
Flex - prevent tooltips from hiding. Persistent tooltips

Hi Folks, I'm trying to prevent a custom tooltip from disappearing. I've tried three runs at this, borrowing from the usual suspects: Peter Dehann, MonkeyPatch and others. As you can see from the code below I'd like to stay within the tool tip paradigm and not go to popups. Can anyone suggest a way to persist a tooltip? The intent...

Empty message in gridPanel

I'm using Extjs gridPanel to display data. I want to show "No data..." message in gridPanel when no data available. How to do this ?. I tried emptyText property but its not worked. I think emptyText is for gridView not for gridPanel. Please help me how to show empty data message in gridPanel.(I'm using gridPanel not grid View) ...

Height of table needs to be same height as panel

In both IE8 and Firefox I am experiencing the following: I have a panel that is 30px in height, within this panel I have a single row table with 30px in height. When it displays on the browser window the table does not fill the height of the panel (there is a small amount of the panel showing on the top and bottom. How do I correct this...

Intercepting the value change of SetChildIndex

Hi everybody! In a .NET CF-form i have multiple panels. I want to have a property that should always be informed about if a panel is in the front. Can this be done using the GetChildIndex() method? If yes, how do i intercept the change to SetChildIndex()? Thanks in advance ...

How can I add a class to the open panels?

Can anyone help me I have two panels I’m using on one page and I only want one to show at a time so I made an adjustment to the js but it doesn’t seem to be adding the class. Can anyone help? $(document).ready(function () { $("div.panel_buttonGal").click(function () { $("div#panelGal").animate({ ...

Draw a "TPanel" in WINAPI?

Hello, I want to extend an open/save dialog with a "drop-box" which should look like a TPanel (bevel). The code is already there - I use CreateWindowEx() with WNDCLASS name "Edit". I have searched for a solution to draw a TPanel (resp. a beveled STATIC) with pure WinAPI, but did not found anything. MS Spy++ tells me that a TPanel has ...

Richfaces Model Panel Not Working in commandButton/Link With HigherVersion of browser

Hello,I m trying to call a model Panel through CommandButton in Windows Vista Mozilla Firefox:-Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101012 Firefox/3.6.11 GTB7.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) When Ever i m clicking On the CommandButton IT is showing a blank white Page and its look like Browser Serching anything.and...

Java: Best way to display multiple buffered images in a horizontal orientation(e.g. film reel)

I have a doubly linked list that's storing a bufferedimage in each node. I can easily retrieve all the buffered images by creating an iterator and iterating through list. I want to display each node horizontally one after the other in some sort of a panel. This would be similar to a film reel where frames are linked one after the other. ...