
web-inf and jsp page directives

i have a number of jsp files under web-inf folder. Inside my web.xml i specify an errorppage for 404 amd 403 and java.lang.exception. Do i need to include a page directive for each of my jsp's or will they automatically get forwarded to the exception handling page because they are under web-inf? If this is true does this mean that jsps ...

How to set Async Page Directive Dynamically so Async Methods work

I am writing some Utility code to send off emails Async. var mailClient = new SmtpClient(smtpHost); mailClient.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(mailClient_SendCompleted); using (var mailMessage = new MailMessage()) { if (!((System.Web.UI.Page)HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler).IsAsync) { // set to Async?... page crashes other asp pages

I have a couple pages that use a few database connections - the problem is when these two pages are separately loaded they crash all the other .asp pages but none of the .aspx pages. I get this error however for the asp pages that don't load: HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed ...

IVR application on Nortel MPS 500 not working with ASP.NET MVC

We have a web server running IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET MVC, that is serving plain xml. The IVR Browser is not accepting the xml being output by the web server. The Controller just returns a normal ActionResult, but changes the Content-Type to text/xml. The View is just a typical aspx page, but instead of html, we've put xml in there inste...

ASP.NET app debug error

I have a web application that I am having issues with. The schema of the web application is that there are main files and sub files within sub folders. I compile the application and deploy to the webserver, which does not carry the .cs files over. When I use CodeBehind, custom user controls on the sub-files are not being found. Error: ...

Confusing could not load type error

I have looked at the other questions on here and I dont see an answer for what is happening to my web app. My situation is this: The main web application has numerous sub_folders for events. Each of these sub_folders has a default.aspx page. Whenever I try to debug any of the default.aspx pages I keep receiving the "Could not load type...

What is a Page Directive in .NET

I'm studying up for a Microsoft Certification exam, and some of the wording for the 'content' in the examn confused me. In the MS exam website, under Developing Web Form Pages, it says in regard to the content on the exam... This objective may include but is not limited to: page directives such as ViewState, request validation, even...

Which dll will aspx compiler use when a dll is referenced one but multiple versions exist in bin folder

I have an ASP.NET Web Application which has a reference to 'C:\references\Utils.Varia.dll'. There is another dll referenced which uses the signed version of this dll ('C:\references\Utils.Varia.Signed.dll'). Now in my aspx i have the following imports directive: <%@ Import Namespace="Utils.Varia" %> This page uses a string extension fr...