
Could this WPF code benefit from Parallel.For and how ?

Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to convert this so it would be more performant by using a Parallel.For for example. public FrameworkElement FindIntersectingElement(Rect rectangle, UIElement activeElement) { foreach (var child in this.Children) { if (child != activeElement) { if (GetBounds(chi...

Do the parallel-for in .net 4.0 takes privilege of GPU computing automatically?

Do the parallel-for in .net 4.0 takes privilege of GPU computing automatically? Or I have to configure with some drivers so that it uses GPU. ...

Why is Dictionary crashing when I am sure I am accessing different value references synchronously?

During adding key to dictionary, it is crashing if I don't lock on it and giving NullReferenceException which is reasonable Rarely sometimes it is also crashing when I am adding element to the Dictionary Value (list reference), which is weird... I have another question as well. The files are in text format. Sometimes reading them takes...

Parallel.For as opposed to for loop

I am experimenting with parallel programming. I have a normal loop: for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Thread ID: {0} and i is " + i + " Time Elapsed: " + sw.Elapsed, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); } This loops just increments numbers to 100000 Can I use this for loop and turn it into a Parallel...