
Java parallel frontend architecture

Not so long ago I asked question about frontend architecture: So I came up with an idea of parallel fetching resources from backend to minimize latency and uniformly distribute workload on backend. Implementation of such architecture I see in nonblocking fetching resource...

Is there an equivalent to 'continue' in a Parallel.ForEach?

I am porting some code to Parallel.ForEach and got an error with a continue I have in the code. Is there something equivalent I can use in a Parallel.ForEach functionally equivalent to 'continue' in a foreach loop? Parallel.ForEach(items, parallelOptions, item => { if (!isTrue) continue; }); ...

AsParallel: does it make sense for small number of elements in container?

public class ReplacementService : IReplacementService { public List<int> GetTeamReplacementWeight(int iTeamId) { IEnumerable<TeamReplacementGroup> groups = TeamReplacementGroup.GetTeamGroups(iTeamId); List<int> weights= groups .Select(group => group.GetWeight()) .AsParallel() .T...

How native is OpenCL in Java?

I see there is an OpenCL binding for Java. Does this enable one to truly program in Java, using CPU / GPU etc. as processing cores, or does it merely give Java apps access to C++ OpenCL enabled methods? Out of interest, is there an OpenCL binding for .Net? ...

approaches to speed up scientific computations on server accessible by internet users

Hi Experts, I'm interested in any conventional wisdom how to approach the following problem. Note that I'm a hardware guy, so be careful using industry knowledge/terminology/acronyms. I'm providing an online application that includes very complex math computations, such as fast-Fourier transforms, that involve nested for-loops and very...

Doing parallel processing in bash?

I've thousands of png files which I like to make smaller with pngcrush. I've a simple find .. -exec job, but it's sequential. My machine has quite some resources and I'd make this in parallel. The operation to be performed on every png is: pngcrush input output && mv output input Ideally I can specify the maximum number of parallel o...

Parallel.ForEach throws exception when processing extremely large sets of data

My question centers on some Parallel.ForEach code that used to work without fail, and now that our database has grown to 5 times as large, it breaks almost regularly. Parallel.ForEach<Stock_ListAllResult>( lbStockList.SelectedItems.Cast<Stock_ListAllResult>(), SelectedStock => { ComputeTipDown( SelectedStock.Symbol ); } ); The Com...

AsParallel with classic ADO.NET

I'm wondering if using by AsParallel would speed up my code in the way we use it. I write here some very simplified pseudo code, to illustrate what I have in mind: Let's say 3 SqlCommand under the same SqlConnection like this (pseudo code): RunADOQueryForRequest() // returns one row RunADOQueryForRequestAnswer() // returns about 100 r...

Parallel Processing in python

Whats a simple code that does parallel processing in python 2.7? All the examples Ive found online are convoluted and include unnecessary codes. how would i do a simple brute force integer factoring program where I can factor 1 integer on each core (4)? my real program probably only needs 2 cores, and need to share information. I know ...

Can message-oriented middleware be used instead of MPI to coordinate distributed computation?

By message-oriented middleware I am referring to technologies such as Advanced Message Queuing Protocol. Obviously AMQP is a different beast than MPI, but I would think distributed-memory computations that operate in a master-slave manner could be trivially implemented using AMQP, letting AMQP handle equitable work distribution to sla...

Extending python Queue.PriorityQueue (worker priority, work package types)

Hi! I would like to extend the Queue.PriorityQueue described here: The queue will hold work packages with a priority. Workers will get work packages and process them. I want to make the following additions: Workers have a priority too. When multiple workers are idle the on...

C++: How to parallelize reading lines from an input file when lines get independently processed?

I just started off with OpenMP using C++. My serial code in C++ looks something like this: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string line; std::ifstream inputfile(argv[1]); if(inputfile.is_open()) { whi...

Job step loop for LoadLeveler job scripts?

Hi, I'm using LoadLeveler to submit jobs on an IBM/BlueGene architecture. I read the documentation made from IBM and also gave Google a try, but I cannot find how to do the following, which I expect should be there: One can use the queue keyword to tell LoadLeveler that a new job step is described, so I could do something like fir...

Round-robin processing with MPI (off by one/some)

I have an MPI implementation basically for IDW2 based gridding on a set of sparsely sampled points. I have divided the jobs up as follows: All nodes read all the data, the last node does not need to but whatever. Node0 takes each data point and sends to nodes 1...N-1 with the following code: int nodes_in_play = NNodes-2; for(int i=0;i...

How to parallelize this situation with robots

Hello, I'm working on a robotic problem. The situation is something like this: There are N number of robots (generally N>100) initially all at rest. Each robot attracts all other robots which are with in its radius r. I've set of equations with which I can compute acceleration, velocity & hence the position of the robot after time del...

Memory management bottleneck to SMP Parallelism

Across multiple languages (mostly D and Java/Jython) I've noticed that parallel programs with no obvious synchronization bottleneck often don't scale well to 4 or more cores because of memory management bottlenecks. I'm aware that thread-local allocators mitigate this problem, but most garbage collector implementations still need to sto...

Parallelism and Synchronization

Imagine you are utilizing Parallelism in a multi-core system. Is it not completely possible that the same instructions may be executed simultaneously? Take the following code: int i = 0; if( blockingCondition ) { lock( objLock ) { i++; } } In my head, it seems that it is very possible on a system with multiple cores a...

How to run unit tests (MSTest) in parallel ?

I am looking for ways to run test suites in parallel. I am aware of .testrunconfig setting. This allows you to multiplex on the number of CPUs. I want to run 1000 tests in parallel. This makes sense because I am testing a web service, so 90% of the time spent in a test is waiting for the service to respond. Any ideeas on how to p...

I want to optimise the upload of a file onto the server - whats the best way to do it?

Hi all, I have a rails app that does the following (at the moment linear) process: (1) User uploads a file via HTTP and a standard upload form on a standard HTML page (2) The file is uploaded to an apache server (same server as the one hosting the app) (3) The server uploads the file to remote storage service (call this storage 1) (4) ...

CUDA counting, reduction and thread warps

I'm trying to create a cuda program that counts the number of true values (defined by non-zero values) in a long vector through a reduction algorithm. I'm getting funny results. I get either 0 or (ceil(N/threadsPerBlock)*threadsPerBlock), neither is correct. __global__ void count_reduce_logical(int * l, int * cntl, int N){ // sum...