
Check if_parent and if_child in Wordpress

I need to create a function for WP that will check if the current category is both child of X category and parent to Z category. Ideas? ...

forking a process seems to eat up certain lines of code - Objective-C

Here's a simplified version of my code: - (IBAction)convert:(id)sender { /* these two lines are ignored */ [textbox setStringValue:@"converting"]; [convertButton setEnabled:NO]; pid_t pid; if((pid=fork())==-1) { [log setStringValue:@"couldn't fork a new process."]; converting = 0; [convertBut...

How to conserve parent detail when clicked on child menu in jquery

Hi, I have menu designed using jQuery in oracle apex.The menu is like this Parent1 child1 child2 parent2 child3 child4 parent3 child5 child6 My problem is when I click on parent1 only child1 and child2 should display but in my case each parent gets expanded. And the user can see all the childs. Which should n...

How to expand particular parent in Jquery

Hi I have a menu made using jquery.I want that when i click on particular parent only child under that parent shud expand all other child under other parent shud get hide. I have got parent id so based on that i can expand a particular parent. My code is as follows. <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var msg1; var msg14; var ms...

Can i call htp.p(' $(this).parent(''.parent_menu'').find(''.child_menu'').slideDown("slow");'); in document.ready

I have a menu in which i need to list child for a particular parent only but on click of child item the page gets refreshed and all the child gets expanded so my query is can i use htp.p(' $(this).parent(''.parent_menu'').find(''.child_menu'').slideDown("slow");'); after htp.p(' $(document).ready(function(){'); As when i am trying ...

MySQL syntax for Wordpress

Hi, I need to retrieve data from a Parent > Child > Child relationship category setup. And I have no CLUE as to the proper SQL query syntax for that. Help? Thanks, Tomer ...

how do i pass a URL address from a parent to iframe when clicking on something in the parent?

Hi, I have an html page with an iframe in it. The iframe only does 1 thing which holds the longtail video player. Here is the code for the longtail video player (the iframe)... <script type='text/javascript'> var so = new SWFObject('player.swf','mpl','725','415','9'); so.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so.addParam('allowscrip...

Delphi Child Class

Hi everyone, it's a dumb question i think..But.. When a declare a child class of a other class in Delphi, is the childs gets directly the parents methods? explanations: A class named 'P' is parent of a class named 'C', the 'P' class has a method called 'Mth'. Is it possible to call 'C.Mth' or do i notice something in the declaration of '...

C# Hierarchical Categories structure

Hello Guys I am developing a small C# windows application and in the need to Hierarchical Categories structure design. I am cuurrently using a single layer Categories from the DB i.e. no child categories. I would like to go about and allow the user to create multiple level categories. I looked into this thread Data structure for Categor...

How do I track the parent data item of a nested ListView?

I have an asp:ListView control with a data pager control in it. In the ItemTemplate of this list view, I have a child asp:ListView control, also with a data pager control in it. When I click the next page (or any page) of the data pager in the child list view, paging doesn't move. I solved this problem by subscribing to the PageProper...

Window Children Z-Order not updating c++ winapi mfc

hi, i have a problem with my children ;) i have a main-window (CWnd) to which i add several children (CWnd) to it. the usual behavior should be, that, no matter where i click on the child (e.g. to resize or move), the child comes to front. but thats not the case. only, when i exactly click on the caption. any ideas how to correct that? ...

Howto get the deepest XML child matching certain attributes relative to the parrents in actionscript 3?

If I have the following XML in actionscript 3: <xml> <element1 x="10" y="10" width="200" height="200"> <child>text</child> <child x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100"> content </child> </element1> <element2 x="10" y="10" width="200" height="200"> </element2> <element3> </element3> </xml...

Logic to Implement Parent Child Relationship in efficient manner.

Hi.. Friends, I have a Table where Parent Child Relation ship is stored as: ChildID Name ParentID 1 A1 Null 2 A2 1 3 B1 Null 4 A3 2 5 A4 1 I m Woking on Objective C and I need to Generate a text File in Manner: Name =A1> Name =A2> Name =A3/>...

Triggering a non-static class from a static class?

I am writing a class library(API) in C#. The class is non-static and contains several public events. Is it possible to trigger those events from a static method in a separate class? For example... class nonStaticDLLCLASS { public event Event1; public CallStaticMethod() { StaticTestClass.GoStaticMethod(); } } class Stati...

Howto update a xml document's child regardless of it's "vertical index"/depth in actionscript 3?

I'm in a situation where I have a xml document which is going to be updated in the following way: The deepest child within the document which surrounds a certain x,y position (depending on it's x, y, width and height attributes) is going to get a new child element. If multiple childs exist with the same depth, the bottom one is updated. ...

How to specify the parent query field from within a subquery in mySQL?

Is there a way to specify the parent query field from within a subquery in mySQL? For Example: I have written a basic Bulletin Board type program in PHP. In the database each post contains: id(PK) and parent_id(the id of the parent post). If the post is itself a parent, then its parent_id is set to 0. I am trying to write a mySQL que...

In C++ can you extend a parameterized base class with different parameter value in the child class?

In all the languages that I understand this is not possible but someone was telling me it was possible in C++ but I have a hard time believing it. Essentially when you parameterize a class you are creating a unique class in the compilation stage aren't you? Let me know if I am not being clear with my question. Here is my attempt at ex...

Flash. Prevent mouse drag on child

Hi, I have a movieclip with a child button in it. The movieclip can be dragged and dropped. I want to disable dragging and dropping of the movieclip when I press/drag on the child button. mouseChildren=false and mouseEnable=false don't work, since I want to keep my mouse events for the button. --------------------------------- | Movie...

Ruby on Rails: How to gather values for child tables from a form?

Referencing question #2013421, I have the following RoR models: class Game < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :piles end class Pile < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :game end For the sake of argument, suppose Game has an attribute name, and Pile has an attribute type, both string. There are precisely 10 piles per game. I would like a ...

Nested element won't remove parent class

The class is set on an <li> by it being clicked. Now a nested element (<button>) will not remove the class from it's parent. Thanks in advance. $(document).ready(function() { $('.pickOne li').click(function() { $(this).addClass('active'); }); $('.settingsCancelBtn').click(function() { $(this).parent()...