How to easily install and uninstall unix packages

Hey everyone. I'm using the Ubuntu server for some time now. Everything is working fine, installing packages is a piece of cake. Usually I use aptitude or apt-get for package management. But...! There are cases when I need to install a package from a source. No problem usually I do ./configure, make install and so on. But...! There are a...

Installing R packages available for all users

I have a few R packages installed under ~/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.11. I would like to make them, and any other R package I install from now on, available to all R users. I don't mind re-installing the packages I already have in a neutral place (they are just a few). So how do I do that? ...

Resolving package conflict

Suppose we have a package called com.example1 containing a Hello class (along with other classes). Then we have another package com.example2 also containing a Hello class (obviously with different behaviour). Now let's suppose we need every class in com.example1 and the Hello class in com.example2 import com.example1.*; import com.exa...

Package Name change results in permanent permissions problem

I mistyped the package name when I created my android project, and it took me a while to notice. I used Eclipse's Rename function on the package to change it, and sort out all the references. I've updated the Manifest, and manually checked every file for any references to the old package name. However when I launch the app (it's a live w...

Compiling multiple packages using the command line in Java

Hi i have been using an IDE but now I need to run and compile from the command line. The problem is that I have multiple packages and I have tried to find the answer but nothing has worked. So I have src/ Support/ (.java files) Me/ (.java files) Wrapers/ (.java files) Do you know how to compile everything with javac? ...

define vspackage in multiple vsct file

I have a vspackage that I want to define in multiple vsct files. So for example, I have 2 buttons under the same package but i want to define the 1st one in a.vsct and the second in b.vsct. I tried a.vsct: ... .. b.vsct: ... .. am I doing this wrong ...

define vspackage in multiple vsct file

I have a vspackage that I want to define in multiple vsct files. So for example, I have 2 buttons under the same package but i want to define the 1st one in a.vsct and the second in b.vsct. I tried a.vsct: ... <Commands package="guidMyPkg"> <Button guid="guidMyCmdSet" id="cmdidMyId1" priority="0x0000" type="Button"> .. </Button> </Comm...

why use structure?

Does anyone know of the practical reasons for the package structure and why it has become the de-facto standard? Does anyone actually store everything in a folder-structure that directly reflects this package structure? (this is coming from an Actionscript perspective, btw) ...

Java : protected access across package

Hi, I was curious to understand what's happening here.( a protected member being accessed outside the package through a subclass ) I know for classes outside the package, the subclass can see the protected member only through inheritance. consider two packages - package1 and package2. 1) package1 - pac...

C++ Builder DLL can not link unit obj from a Delphi Package (BPL). How to fix it?

I have a C++ Builder DLL that must link against a Delphi package (BPL), and I think it is possible that the Delphi package may need to be rebuilt to allow it to be used by both C++ Builder and Delphi, but I don't know which options need to be set on the Delphi package. The current problem is that "UnitX.obj" is not found (ILINK32 error)...

Actionscript 3.0 cross-project folder/package structure best practise

I'm currently looking at structuring my teams projects into a consistent manner that properly utilises packages and is easily version-controlled (via SVN). I'm interested in any 'best practise' with regards to project structuring and how to use consistent packaging without lumping everything into a gigantic com.domainname.projects folde...

Flash error 5001: name of package does not reflect location?

I'm getting an error on Flash that I've never run in to before. 5001: The name of package 'Document' does not reflect the location of this file. Please change the package definition's name inside this file, or move the file. C:\Work\2009-2010\Flash\Tests\ The fla is called TestEvents1... and that's all the info I...

Packaging JSPF and javascript files

Our javascript YUI framework depends a lot on html elements written on jspf file. As it is getting more complex, we are trying to find a way to package the jspf along with javascript files to ease deployment. Currently to modify/add new element, we have to modify jspf and add the javascript dependencies manually. Is there a way to pa...

How to properly use relative or absolute imports in Python modules?

Usage of relative imports in Python has one drawback, you will not be able to run the modules as standalones anymore because you will get an exception: ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package # / just a sample file importing foo module import foo ... # /foo/ from . import bar ... if __name__ == "__main__": ...

History of Namespaces/Packages/Modules?

I've been researching how different languages manage organization of source code. It appears most modern languages use some form of named abstract container. What its called and how its implemented varies from one language to the next but it boils down to a programming construct that operates beyond file boundaries to group related code....

Is this a problem with the Django tutorial or a package problem, or is it me?

I'm using Ubuntu 10, python 2.6.5 I'm following this tutorial: I followed all of the steps using cut-and-paste. The following directory structure was automatically created: bill@ed-desktop:~/projects$ ls -l mysite total 36 -rw-r--r-- 1 bill bill 0 2010-09-01 08:18 -rw-r--...

Shorthand for referring to Perl/Moose package names?

In both Python and Java we have import to eliminate the repetition of fully-qualified package/module names throughout code. Is there any equivalent in Perl/Moose? I think it would really make Moose nicer to use if we didn't have to repeat MyApp::Model::Item. Instead, I'd like to [somehow declare] MyApp::Model::Item; and later on, simply ...

adding python packages to uClinux

I have distribution of uClinux, throught "menu config" I check python and compile("make"). I have python on my chip now. There is a binary executable file /bin/python. But what about python packages? There are only some basic packages as sys, time etc. I want to add for example package pyserial for serial port. Before compilation I ca...

Merge relationship in UML 2 package diagrams

I was reading this Wikipedia page on UML 2 package diagrams. This page mentions a relationship of merge between 2 packages. Quoting the article: "A package merge is "a directed relationship between two packages, that indicates that the contents of the two packages are to be combined. It is very similar to Generalization in the sen...